Saturday, October 30, 2004

:) Another saturday night.....

Today was erm... lonely lar...... Actually.... I'm lonely everyday......

Was intending to go out to walk walk today.... but got very very heavy rain.... so had to stay at home..... Then the rain ended at around 6.... So went out for dinner.... Went looking for a stall selling western food which is positioned third in a food programme by channel U... Since its around CCK area, so decided to go looking for it....
So took bus to CCK interchange to look for CCK ave 2 from the locality map..... Check out the bus service, took the bus.... and went off.... Cos I didn't remember the map, so roughly remembered CCK primary school, so I alighted once I saw it...
But looking around.... Can't find any place that is selling food.... So wander around.... from my memory, there was a place near the MRT station which looks like a market.... So decided to go check it out..... Then wander around... going between blocks... haha... people might think I'm lost, since I keep going round and round and often coming back to the same place....
Finally found that place, but guess it wasn't the one featured.... So haiz.... decided to walk back to sunshine place for dinner....
The kopitiam there was erm... in very bad condition lar.... There are pails everywhere, think the roof leaked when it was raining.... THen the floor very slippery, not from the water, but it feels oily..... Haiz.. was totally different from when it started business few years ago.... last time still got air-con.... now I think it became a heater...... Blowing warm air out...... Haiz.. looked around.... 12 stalls only 9 stalls in business... and the food dosen't look appetizing.... So decided to settle for western food lar.... But haiz... big mistake...... I started out looking for the best western food stall, but ended up with the worst.....
I ordered fish and chips, the fish were okay... but the salad... OMG.... the veggies very tough.... then the fries... not very nice.... the garlic bread.. also not that nice either.... Haiz.... sad ar.....
So after that bought soy milk and decided to walk all the way to Lot 1 to walk walk see crowd lor.....
Then was walking tru the blocks... haiz... scary sia.... looks very dead... no life at all, the lights also very dim.... Haiz... sian ar... then slowly walk and walk reach lot1 liao.....
Wanted to look for some games shop to see got any games to buy or not... nowadays very sian.... no games to play... But, haiz.... there's no game shop in lot 1.... So haiz... went into laserflair to see see got any new movies or not.... then remembered they got this rental service.... So decided to rent some movies home.... (review of the movies will be below) ... me first time renting VCD.... so a lot of procedures I duno.... then :S very malu.... then the shop assistance also give me those black black face.... see liao also sian....
Haiz....... sian ar....... doing that all alone.... how I wish for someone to share these kind of things with me.... you know, I love to wander around singapore (can read my past entries if you want)..... But I lack of someone whom can wander around with me..... I need someone..... are you someone whom like to wander around too? Pls msg me if you are, so I can ask you out next time I go wandering round singapore :)

OKay... I rented 2 movies.... 50 first dates and the league of extrodinary gentleman.... was looking around the shop for spiderman 2, but think not out yet... so decided to rent these 2...

So... haha... just watch 50 first dates.....
Very nice show... very touching too :) haha... its about his girl whom dosen't have short term memory due to a car accident...
then bla bla bla.... the story continues....
The thing I found very interesting is that, the girl, cos she dosen't have short term memory, she will watch a video tape every morning.... telling her what has happened to her for the past year.... then she will have to get over the fact that she has lost her memories... then after crying and getting over it, she will carry on with her life for the day, then the next day, she will forget everything and have to start all over again.....
Haha... can you imagine yourself like that? you know.... have to do someting again and again evryday... and think that it is always the first time doing it.... Feels kind of weird....
Well... was quite a nice show... so... haha.... if you missed the screening, can go buy or rent it to watch :)

OKay, next thing... wanna share this news I found on the streats newspaper....

Swearing makes you impotent

London- Too much swearing can make men impotent and women develope male characteristics such as facial hair and extra muscles, BBC Online reported on Saturday.
Russian scientist Gennady Cheurin led a team at the Centre for Ecological Safety and survival in Yekaterinburg, on a research based on the popular belief that water has a type of 'memory' that can be influenced by positive and negative forces.
The team swore at a glass of water for several hours and then poured it over wheat seeds. only 48% of the seeds watere with the 'foul' water sprouted as opposed to 93% watered with 'holy' water from natural springs.
Dr Cheurin said: "We hen looked at heavy swearers and others who never used bad language, and found whenver men use these words in their daily life, this immediately leads to sexual dysfunctions that is, impotence.
"If a women uses these words in her daily sppech, she slowly begins transforming into a man, getting more hair and muscles."

Haha... so guys out there ar.... dun swear too much sia.... Later you become impotent then cannot 'chuan zhong jie dai' already ar.....
Another this I find interesting is that, water really got memory sia... haha.... now got scientific proof that those 'holy' water being chanted upon everyday in the temple can really work lor... haha...

Okay lar..... Bye for today :)

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