Thursday, November 04, 2004

OOo... my last entry was on monday :S Haha... played too much warcraft and neglected my blog :P But NVM... I'm back!!!! Haha...

okay.... tmr chinese A lvl liao :)
Didn't prepare much.... cos the past week was studying non-stop chinese in school.... So yar~ Its all chinese in my mind now.... brainwashed liao.... Haha... so I just picked some useful " long sentences " to memorise for my compo....

Haiz.... today.... just now.... actually quite sad lar.....
Its about me and the someone......
Wanted to ask her out tmr evening or the weekends.....
Typed the following SMS..... Exact words....
[ Good luck for exams tmr (",) Erm... would you like to go out with me tmr evening or the weekends ("*) ]
But I just didn't have the courage to press the send button....
Everytime I wanted to press it.... A lot of images flood my mind.....
I keep thinking.... what will she think when she receive the msg....
cos that time still around 9pm...
So painted this image in my mind....
Maybe she is studying for chinese....
then her handphone rang with my msg....
then I imagine her picking up the phone.... reading the msg..... and the look on her face....
then.... then....
Argh.... can't carry on....
So I sat there thinking.... is today, is now ( at that time) the correct and appopriate time to send this over? Cos tmr is chinese A lvl.... Maybe she is studying now ( most probably would) and then received this SMS.... Will I be disrupting her? If she didn't feel anything the its still alright.... but what if she does.... will I affect her mood for tmrs exam? If she didn't do well tmr because of me.... I would feel guilty.....
But this is the best time of the week.... cos even if she rejects... I won't feel akward as we will only see each other after the weekends.... and hope everthing will just blow pass....
So I gave up sending her the msg just now.... perhaps.... next week?.... but.... can.... I.... wait.... ? ..... or.... will..... she.... wait..... ? .....
Argh..... really hope that by next week... I would really have the courage to press the send button..... and she will be willing to accept me......

OKay lar.... just put that a side for now.... must set my mood for tmr's exam.....
Anyway.... today.... my classmates went to ask our form teacher about how many people will get retained... And guess wad..... the reply was shocking..... out of 24 people.... 10 people are retained based on results..... That means.... from our results.... we are considered as retained.... but we may be helped tru out conduct and the teacher's remarks...... when will be decided tmr!!!! So... maybe not all the 10 people will get retained, some may be able to promote due to good conduct.....
But.... from the results... 10 out of 24 leh.... which means more than 1/2 of the class get a 2 fail in our 3 subjects leh.... that is A LOT!!!!!!
So I started worrying for myself..... Welll.... I think a pass shouldn't be a problem..... not that is not what I want.... I want good results.... but judging from this..... I can't imagine how far can I get...... its like 1/2 are having problem with a pass..... and how can I hope for better grades......

K lar.... enough complaining for today.... welll talking about complaining..... today OP trial..... hehe.... was asked about the problems I faced doing PW..... and haha.... I start to complain on and on :P ..... Didn't really state the problem.... but just complaining about how hard is it to do survey... how hard is it to organise the file :P
Haha.... thats all for today :)
Bye Bye~
All the best for those taking A lvl chinese tmr and also those taking O lvls too :D

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