Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Today was a rather sad day......
We got back our promos result today, and also we get to know whether we get promoted or not.....
Haiz.... wasn't really satisfied with my results,
Physic : B
Econs :D
Maths : D
GP: B4
Yar... though I got promoted, but.... wasn't very happy, especially with the maths result..... I hoped for at least a C...... But well..... can only blame myself for not studying hard enough.... But I WON"T GIVE UP, I will work extra hard for the A lvls, I promise.

And also .....

Haiz.... 109 only 15 of us made it..... 9 of my friends got retained..... Felt very sad..... Though our class spirit wasn't very strong, but we still spend the past year together, studying doing things together, we also went tru the OBS camp together..... But now..... we have to part.....
I feel that 109 is a very unique class..... we were still united, but in a different way..... That was shown to me that time during the mother tongue intensive lesson. That time 2 classes 109 and 102 combined class. You know, you can see that 109 and 102 are really people living in a different world, we dun understand their jokes, and they dun understand ours. 109 is unique in that way..... though we don't show it, but we feel a sense of belonging to the class, to each other, because we are the ones who can understand each other and think in the same way.......
Haiz.... but its a fact that we have to part, as the chinese saying goes ' tian xia wu bu shan zi yan xi ' All things have to come to an end.
From the bottom of my heart, I truly wish my friends, 109, all the best in anything they do in future, and find happiness in the path they chose to take. There are many paths through life, and they all end up at the same place, your goals in life, so whether you take a short route, or a longer one. You will still reach your goals if you do not give up on trying. Its alright to feel sad, but you guys have to get back onto your feet and carry on persuing your dreams.

And specially to my friend, jin wen. You have been a great friend. Hope we will still keep in contact in future. Will miss the time spent together...... PE lesson will be lonely without you..... Lessons will also be different without you..... But still, you will remain in my memories as a very nice friend. All the best to you :)

Haha.... i may sound a bit gay.... but I really value and cherish friendship a lot.... My heart always ache when I friends leaving me.....
So...... yar.... all the best for you guys..... miss you.....

* was rather sad today.... so.... I'll leave the entry on the class outing till tmr......

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