Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Arlow :) .... Its the lonely me again :) HAha... well actually not really counted as lonely lar.... cos who else can be with me at this point of the day? ( now is 9.34pm) But felt rather bored lar..... Haiz... think is really very bored lor.... Like do anything also sian..... Also no games to play..... draw also draw until sian liao..... Haiz..... then now having a headache cos my mind has nothing to process.... Too much empty processing space available....
Haiz... anyway.... Today was erm.... quite okay lar.....
In the morning....
When I reached school.... was rather surprised to see only kevin and jacq in class.... Haha... cos it haven't occur to me that today was the last day of school and many people will pon. So yar..... at first it was only the 3 of us.... Then the physics teacher came for tutorial..... Then soon after, zhi ling also came..... Then about 1 hr later, jean also came....... So we went tru the papers, then found that the teachers marked very strictly..... Then Kevin also brought up that I wanted to take S paper for physics.... So hehe.... yay..... miss lim helped to send an e-mail to recommend me for it :D But, will be successful or not still duno lar.... but appreaciate the help a lot :D Thank you Miss LIM :D haha.... really hope that you could continue teaching us next year. You are a great teacher!!! Haha.... hope to get something nice for you on teachers day next yr :D
So yar, after physics, went for GP :S Haiz... watch a cartoon during GP lesson.... and of cos, we won't just get away with a free show lar~... so had a discussion on the cartoon :
Then went back to class.... then kai hwei came.... Oh.... before that, we played dai dee and Kevin showed us a very amazing magic trick :D Me and jacq were told to choose a card, one red and one black. Then put it back in.... then duno how he shuffle... he then split the deck into 2. Then amazingly.... 1 of the deck was completely black with the only red card that we choose. And yar, the second deck was completely red with the only black card we choose!!!! Amazing right :D haha.....
Yar, so after that, went for maths tutorial.... Miss lee class only got 2 ppl, me and jacq..... So we waited at the library for lesson. After a while.... she didn't turn up... cos she was always punctual, we thought that she was absent. So we went to look for mdm lee to pass her something. Then while calling mdm lee. Miss lee appeared :S Haha... think she was heading to the canteen for lunch... but suay suay saw us... so have to spent some time solving the problems we faced. haha.... But we only spent a few minutes on it..... So after that, we went back to our class where Mr woo was still having lesson :P Haha.... he was rather surprised to see us... So cos they were still having lessons and we dun want to disturb them... so we went to photocopy some things. The bookshop lady was very confused by all the orders so we waited for quite a long time before our stuffs got printed :S
Then when we went back to class, mr woo class had already stopped their work and was discussing about the conduct in our report card. Cos some of my friends got a fair in their conduct card when they deserve at least a good.
So after some discussion, all of us went to look for mdm lee to ask her on what basis did she give such a grade. As for the content of discussion, I feel that there is no point putting it here as it may offend some people. So yar.... after discussing... we felt that it is still unfair to have such a grade. So we went up to the head of student development welfare to have a consuling session with her... So after we shared our views.... the Miss wong went to look for Mdm lee...... so we had an almost 2 hours session sitting outside the general office talking about it....
Also the content of this discussion will not be mentioned as well. But i only have 1 thing to say now.... All of us were very dissappointed, cos Mdm lee was very stubborn. We can even sense miss wong feeling that way.... So yar..... she said she would try to help, but can't promise anything. Well.... think she also can't do much lar. So yar... appreciate her help anyway :)
OKay lar~ THis kind of unhappy things dun talk about it liao lar.....
OKay :D Today is the last day of school liao :D HAha... should be happy. But well, not considered the last day lar.... Cos I still have to go back to school for the video production everyday this week. But at least I requested it to be after 10 lar :P So I can sleep longer :D
Haha... oh yar~ hehe... remember that in my wish I wanted to get rid of my tummy :P Haha.... went to seach online and found that the way I'm doing it is wrong.... Cos.... by doing sit-ups only, it only tones your muscles. But since you have a think layer of fat on top, you wouldn't see the effect. And there is also no such thing as spot reduction. If you want to get rid of the fats at your tummy, you have to get rid of fats everywhere in your body as well. SO yar :D decided to to some exercise :D
So after searching for exercise that can be done in the comfort of the home. I decided on rope skipping!!! haha... cos they say 5min of rope skipping is = to running 1 mile = 1.something Km.... :D haha... so yeah, just dug out my skipping rope to start the exercise programme every morning starting from tmr :D
OKay~ Guess thats all for today~ BYE~

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