Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Wahaha... try this (if you chinese powerful enough)
HAha... very interesting.
It analyse your chinese name :)
Wahaha... another one :D Quite true :)
金牛座希望做个被爱的情人。你发动爱情攻势的理由并不是真的无怨无悔地付出,你知道爱要付出代价,所以要得 到对方的爱,先付出的目的当然就是希望对方也能爱你。
Wahaha.... just did those horoscope thingy and found that.... me & 'another one' got 90marks :D Lol... the highest of all matches :D haha....

6个站 幸运情侣 90分

Monday, November 29, 2004

Haiz.... yet another day in my life...
today was feeling much better.... well.... at least for the first part of the day :)
Haha... didn't do my workout today morning :P HAha.. was a bit lazy... hehe
duno why... today was feeling much better than the past few days.... :) So haha... hope I can stay like this for the whole week :D And... hehe... tmr must really do my skipping liao :P
OKay.... just received e-mail from miss lim that I may still be able to take S-paper for physics.... but I have to appeal.... Haiz... so troublesome.....
Actually hor..... appeal still okay.... the problem is..... there will be additional assignment for S paper lor.... then I have to guai guai do all of it otherwise I will have to drop it in second term : ...... This came to be quite a shock.... and made me wonder all over again whether I still want to take S paper or not....
Cos at first wad I thought is that S paper is just an additional paper.... you take pass then good lor.... fail nvm..... so I dun really plan to study very hard for it :S But now.... seems that I can't slack anymore if I appeal... I wanted it cos... it looks good mah :P haha... not everyone can take it.... but other than that, I dun think got any additional benefits leh.... other than getting scholorship ( see I dun even know how to spell :S ) *quickly to a spell check* Ah ha! scholorship is a common misspelling of scholarship... hehe.... okay.... its scholarship :P Yar... other than that I dun think nothing else lor.... When you go out working..... you think people will care? duno leh....
SO I am wondering..... is it worth the effort to 'look good' .....
So yar.... think I will take some time to consider it....
then.... yay.... tmr should be the very last day of the video production liao :D haha... so after tmr.... my holiday can finally start :D
So happy... hehe.....
OKay... bye~ :D

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Haiz... wasted another day of my life.....
Did nothing today.....
so sian.....
think my eye sight is getting worst....
Maybe cos tese few days been exposed to long hours in front of the computer screen...... Eyes very tired, but my mind isn't......
Well... duno how to express my feeling these days in word.....
but I am not feeling very good these days.... something is missing in my life......
It has been quite some time since I last enjoyed my day.......

Oh well.... my tummy trimming programme hasn't been really successful....
I only did 1 day of skipping.... then my muscle ached for 4 days..... :S so yar.... didn't do any exercise for the past 4 days..... Not that I dun want to do... but I have problem even walking..... Today was slightly better so i think I can continue skipping tmr....
Maybe cos I more than a month nv workout liao... cos of promos and stuffs, so muscle didn't warm up.... and also I didn't have any protection on.... I skip barefooted. So I got a blister on my foot, and didn't get a good landing cos of that.... thats why its straining my muscles....
Anyway... will be wearing shoes when I skip tmr, so hope I wun have to stop another 4 days again :D Anyway... haha... it kind of feels good to perspire... that day I skipped for 45 min, taking a 1 min break every 5 min interval.... then... really perspire a lot :D Hope to do it again tmr :) really make me more alert :)

Okay lar.... thats about all for today..... hope I can really enjoy the coming week :)
And also hope you people have a nice week ahead :D
And visit my site more often... haha....

Friday, November 26, 2004

*yawn* haha.... well, its 11.30 now....
am very tired... very sleepy.... but just dun feel like sleeping......
Haiz.... these few days quite bored.... always do the same thing......
Wake up in the morning.... go school..... stay in com lab whole day to do editing.... So sianz....
But nvm.... the deadline for the video is the 1 dec. Which is on next wed... so yar... hopefully everything can finally be over soon....
Cos after this project.... I would have nothing else on hand.... Then I can finally do the things I like for the rest of my holidays :D
Haha... think first thing I would do is to travel down to macperson road to the siemens head quarters to get my data cable.... cos I went to all the customer service center all round the island but couldn't find it.... so I was refered to the head quarters..... :S Wanted to get the pictures out of my phone badly, cos my phone memory really full liao.... got a lot of time wanted to take picture but cannot..... Haha..... anyone interested to go walk walk with me can msg me lar :) otherwise will have to go alone..... sad right......
Well... for the camera... I doubt I will be getting it at Sitex ba... cos there aren't any attactive promotions going on... so maybe wait for the next exibition before deciding..... Actually in no hurry to get a camera anyway... cos if I really can get my data cable for my phone.... wouldn't be needing it anyway, cos the quality of the photos taken by my phone is still acceptable for those casual shooting :) But still will be going down to sitex lar.... haha... to 'kuay sio' be with the crowd.... haha... you know.... I'm a lonely person.... so I like to go to crowded places to be with people..... So hehe.... last time I always like to go to pasar malam..... cos got a lot of people.... then the road very narrow.... so everyone will be ' kuay sio-ing ' haha..... very close to each other..... then :) dun feel so lonely.... But nowadays..... pasar malam also getting lesser and lesser people.... esp the one near my house.... the stalls there really is 'par hor sin' ( translate: swat housefly) one..... But still I will go down lar... :)

*change topic*
(haha... cos I duno how to connect these 2 diff thing together)

Love is in the air around me lately..... yar.... its around me..... not on me..... sad right? haha..... cos got 2 very sweet couples around me...... Elgin, Cindy.... Sen Min, laura.... they do so much sweet little things together......
Haiz..... when will my love come?.....
Saw this topic in a forum.....

Which one would you choose.
Someone who you love, but dun love you, or
Someone who you dun love, but love you......

Well....... actually.... its nice to have someone who loves you.....
IF now got somebody say she love me.... I 90% will accept her love lor..... you may call this despo.... but.... I would love someone who loves me......
the 10% is those unforseen circumstances lar.... like her character very bad or wad.....
Otherwise...... really.... I would love someone who loves me.....
So. from my point of view, those 2 choices are not applicable....

Haha... okay~ SHall end it off today :D

'zhu tian xia you qing ren, zhong cheng juan su'

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Well... its time for another entry :)
Today was erm..... quite a normal day lar, nothing much happen, and no special feeling....
Woke up early in the morning at 7.30.... but only got out of bed at 8... then went to do skipping :D Haha... skipping really makes you perspire a lot :D haha.... so yar.... hope I can get my dream bod in a few weeks time :)
Then after that went to school lo.... for CCA.... nothing much.....
After CCA came back home lo.... haiz.... thats about all for today.... Very sian hor......
Haiz..... Life is so boring for me :'( .....
You know, yesterday night I was thinking about myself..... why do I feel so lonely? Who are my friends? Do I have a close friend? Who is it? Or do I have one? So yar.... then recalled about something which I read it in a book quite some time ago. Eh... wait a minute... is it a book? Well haha.... its that long ago that I forgot where I saw it. But cos I did it once, so I remember.
It is to help you know who are the friends around you, and where they stand in your life....
It is done this way.....
First, draw a dot in the middle of a paper.... Lable it myself.....
Then draw circles around it.... ( like ripples)
Okay.... then start to put all your friends into the segments divided by the lines..... the closer the friend is to you, the nearer you put the dots to 'myself'.....
From wad I can remember.....
The first segment nearest to 'myself' is for the friend whom are really very very close to you.... Someone whom you can share your troubles, problems or even joy with. Someone who will always be there for you.....
I think its kind of like a system the friendster uses.... But I dun use friendster, so I duno how is it like. I only heard from my friends.........
So yar.... I kind of realised that....... there is no one in that circle nearest to 'myself'...... there is no one whom I can share my problems with.... whom know that I have problems.... except for this blog that I can share my thoughts and feeling with......
I know this may offend some people.... but.... please dun feel offended..... this is how I feel...... sry......
There is a person.... whom is almost reaching..... He is touching the line that seperates the first and the second segment.....
Other than him..... there isn't anyone nearer to me......
But.... why is this so? Why is there no one in that segment? Am I very hard to get along with? Am I very closed up in my own world? Am I too quiet? Am I too bored? Or am I too weird? .... WHY????????? WHY dun I have someone whom I can place in that category????????? Is there a problem with me????? Or issit I keep my problems to myself too much? Izzit because I hid my feelings, my troubles so well that nobody know that I'm actually am suffering???? WHY IS THIS SO?????? Someone tell me!!!!!! Where do I go wrong??? What do I have to change???? Tell me!!! I am willing to change!!!! I can take any criticisim!!!! Just tell me whats wrong with me!!!!! I really hate such a lonely life...... I live each day with only myself..... If this goes wrong.... I may really go crazy......

Recently... grabbed a pencil and started writing the following..... Actually wanted it to be a lyric for a song..... but.... my standard not there yet.... cos the paragraphing, number of words for every line, and the rhyming words at the end of the lines.... and many other things are not taken care of..... So yar.... can only be read and not sung....
Here it goes..... Note: switch to unicode for viewing chinese





:) Maybe because I'm that lonely, so I wanted to find a gf asap.... someone whom I can share my feeling with..... someone whom.... will not be in the first segment nearest to me..... but..... shares the same dot as 'myself' ......... Someone that close to me.......
But..... I have found it.... but it still seems foggy..... there are many uncertainty.....
Today also heard on the radio.... they said somthing like, when you meet someone you like, then you must work for hard to get her, if you wait for fate to bring you together..... it will never happen......
This actually gives me a lot of motivation........ But...... haiz..... still very tied down with CCA for this week...... then she would be leaving sg for a holiday soon.... So yar...... will have to wait till she comes back before I can make any move........
but do you find that I'm using work as an excuse.... and keep waiting and waiting..... you know..... not to cheat others... but I'm like cheating myself..... But..... duno why..... I'm really very busy..... things come one after another..... I duno when it will end..... I'm really tired of this.....

Think thats about all for today....
-A lonely soul......

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Arlow :) .... Its the lonely me again :) HAha... well actually not really counted as lonely lar.... cos who else can be with me at this point of the day? ( now is 9.34pm) But felt rather bored lar..... Haiz... think is really very bored lor.... Like do anything also sian..... Also no games to play..... draw also draw until sian liao..... Haiz..... then now having a headache cos my mind has nothing to process.... Too much empty processing space available....
Haiz... anyway.... Today was erm.... quite okay lar.....
In the morning....
When I reached school.... was rather surprised to see only kevin and jacq in class.... Haha... cos it haven't occur to me that today was the last day of school and many people will pon. So yar..... at first it was only the 3 of us.... Then the physics teacher came for tutorial..... Then soon after, zhi ling also came..... Then about 1 hr later, jean also came....... So we went tru the papers, then found that the teachers marked very strictly..... Then Kevin also brought up that I wanted to take S paper for physics.... So hehe.... yay..... miss lim helped to send an e-mail to recommend me for it :D But, will be successful or not still duno lar.... but appreaciate the help a lot :D Thank you Miss LIM :D haha.... really hope that you could continue teaching us next year. You are a great teacher!!! Haha.... hope to get something nice for you on teachers day next yr :D
So yar, after physics, went for GP :S Haiz... watch a cartoon during GP lesson.... and of cos, we won't just get away with a free show lar~... so had a discussion on the cartoon :
Then went back to class.... then kai hwei came.... Oh.... before that, we played dai dee and Kevin showed us a very amazing magic trick :D Me and jacq were told to choose a card, one red and one black. Then put it back in.... then duno how he shuffle... he then split the deck into 2. Then amazingly.... 1 of the deck was completely black with the only red card that we choose. And yar, the second deck was completely red with the only black card we choose!!!! Amazing right :D haha.....
Yar, so after that, went for maths tutorial.... Miss lee class only got 2 ppl, me and jacq..... So we waited at the library for lesson. After a while.... she didn't turn up... cos she was always punctual, we thought that she was absent. So we went to look for mdm lee to pass her something. Then while calling mdm lee. Miss lee appeared :S Haha... think she was heading to the canteen for lunch... but suay suay saw us... so have to spent some time solving the problems we faced. haha.... But we only spent a few minutes on it..... So after that, we went back to our class where Mr woo was still having lesson :P Haha.... he was rather surprised to see us... So cos they were still having lessons and we dun want to disturb them... so we went to photocopy some things. The bookshop lady was very confused by all the orders so we waited for quite a long time before our stuffs got printed :S
Then when we went back to class, mr woo class had already stopped their work and was discussing about the conduct in our report card. Cos some of my friends got a fair in their conduct card when they deserve at least a good.
So after some discussion, all of us went to look for mdm lee to ask her on what basis did she give such a grade. As for the content of discussion, I feel that there is no point putting it here as it may offend some people. So yar.... after discussing... we felt that it is still unfair to have such a grade. So we went up to the head of student development welfare to have a consuling session with her... So after we shared our views.... the Miss wong went to look for Mdm lee...... so we had an almost 2 hours session sitting outside the general office talking about it....
Also the content of this discussion will not be mentioned as well. But i only have 1 thing to say now.... All of us were very dissappointed, cos Mdm lee was very stubborn. We can even sense miss wong feeling that way.... So yar..... she said she would try to help, but can't promise anything. Well.... think she also can't do much lar. So yar... appreciate her help anyway :)
OKay lar~ THis kind of unhappy things dun talk about it liao lar.....
OKay :D Today is the last day of school liao :D HAha... should be happy. But well, not considered the last day lar.... Cos I still have to go back to school for the video production everyday this week. But at least I requested it to be after 10 lar :P So I can sleep longer :D
Haha... oh yar~ hehe... remember that in my wish I wanted to get rid of my tummy :P Haha.... went to seach online and found that the way I'm doing it is wrong.... Cos.... by doing sit-ups only, it only tones your muscles. But since you have a think layer of fat on top, you wouldn't see the effect. And there is also no such thing as spot reduction. If you want to get rid of the fats at your tummy, you have to get rid of fats everywhere in your body as well. SO yar :D decided to to some exercise :D
So after searching for exercise that can be done in the comfort of the home. I decided on rope skipping!!! haha... cos they say 5min of rope skipping is = to running 1 mile = 1.something Km.... :D haha... so yeah, just dug out my skipping rope to start the exercise programme every morning starting from tmr :D
OKay~ Guess thats all for today~ BYE~

Monday, November 22, 2004

Haiz.... Kind of getting bored here..... nothing to do now....
Got things to do also complain.... nothing to do also complain..... Very hard to be a person hor....
Actually is got things to do lar..... tons of econs essays... maths tutorial.....
But hack..... not in the mood to do it now :
I want to slack.... but slacking also not that nice after all.....
Today skipped maths tutorial and econs lecture.... so went home at 11.10.... Haiz.... then sian lo.... nothing to do...
So spent the afternoon reading newspaper, drawing......
Haha... gave up on drawing the actual anime, and decided to draw a chibi version of it :D Wahaha... they look so cute sia.... Think I'm more inclined to drawing cuties :D The original version I've tried to draw it for about a month... but it still looks like shit.... But I only spent an afternoon and also some time after dinner drawing it and the results are great :D So yar.... drew the chibi version, btw, chibi is a term refering to those cute cute sized down version of anime characters, those kind where head big big one :P,. YAr.... drew the character Edward Elric and Winry from the Full Metal Alchemist :D Haha... drew winry giving a surprise hug to Edward from behind and Edward had the surprised look on him face... Kawaii!!!! haha.... How I wish some body would also give me a surprise hug from behind :D SO SWEET!!!! :)
Yar... so now waiting for anyone with a scanner can help me scan my drawings to the com for me to CG it. HAiz.... talking about scanner..... me stupid scanner manufacturer... nv go and make driver for WinXP... so now my scanner happy happy then work... not happy then dun work.... Haiz....

Today after school also went for lunch with andy, kerling, sen min, and myself at north point.... Then I saw my beauty with no brains camera again!!! My Olympus Mju Mini !!!! Haha..... its so beautiful!!!! haha..... but this beauty with no brains babe cost a bomb : ..... I was priced at $649 at that shop!!!! Over shot my budget by $149!!!! .... HAiz.... cos I will be subsidised by my parents for $500.... If overshot I have to pay on my own..... But.... now its not a problem of I having to pay lor.... I just can believe that a brainless camera can fetch such a high price just on its looks..... Haiz..... guess I will have to give up beauty for brains... which may be cheaper. Haha.... so now hope that the wadever computer show coming soon will push down the price of this beauty.... IF can push until below $500, I will buy it :D

OKay~ Ending off here liao :P BYE~

Sunday, November 21, 2004

:D haha.... thanks for all the comments for my work :D So happy!!!
Heres the reply.....

KErling: Wahaha.... really 1 day become famous.... cos this piece of work isn't just placed on my blog. Its in my gallery at deviantart.com :D Haha..... but.... think not much people saw it :S but nvm... it will be there for a long long time :D

Elgin: lol, he devil meh..... I think Devil=Hot, but Kerling=Angel=Cold(lame) :P

Sen Min: Eh... you saying my wings are ugly, so it made him worst lar :

Paulin: Thanks :D Haha... kleen looks like a prisoner :P Must be the shorts right :P Haha... YJ shorts you know :P Maybe thats why YJ looks like a prison :D

:D HAppy :D
OKay lar~ Shall end off here today~
Have a nice week ahead :D
This is from a student development welfare survey I did :P Haha.... gave quite a bit of comments. But duno they will listen or not :P haha.....

Q 16. If your answer to Questions 4 to 15 is a "No", please specify the programme and give your reasons below:

8. Visit of School Vision, Mission, College Values . Did we have any?
9. 7 Habits of an Effective Student ( including goals Felt that it was useless and a waste of time. And quite a number of student already did it in there secondary school. No point repeating again. The habits are also not very realistic or practical, cannot apply to our lives. Somemore, we are already 17, theres no need for that.
11. Youth Day Celebration - "Passion of Youth". The time taken was too long, especially that we still have lessons in the morning. A lot of us wanted to go back to our secondary school so everyone was just waiting for the concert to be over and not really enjoying it. It would be best that we can just have the celebrations without the lessons in the morning. Whats the point of having a few hours of lessons with the students not in the mood to study. The results of the lessons are very insignificant to our studies.
12. Sexuality Education.
Perhaps it could be conducted in other ways, because a lot of us are too shy to share our ideas and the workshop becomes boring.
14. Interaction with Civics Tutor. We interact with our tutor every morning, so theres no need for another session.
15. Student of the Term. Dosen't really concerns us, because we are unlikely to get it. Because some teachers may just be lazy or can't be bothered to nominate.
Perhaps we can have the nomination done by students and the voting by teachers? :) That could be more fun.

Q17. What were some of the things that you like / did not like about the PC/CT lessons that were conducted during the year ? Please comment.

Perhaps we could have more inter-class activites during the PC-CT lessons, rather than talking about the 7 habits of a teenager. We are already 17, and we know how to behave, these programmes have insignificant effect on us. So we should have more inter-class activities to build up our class spirit and college spirit.So in order to make time for such activities, and also to solve the problem of the SDW dept cracking your heads to come out with activities every week.So I propose that we have it once every 2-4 weeks and combined the total periods of time together. For eg. Instead of having a slot of 1hr of PC-CT lesson every week, we can have a slot of 3hrs of PC-CT period every 3 weeks. So we can have sufficient time to conduct team building activities. And you people can also have time to think of more interesting activities to be organised.

Q18. Please provide suggestions / activities/ programmes that you think would interest you in future PC/CT lessons .

Like I said in Qn 17, have more inter-class activities.We can have mini competitions every once in a while. Eg. If you all find that the class rooms are very dirty, we can have a cleanest class award. They are given the the time to clean up their classes and after that there will be judging. But we must bear in mind that Singaporeans students are 'profit motivated' So be sure to prepare some prizes.Or can organise our own YJC idol? Each week a few classes will pit against each other for the title. Then we have have the prelimary rounds, the semi-finals the finals, and everything. So all these stages can be spread out for many weeks. This could be the programe for the entire first 3 mths for the 1st intake next year. This may also add some colours in our college life :)

Q27. For Question 19, if the answer is 'No', indicate why :
Because, I don't need it. So why bother to cramp my mind with such stuffs and take up space which could be used to store other informations.

Q53. The College would like to provide students with opportunities to seek advice and help with due regard to their emotional and physical needs. Please give suggestions that you feel could help you and your fellow schoolmates cope with issues that you face.

Well, its a passing phase in life. So they have to go through it thenselves. I feel that the help given are more than enough.

Whahaha.... made some changes to the previous work :D haha... added a pair of wings for kerling to balance out the left foot which is lifted up and the text beyond has been changed to fallen :D

Heres the sized down version for easy viewing in my blog's window

heres the full resolution version http://www.deviantart.com/view/12467932/

Hope ya like it :D

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Arlow :D haha... actually hor... dun really feel like blogging.... am quite tired... but well.... nvm lar :) Must keep my blog active :)

Okay... today went out with jean, zhi ling, jia yun, kerling and myself :) Went to watch the movie shutter. Was quite a nice show.... haha..... quite scary.... got shocked a few times, but didn't scream out lar :P So hehe.... got time can go watch.... Then hor was rather irritated with the people in the cinema... cos they very noisy then when the show started also keep talking, then worst is nv switch their phone to silent mode lor..... haiz.... singaporeans are still not very considerate..... Shame on you.... but as time passes... quite okay lar.... nothing much happen.... but haha.... the people in there quite responsive :) haha... they screamed together, laugh together.... was quite a nice experience :) So if they could be more considerate, watching a movie would be a great experience :) Oh yar... haha... must tell you.... the movie also quite lame :P So hehe.... if you dun want to watch the movie that scares you throughout the show, then this would be great :D
Then after the show... went to cineleisure to take neoprints :D Then after that went to HMV. Then we split up.... and walk around..... me and kerling were getting bored.... so was wandering around the place aimlessly. Then finally after some time, we went back to HMV to listen to songs :) I was listening to jeff cheng's new album... the song quite nice sia :D duno want to get it or not.... then also got a compilation CD.... Hmm.... see how first lar :P If I got extra cash then I would go and get it :P
Today also saw Olinda from singapore idol today :) But thats not as nice as.... I saw the olympus mju mini camera!!! Lol... haha... fell in love with this camera when I first saw it on TV, was really love at first sight :P *hint* ( Know wad to get me for christmas liao ) *hint* haha.... but went to check the specs, but not that good leh.... So now have problem deciding whether I should choose beauty and give up on the brains.....
OMG.... haha.... guess I am a technology addict :P Got the Olinda there dun want to see, go and see camera :S

OKay lar.... then hmm.... yay... the holidays are coming :) Though I still have 1 week to go ( cos of CCA projects ) but haha.... in a holiday mood now :)
OKay.... so .... shall make a wish/to-do list for my holiday :D

in random order.......
1) to get rid of my tummy :P
2) To buy a digital cam :)
3) To rest well :D And be a slacker!!!!
4) Complete my fan art and my new blog design :D
5) thats all :P

haha... okay.... shall elaborate more on my list :)

First one!!! I want to get rid of my tummy!!!! haha :P.... abit 'ai mei' here... but :P who dosen't? Actually was the tummy slim advertisment that triggered off this wish.... :P haha... but I won't go for slimming products :) I want to lose my tummy the natural way :D So... hehe.... have been doing sit ups everyday :P Hope I can get rid of my tummy in 3 weeks time :) Wish me good lucK :D

Next... my digital camera!!!! *hint* ( again ar~ :P ) *hint* Haha... well if you have read the first part of my entry... you should know that I crave for a digital camera :P Haha... so yar... was eyeing on the olympus mju mini and the konica minota ( duno wad model, its the one that jacyline tay (also duno how to spell ) advertise ) . So yar.... have to make a tough desicion.... Cos one has beauty without brain, but the other has brain without beauty..... HOw nice if I can have both of them :P

okay.... 3rd point.... Yar... hope I can get a good nice rest..... Felt that I had been working extremely hard for this year... doing my work, taking part in competitions..... SO I should have a well deserved rest :) And be a slacker!!!!

lastly... I want to complete my fanart and the design of my blog.... planned to merge them together..... haha.... had been working on it for months... so... hehe.... when completed... it will be a grand piece of work, and a new milestone in my persue of art :D So hehe.... Like in the movies.....
Coming Soon

Received this from an e-mail

Is your birthday day 20 of the month?

Your Life

You are prudent, circumspect and take things seriously. Before you make anymove, you will think of a few alternatives that might take a while. You arepatient, imaginative and target oriented. You value friendship more thananything else.

Your Love

You usually study your partner carefully before making any move. You never demand anything beyond the natural quality of that person. Your sincerity doesn't bring excitement in your love life but it brings deeply grown relationship.

Found it to be quite true.... especially the red portion....
So haha... have you got the msg? yar... I have been observing and studying my someone for quite some time...... thats why I always didn't want to reveal who she is cos I haven't finish observing her..... And recently.... I found that we aren't very compatible after all..... Details... shall not mention about it anymore..... so dun come and bother me with it anymore..... its over......

But anyway..... there is a anotherone that caught my attention..... haha.... so yar..... the story continues...... but still dun come and bother me about it.......

I will tell you if I want to.... so just ask once.... If I reply no.... please dun ask any more..... asking once is concern..... asking again is annoying.... and more would be totally irritating... and dun blame me if I gets angry....

okay lar~ Think thats quite a lot for today :D Shall end it off here :D

Friday, November 19, 2004

Yay!! haha.... finally after about 2 hours... completed another piece of my work :D haha....
Was browsing tru the photos taken during the sentosa outing..... then came across this photo which I took :D haha.... so decided to do something with it :P

Heres the final one :)

If it dosen't show.... please visit http://www.deviantart.com/view/12438506/ :)

And this is the before photo :)

If it dosen't show as well, pls visit http://community.webshots.com/photo/218877395/218878454ZXSxFl

:D okay... am pretty tired after the work :)
So shall end off for today :D Will be back tmr with updates on my life :)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Arlow :) haha....
won't be writing much...
quite tired today.... so see ya :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Arlow :D haha.... time for another entry :)
Feeling much better today :) Wasn't as moody as yesterday.....
OKay.... so lets start with hmm.......

friday :D The inter-class structure building competition :) haha.... had a lot of fun there.... :D our structure was so high that we had to go to the second floor to continue with the work :D haha... then we :P hehe... cheated by buying an extra roll of masking tape ( we were only allowed 2) haha.... but who cares :P, everyone is doing it :P Haha... our structure also the most lively one :P cos haha... we never wash our cans... so there were lots of ants crawling around!!!

Then that kevin.... duno why suddenly go and mention my 'someone' then... Haiz..... they start scouting around for my someone.... they would like just grab anyone from the crowd.... then that kai hwei ar.... also joined in the 'fun' : haha.... she went around taking photos of the girl they the guys pointed.... thats so embarrassing lo : haha.... then kept laughing and laughing.... Was very lame of them.....

Oh... that day.... something happened that shows that yjc people are brainless..... Duno why hor, they do things without using their brains.....
Cos after building the structure, there will be some cans left cos people will bring extra cans mah..... So mr goh was trying to say that, crush those cans as the green club wants to recyele it.... But brainless yjcians went to tear down their whole structure : Aiyo... so stupid sia..... They spent the whole afternoon building the structure..... and why would the school want to tear it down so fast.... and also.... they had already stated in the first place that the structures will be displayed at the garden of life...... And now.... see lar.... those brainless yjcians.... go and tear everything down.... wad are they going to display? :

Okay lar, enough of the stupidity of yjcians.....
Now lets talk about.....

The 109 class outing at sentosa :D haha.... Woke up in the morning.... and set off to harbour front..... Thought I would be late, but haha... I wasn't the last :P
So yar.... found a place on the beach. Started out playing beach volley ball.... haha... sucked at it :P First timer :) Then... actually duno wad to say.... but had a very fun time there.... more details refer to sen min's blog... haha.... lazy to type out, and the content is quite similar lar :P
Oh yar....that day, I didn't bring extra clothing so didn't want to get wet.... But zhi ling grab me and drag me into the sea... : haha..... then haiz... got wet lor.... Then have to wait for quite some time to dry up : But its was fun in the water :)

K lar, think thats about all for today.... :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

.... felt weird today..... suddenly feeling very empty today.....
Didn't want to do HW, but my mind just feels blank....
I've seemed to lost something..... Or..... I lost myself....
I'm just passing time with no aim in mind.....
wad am I doing? Why do I feel this way?
I've no idea..... has been like this for the whole day......
Why is this happening?
OMG.... just found out that another of my very good friend got retained.....
Haiz.... why are people whom are unlikely to retain are getting retained.......
Including him there is already 2 of such cases.... these people showed good attitude and worked for it, but they still didn't make it......
Sad...... why is JC like that? Why isn't it like secondary school where almost everyone gets promoted, why is there such a big difference?
Today was a rather sad day......
We got back our promos result today, and also we get to know whether we get promoted or not.....
Haiz.... wasn't really satisfied with my results,
Physic : B
Econs :D
Maths : D
GP: B4
Yar... though I got promoted, but.... wasn't very happy, especially with the maths result..... I hoped for at least a C...... But well..... can only blame myself for not studying hard enough.... But I WON"T GIVE UP, I will work extra hard for the A lvls, I promise.

And also .....

Haiz.... 109 only 15 of us made it..... 9 of my friends got retained..... Felt very sad..... Though our class spirit wasn't very strong, but we still spend the past year together, studying doing things together, we also went tru the OBS camp together..... But now..... we have to part.....
I feel that 109 is a very unique class..... we were still united, but in a different way..... That was shown to me that time during the mother tongue intensive lesson. That time 2 classes 109 and 102 combined class. You know, you can see that 109 and 102 are really people living in a different world, we dun understand their jokes, and they dun understand ours. 109 is unique in that way..... though we don't show it, but we feel a sense of belonging to the class, to each other, because we are the ones who can understand each other and think in the same way.......
Haiz.... but its a fact that we have to part, as the chinese saying goes ' tian xia wu bu shan zi yan xi ' All things have to come to an end.
From the bottom of my heart, I truly wish my friends, 109, all the best in anything they do in future, and find happiness in the path they chose to take. There are many paths through life, and they all end up at the same place, your goals in life, so whether you take a short route, or a longer one. You will still reach your goals if you do not give up on trying. Its alright to feel sad, but you guys have to get back onto your feet and carry on persuing your dreams.

And specially to my friend, jin wen. You have been a great friend. Hope we will still keep in contact in future. Will miss the time spent together...... PE lesson will be lonely without you..... Lessons will also be different without you..... But still, you will remain in my memories as a very nice friend. All the best to you :)

Haha.... i may sound a bit gay.... but I really value and cherish friendship a lot.... My heart always ache when I friends leaving me.....
So...... yar.... all the best for you guys..... miss you.....

* was rather sad today.... so.... I'll leave the entry on the class outing till tmr......

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Hmm..... ARLOW EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got miss me or not :D
Yay!!!! I'm finally back :D
Recovered about 95% today liao :D So happy :) Haha.... Have been missing out a lot from me hur~ :D And thanks for leaving msg in the shoutbox :)
OKay.... so after the long waiting..... I will reward you with a long long entry for your reading pleasure :D

Lets start on friday.... last friday..... wow... haha.... has been a whole week since I last blogged.....
Hmm.... recall.....
Friday..... Oh yes.... friday..... the day of chinese A lvl paper... haha.... well, the paper was erm.... easy? Okay lar... not that easy.... but compared to what I did in school, it was relatively okay.... but for the compo part.... the paragraphing a bit wierd lar.... cos I got some very short paragraphs..... but technically it is okay.... just that it dosen't look nice.... looks a bit messy....
Then after the paper.... received a call from Mr Leong..... Our Flash movie actually got into the top 5 placing and we were invited for the awards!!! haha.... but they didn't specify which team of us ( we had 3 entries) got into the top 5..... SO haha... I praying hard that it is mine :D :P Whahaha....
Okay..... then next would be saturday.... saturday was the day that I start to fall ill.... Aww..... had a 'itchy throat'

So ashamed of myself.....
Just chat with kerling and guess wad....
HE ACTUALLY WENT AROUND AND COLLECTED 21 CANS for the inter CTG structure building competition!!!!!!
That was really very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very nice of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow.... me only contributed 1 can lo : and that one can is ownself drink one lo, he went around collecting you know......
Wow..... haiz.... that is how a real a classmate should behave.... truly a role model..... I guess no one in the class would really go around collecting it lo..... some dun even want to come for it lo........
Hmm...... I think kerling is really a very good person, he is really willing to give his best to do things for people............. Learned a lot of things from him....... Really blessed to have him in 109, and also as a friend...... :D
OKay lar.... actually elgin kevin and me was also talking about how to get the cans lar.... haha... then we thought of going to other classes to kope their cans :P haha..... in the end didn't.... then also wanted to kope from recycle bin....... But OMG.... ITS SO DAMN DISGUSTING in the recycle bin!!!! So we gave up that idea :P haha.... the interesting thing is there is a tag on the recycle bin that warns people not to take its content or the person will be reported to the police........ :
haha okay.........
now back to the wad happened on sat...

- End of interruption-

yar~ Was talking about the 'itchy throat'..... haiz..... so annoying..... then yar yar..... nothing much happened.....
Then was sunday.....
my itchy throat got worst.... nothing much happened as well
then was monday.....
I got fever, flu, sore throat, cough..... Argh!!! Feels terrible..... but haiz..... still have to go tru OP.... haiz..... screwed up my OP.... presented to fast and went under the time required..... sian.......
you know that kind of feeling.... when I am up there presenting.... my whole body will just automatically take control of its own lo.... It just become a 'reading machine' and word just keeps coming out on its own, and hands and legs will dance on its own..... you have utterly no control over it untill the whole thing ended..... Haiz.......
So... it was tuesday.....
haiz... my flu-fever-sorethroat-cough got worst..... I was the peak then...... I cannot do anything at all....
once I reach home.... I just stayed in bed the whole day except for dinner and to go toilet.....
Wednesday was also as bad.... stayed in bed but still managed to do some work.....
Thrusday.... which is today.... yay
Made a speedy recovery.... :D Guess its because I am able to sleep until very late then wake up :D SO had enough time for my body to rejuvenate...... So hehe.... was about 98% recovered liao :D
Haha... I think the sickness came as a signal to ask me to slow down and take a rest lo
Cos I have been bothering myself with so much things....
Just like in economics theory..... A person has limited resources and unlimited wants
I have so much things I want to do but I just dun have time to do so....
I shall try to list down the things I want to do at this very moment, in random order and piority
1) Design yes 93.3 T-shirt for competition
2) Do my Fan art
3) Watch FMA
4) Play WC3
5) Date 'someone' out
6) Redesign my blog
What I dun want to do but have to do
7) Prepare for roboGP competition
8) Do video production

See.... theres so much things to do..... but I really have no time and energy to do it....

OKay.... for the past week..... saw some interesting sentences............

1st one
Nobody notice wad I do till I stop doing so

yeah.... totally agree..... haha.... I think there are many people in this world doing work for us behind the scene...... and left un-noticed..... So haha.... this is to all who are left un-noticed.....
THANK YOU for all you have done... we appreciate it :)

I drink to drown my sorrows but the damn thing have learned to swim

Well... don't have much comments on it... just find it amusing :D

And also... found this link from mobilefly forum
Take a look at the gallery......
you know.... felt really touched when I was browsing through it....
Haha... shall not comment much on it.... but ... haha.... see it and feel it for youself :)

OKay.... After such a long entry..... I guess what all of you are looking for it the news on my someone right?
haha.... well..... hehe... found that she does not really speak much online......
Haha... cos for the past few time I tried to chat with her online, it just ended before it started....
Its always like, msg her then.... ..... ..... after long long time..... .... ..... she just gave me a quick rely and a Bye~ then she go offline liao : ....
So at first I thought she dun want to talk to me or find me irritating lo..... SO I was rather sad......
Untill, something happened ,which cannot be told as once I tell you all will know who she is liao, that makes me feel that.... well she not dun want to talk to me lar :) So hehe.... :P Thats about all lar.....
Aiyo..... you people ar..... worst than aunties sia..... so kapo for wad :P haha..... well..... actually.... thanks for the concern :) haha... thanks for your support... thanks to elgin :) had a nice talk with me about this matter, kevin :) and not forgetting paulin and shi qi... who keeps giving me encouragement and advices THank you :) Also min zhong... thanks for the concern :) And anyone whom I've missed out :) I will jia you de :D

Wahaha.... okay was really a long post haha.... have a nice time reading :)
I guess I also try to give my different stories different color to facilitate reading ba....
Okay... shall end it here liao :)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

OOo... my last entry was on monday :S Haha... played too much warcraft and neglected my blog :P But NVM... I'm back!!!! Haha...

okay.... tmr chinese A lvl liao :)
Didn't prepare much.... cos the past week was studying non-stop chinese in school.... So yar~ Its all chinese in my mind now.... brainwashed liao.... Haha... so I just picked some useful " long sentences " to memorise for my compo....

Haiz.... today.... just now.... actually quite sad lar.....
Its about me and the someone......
Wanted to ask her out tmr evening or the weekends.....
Typed the following SMS..... Exact words....
[ Good luck for exams tmr (",) Erm... would you like to go out with me tmr evening or the weekends ("*) ]
But I just didn't have the courage to press the send button....
Everytime I wanted to press it.... A lot of images flood my mind.....
I keep thinking.... what will she think when she receive the msg....
cos that time still around 9pm...
So painted this image in my mind....
Maybe she is studying for chinese....
then her handphone rang with my msg....
then I imagine her picking up the phone.... reading the msg..... and the look on her face....
then.... then....
Argh.... can't carry on....
So I sat there thinking.... is today, is now ( at that time) the correct and appopriate time to send this over? Cos tmr is chinese A lvl.... Maybe she is studying now ( most probably would) and then received this SMS.... Will I be disrupting her? If she didn't feel anything the its still alright.... but what if she does.... will I affect her mood for tmrs exam? If she didn't do well tmr because of me.... I would feel guilty.....
But this is the best time of the week.... cos even if she rejects... I won't feel akward as we will only see each other after the weekends.... and hope everthing will just blow pass....
So I gave up sending her the msg just now.... perhaps.... next week?.... but.... can.... I.... wait.... ? ..... or.... will..... she.... wait..... ? .....
Argh..... really hope that by next week... I would really have the courage to press the send button..... and she will be willing to accept me......

OKay lar.... just put that a side for now.... must set my mood for tmr's exam.....
Anyway.... today.... my classmates went to ask our form teacher about how many people will get retained... And guess wad..... the reply was shocking..... out of 24 people.... 10 people are retained based on results..... That means.... from our results.... we are considered as retained.... but we may be helped tru out conduct and the teacher's remarks...... when will be decided tmr!!!! So... maybe not all the 10 people will get retained, some may be able to promote due to good conduct.....
But.... from the results... 10 out of 24 leh.... which means more than 1/2 of the class get a 2 fail in our 3 subjects leh.... that is A LOT!!!!!!
So I started worrying for myself..... Welll.... I think a pass shouldn't be a problem..... not that is not what I want.... I want good results.... but judging from this..... I can't imagine how far can I get...... its like 1/2 are having problem with a pass..... and how can I hope for better grades......

K lar.... enough complaining for today.... welll talking about complaining..... today OP trial..... hehe.... was asked about the problems I faced doing PW..... and haha.... I start to complain on and on :P ..... Didn't really state the problem.... but just complaining about how hard is it to do survey... how hard is it to organise the file :P
Haha.... thats all for today :)
Bye Bye~
All the best for those taking A lvl chinese tmr and also those taking O lvls too :D

Monday, November 01, 2004

HAha... very happy now....
My warcraft is finally working again!!!!!
I managed to patch it to the lastest version and now I can go back to lancraft again!!!!
Haha.... so happy, come just in time lar... haha... now promos over liao :)
Had a game of Dota and TD, and find that I still prefer TD more :D haha.... have this smile on my face when I play TD, whereas when I play dota, erm... was like bored to death lar......
Well.... today went to have a hair cut....
then cos raining mah... road and the ground wet wet.... and when the ground wet wet.... guess wad.... THERE ARE EARTHWORMS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saw one on my way home.... OMG..... my whole leg turned jelly....
Duno why i got this phobia of thin, long, and wriggly things.... I hate earthworms.... I think that they are the most disgusting things on earth..... Caterpillars were still alright... in fact they look cute :).... But earthworms... yucks!!!!!
I also hate tiny snake.... big ones were all right.... but tiny ones.... they look like earthworm lar.... so haiz.. hate them..... those things lookd as it they are going to break as soon as you though them.... Argh.... disgusting.....
K lar, thats about all for today.... Bye~