Thursday, November 11, 2004

Hmm..... ARLOW EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got miss me or not :D
Yay!!!! I'm finally back :D
Recovered about 95% today liao :D So happy :) Haha.... Have been missing out a lot from me hur~ :D And thanks for leaving msg in the shoutbox :)
OKay.... so after the long waiting..... I will reward you with a long long entry for your reading pleasure :D

Lets start on friday.... last friday..... wow... haha.... has been a whole week since I last blogged.....
Hmm.... recall.....
Friday..... Oh yes.... friday..... the day of chinese A lvl paper... haha.... well, the paper was erm.... easy? Okay lar... not that easy.... but compared to what I did in school, it was relatively okay.... but for the compo part.... the paragraphing a bit wierd lar.... cos I got some very short paragraphs..... but technically it is okay.... just that it dosen't look nice.... looks a bit messy....
Then after the paper.... received a call from Mr Leong..... Our Flash movie actually got into the top 5 placing and we were invited for the awards!!! haha.... but they didn't specify which team of us ( we had 3 entries) got into the top 5..... SO haha... I praying hard that it is mine :D :P Whahaha....
Okay..... then next would be saturday.... saturday was the day that I start to fall ill.... Aww..... had a 'itchy throat'

So ashamed of myself.....
Just chat with kerling and guess wad....
HE ACTUALLY WENT AROUND AND COLLECTED 21 CANS for the inter CTG structure building competition!!!!!!
That was really very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very nice of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow.... me only contributed 1 can lo : and that one can is ownself drink one lo, he went around collecting you know......
Wow..... haiz.... that is how a real a classmate should behave.... truly a role model..... I guess no one in the class would really go around collecting it lo..... some dun even want to come for it lo........
Hmm...... I think kerling is really a very good person, he is really willing to give his best to do things for people............. Learned a lot of things from him....... Really blessed to have him in 109, and also as a friend...... :D
OKay lar.... actually elgin kevin and me was also talking about how to get the cans lar.... haha... then we thought of going to other classes to kope their cans :P haha..... in the end didn't.... then also wanted to kope from recycle bin....... But OMG.... ITS SO DAMN DISGUSTING in the recycle bin!!!! So we gave up that idea :P haha.... the interesting thing is there is a tag on the recycle bin that warns people not to take its content or the person will be reported to the police........ :
haha okay.........
now back to the wad happened on sat...

- End of interruption-

yar~ Was talking about the 'itchy throat'..... haiz..... so annoying..... then yar yar..... nothing much happened.....
Then was sunday.....
my itchy throat got worst.... nothing much happened as well
then was monday.....
I got fever, flu, sore throat, cough..... Argh!!! Feels terrible..... but haiz..... still have to go tru OP.... haiz..... screwed up my OP.... presented to fast and went under the time required..... sian.......
you know that kind of feeling.... when I am up there presenting.... my whole body will just automatically take control of its own lo.... It just become a 'reading machine' and word just keeps coming out on its own, and hands and legs will dance on its own..... you have utterly no control over it untill the whole thing ended..... Haiz.......
So... it was tuesday.....
haiz... my flu-fever-sorethroat-cough got worst..... I was the peak then...... I cannot do anything at all....
once I reach home.... I just stayed in bed the whole day except for dinner and to go toilet.....
Wednesday was also as bad.... stayed in bed but still managed to do some work.....
Thrusday.... which is today.... yay
Made a speedy recovery.... :D Guess its because I am able to sleep until very late then wake up :D SO had enough time for my body to rejuvenate...... So hehe.... was about 98% recovered liao :D
Haha... I think the sickness came as a signal to ask me to slow down and take a rest lo
Cos I have been bothering myself with so much things....
Just like in economics theory..... A person has limited resources and unlimited wants
I have so much things I want to do but I just dun have time to do so....
I shall try to list down the things I want to do at this very moment, in random order and piority
1) Design yes 93.3 T-shirt for competition
2) Do my Fan art
3) Watch FMA
4) Play WC3
5) Date 'someone' out
6) Redesign my blog
What I dun want to do but have to do
7) Prepare for roboGP competition
8) Do video production

See.... theres so much things to do..... but I really have no time and energy to do it....

OKay.... for the past week..... saw some interesting sentences............

1st one
Nobody notice wad I do till I stop doing so

yeah.... totally agree..... haha.... I think there are many people in this world doing work for us behind the scene...... and left un-noticed..... So haha.... this is to all who are left un-noticed.....
THANK YOU for all you have done... we appreciate it :)

I drink to drown my sorrows but the damn thing have learned to swim

Well... don't have much comments on it... just find it amusing :D

And also... found this link from mobilefly forum
Take a look at the gallery......
you know.... felt really touched when I was browsing through it....
Haha... shall not comment much on it.... but ... haha.... see it and feel it for youself :)

OKay.... After such a long entry..... I guess what all of you are looking for it the news on my someone right?
haha.... well..... hehe... found that she does not really speak much online......
Haha... cos for the past few time I tried to chat with her online, it just ended before it started....
Its always like, msg her then.... ..... ..... after long long time..... .... ..... she just gave me a quick rely and a Bye~ then she go offline liao : ....
So at first I thought she dun want to talk to me or find me irritating lo..... SO I was rather sad......
Untill, something happened ,which cannot be told as once I tell you all will know who she is liao, that makes me feel that.... well she not dun want to talk to me lar :) So hehe.... :P Thats about all lar.....
Aiyo..... you people ar..... worst than aunties sia..... so kapo for wad :P haha..... well..... actually.... thanks for the concern :) haha... thanks for your support... thanks to elgin :) had a nice talk with me about this matter, kevin :) and not forgetting paulin and shi qi... who keeps giving me encouragement and advices THank you :) Also min zhong... thanks for the concern :) And anyone whom I've missed out :) I will jia you de :D

Wahaha.... okay was really a long post haha.... have a nice time reading :)
I guess I also try to give my different stories different color to facilitate reading ba....
Okay... shall end it here liao :)

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