Friday, October 29, 2004

Arlow :D haha... had been quite some time since I last blogged :D
Was really busy for the past few days....
Got PW and need to help out with some things cos got thai visitors coming to school....

So hehe... lets start :)

OKay~ Just finished watching 2 episodes of FMA..... Was very nice and touching.....
Cos the 2 brothers mother died, and they try to revived her. But as a result one of them lost his body, and the other lost a arm and a leg.

So yar... this 2 episodes are talking about how they learn alchemy at first.

Was very nice, they were put into an isolated island for a survival test, and also make them understand the theory of One in All....
So while they were on the island many things happened......
Reminds me of OBS :D haha.... really would like to go for another one if I had a chance :)
As for the details, you all go download and see for yourselves lor :P
So... I just want to share this theory of One in All, with all of you :) I find i t very interesting, and true :)

This is the theory.....

One in all

If I die,
this world would continue to move along as if nothing had happen
You are just a small existence, then
When the small existence dies
the body remains.
Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorous, potassium nitrate, salt, sulfur, magnesium, flourine, manganes and aluminium
It is only a combination of those and some other elements
We are destined to be decomposed by bacteria
and become nutrients for the plant
But those plants will nourish herbivores
And those herbivores will nourish carnivores
These things move in a cycle even in places we're not aware of.
We are a small part of that flow.
The one in all.
But the all exists when the ones are put together.
This world flows by following a grand law we can't even conceive of.

I wonder how many people, would stop and think about what is life? What are we? Why are we here?....... I think a large majority of people nowadays never think of such things... they would instead be thinking of.... what to do tmr? What will happen if I dun do work?.... all those things related to work and studies lar.... Have you all spend some time thinking of things besides these?

I think life isn't just about work, studies and play lor....

... actually.. I also dun wad to say lar..... got that kind of feeling, but duno how to put it in words.......

Maybe, I'll just highlight this point....
"If I die,
this world would continue to move along as if nothing had happen"
I feel that this is very true.... If I really die... the world wouldn't stop because of me....
Then why am I here for? I am such a small part of the world..... Why am I studying so hard, or working so hard? The world still continues to turn even without me.... Why should I waste half of my life time doing so much work..... And how is my short life span compared to eternity....... We are all so small and insignificant.........

And in the first place, why should there be life? What are lives used for? If you live and work hard just to make your life better... then why not just save the trouble and not live in the first place?

So are we worth living? Or even.... is living necessary in the first place.....

This is also mentioned in the anime

When you live, your life will end sooner or later.
The body will return to the earth
Grass and flowers will grown on top of it
The sould will nourish the hearts
and it will live on in the hearts of other people
Everything in the world flows around and circulates
That goes for human lives too...

When everything is just a cycle.... Why is there a need for a cycle? Cos eventually, you will still be back in the same place you first started. Everything could just remain at a stage in a cycle..... Then it would save a lot of trouble......

So... hmmm.....
Lets think about our existence :)

OKay.... would like to hear your comments.... So hehe... if you all are willing to share, you may want to send an e-mail to me, I will transfer it here, or just type it in the shoutbox..... the length is not a problem :)

Wahaha...... talk so cheem today.... Really got some enlightenment....
So hehe... sometimes you people might also want to find out more about life, and your existence..... and not just about work and stuffs :)

Have a broder view of the world we are living in..... Understand it...... Appreciate it...... And since, we have no choice, everyone has to go tru the cycle, I truly hope that everyone would make full use of our lives, and not just go through this cycle for nothing :)

Also hope you people will have a nice weekend ahead :)

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