Friday, October 08, 2004

Arlow.... haha... was quite sometime since my last entry about myself... Haha... the previous entries are all short short ones and are often complaining... So heres a update of my progress for the past few days :)
Let me see.... lets start with monday :D Went to school early in the morning cos need to prepare and give out prizes..... cos a few people from our school too part in some competition,,, which I wasn't informed of and then won some commendation award.... So yar... because they took part in the name of IT club, so I have to give a brief intro to the school and announce their names to get the cert. from the principal... So hehe.... was very scary at the beginning where everyone starts to assemble at the parade square. Then hmm... then I 'gen ta ping le' haha... went up there, read out the speech then come back down.... Then hehe... when I was up there... everything was alright :) I wasn't as nervous as before liao :D hehe.... Actually hor, I wanted to go up there not to read some stupid speech, but to be the parade commander :D :D. Haha... I missed the time where I shouted in secondary school :D It was so fun :D Haha.... still remember that time, I was like dun want to go up.... so I stayed till the last minute then go up there... and it was min zhong who encouraged me :D So glad that there was him othewise I would have missed a very nice experience :) Thank you :D
OKie.... then lets continue further down this week... Open house :D Hmm... was very very busy with the prepareation of open house. Stayed back a lot after school, then now thats its finally over, felt quite weird when I can go home so early today. So yar, on the open day itself, I called for a meeting... but only 5 people turned up. My video production team, bin, then another came super late. Haiz.... where did all the rest go? So yar, that day was only the 5 of us 'zhi cheng da ju'. Well.... was rather slack lar. Cos our venue is on the second floor. And nobody come to the second floor, except for ocassional 'lost' souls and 2 guided tour. HAiz..... So yar... slacked the whole day in the air-con room.... So I learned something from this experience. It is better to have a small space in the crowded area, then a big air-conditioned place in a deserted area.
K lar, then I shall move on to today. Today went to popular at Lot one with sen min to get my TYS :P haha... only 1 week before then I buy me TYS... hehe... So yar, on the way back I saw MRs Yeo :D HEhe... I called her. She seemed very tired. So had a small chat. then when she heard I wasn't taking chem anymore.... her face become :.... haha....
OKay... have to go for dinner now :D
Will return tonight with some gossips :P. Stay tuned :D

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