Friday, October 15, 2004

Arlow :) HEhe... quite glad that my com is back to normal now :D Perhaps its because its the weekends already.... and I've been a good boy studying for promos... so heaven let me play for a while :D Okie...
Well... can really see everyone is preparing for promos hur~.... My shoutbox still got no new msg.....
Haha... anyway.... Hmm... just fininshed econs mind-map..... Was a really big one.... Used up the whole mahjong paper... but well... think its quite reasonable lar.... I used 2 mahjong paper for Combined Humanities during O lvls... One for geog and another for social studies.... So haha... now its only 1 subjects... and 1 year so hehe... by the end of next year I would get 2 pieces :) But hor.... really got a bit more lar, cannot be in jc the workload still same as sec school right.... So haha... got a lot of overflowing going on....
Anyway.... My sis got a brochure ( duno how to spell ) from CTSS cos she P6 now.... Then guess wad I saw..... My first impression is "Kua tio hui ar!!!!" Jackie Wu style. ( Direct translation: See ghost ar!!! )
Haha... GUESS WHO I SAW!!!! I saw my sec school, CWSS principle MISS TAY!!!!! Was totally unexpected.... cos it was in other school's brochure. LOL....
She was giving some trophy to a CTSS student.... As if CWSS very good like that.... haha...
Actually was very shock when my sis got the booklet for choosing school....
CWSS has dropped so so so much.... Its now in band six lor..... same as CTSS, min agregate 231, and even swiss cottege got a higher band than us lor.... Haiz.... Very dissapointed..... when I went in that time, CWSS was at its prime.... was very proud to be a student of CWSS.... But now.... it gets worst and worst.... maybe a few years down the road, CWSS would become just a normal neighbourhood school.....
At first I thought CWSS standard keeps dropping because the intake every year is getting worst.... But I see that the min aggregate still remain the same.... SO the problem lies with the school, the quality of the input remain constant but the quality of the output dropped....
Haiz.... anyway.... its still nice to be in a school like CWSS :D Will always be proud to be a student there. Really learned a lot of thing during the 4 years in there :D
K lar... think thats about all for today....
Do visit my blog more often after exams :D

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