Monday, October 25, 2004

Haiz... Life sux....Even after promos still dun have a easy life....Still have so much things to do....really is ' yi bo wei ping yi po you qi'.....Stupid YJ have this INTENSIVE mother tongue and PW time table....We have to stay back everyday until earliest 3pm to do nothing but Mother tongue and PW...Imagine more than 4 Hours each day on this kind of stupid things.....And it last for an entire WEEK!!!!Wonder how am I going to get tru this week.....Then haiz...But there is something to be happy about lar...Cos the Oral presentation exam is due next week...And the file is due the day after that....So hehe....that means that I will no longer need to do PW after next week!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!But for now still have to suffer a bit lor......

Haiz.....then about the flash movie... hahadeadline is 1st november... Also next week!!!!!
And cos this is by mail, I need to send it by this thursday to make sure that it dosen't arrive late......
Argh!!!!!So much things to do...Still got PW sia.....

The file must be in by this thurs for a final read tru by ST to give comments for the last time.... Then we still got a lot of evaluations to do!!!!! Then tmr lesson end very late..... think the school sux lar.... Like purposely make us stay until 3pm everyday one lor....
When they have nothing to fill up the time table, instead of letting us go early... they put wad... supervision class.... Super lame lar.... waste time only lor....

Haiz... wasn't a very good start of the week....

Today also whole morning stomachache.... Stupid sia... dun wad I eat wrong in the morning.... Suspected it the 'mee pok' instand noodles I bought yesterday...... then throughtout the chinese paper I was like 'ren!!!' 'ren!!!!'..... Then the audi still so cold.... Argh... was living hell down there.... Still managed to finish the paper lar....

Today also got back our chinese promos result.....
A bit ' xin tong' lar.... My 'zhong he tian kong' Only got 2 marks out of 20..... The teacher mark until very song..... The first question correct, then all the way down, the rest of the nine question... All cross cross cross.....
' Xin tong' cos my compo rarely got such high marks.... but because of the 'zhong he tian kong' pull down my marks by so much..... And the mutiple choices questions also a bit 'xin tong' though not as much, cos quite normal lar.... 'xin tong' is beacuse ALL THOSE I GOT WRONG... is I got the correct answer at first.... But recheck paper that time... duno why go and change the answers in the end got it all wrong.... About 3 questions like that leh.... Make me lose so much more marks.... Hmm..... still remember last time CWSS invite some people to give talks.... HE said that our first instinct is always correct.... When you write down the answer, just leave it... dun change it unless it is a confirm wrong.... If you have doubts, just put in wad your first instinct tells you.... And in this case, really regretted not heeding that advice.... So must learn from mistake.... this is only promos.... Hope that I will not repaeat this mistake in the A levels... which is round the corner....

Okay lar... thats all for today.... Bye~ Have a nice week ahead :D

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