Wednesday, June 29, 2005

ARGH!!! I think tmr physics test surly cannot make it.... You know how long I spend just to do 28 MCQ questions???? 2 whole hours!!!!! LOL.... if I tmr still need to spend so much time on it then I guess sure fail already :S

Anyway... haiz... didn't expect myself to do too well for physics this time round lar.... Its like I only spend so little time on it... and I need 2 hrs to do the mCQ!!!! Haiz... there's just too much things to recall lar... argh....

Tmr is the last test liao... hope I can finish it smoothly... Juz hope that e-field dun come out :P haha... then erm... circular motion also dun.... then quantum also go away... haha.... Would be glad that the whole paper is fill with kinematics :P haha....cos with only 3 equations... you can solve almost everything :P but haiz... not possible lar... but no harm wishing for it :P

Its already 10+ now... think I am gonna stop doing already.... My mind is getting saturated.... Will just flip through the TYS and recall the types of questions and the method to solve. Then about 11 I'll go to bed :D Must have a good night rest :) Very impt... cos the paper is in the morning.... Think also gonna bring a sweet wif me... to keep me refresh :D Cos I think I will be using a lot of brain power tomorrow recalling all the stuffs :S So yar... musn't be sleepy otherwise cannot recall anything then die liao :S

K lar... going off for the final read liao :) See ya... Good luck for the test tmr :D

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

lalala~ Have been eating alot of junk food these few days :P haha.... think the 5 kg I lost in 2 weeks needs only 3 days to gain it back!!! lol... my tummy is already growing back to its original size =X Argh! Heck care lar... haha... gonna eat what I like (moderately lar) from now... Will wait till I have to go for the 1 month PTP ( physical training phase ) by NS before I let them take charge of my slimming :P and also prepare me for my BMT lar...

Hehe... think I'm going take NS as a slimming and body building programme :D Haha.... hope that by the end of the 2++ years. I will have a good bod to show off :P haha.... well.. if not... I'll be happy enough if they can make my tummy go away~ I can't really possibly do it at home because my grandma cooks a lot of fatty food in large proportion.... I have to suff myself with all those meat she cooked for dinner... I kept telling her to cook lesser... but still... its still as much.... Then everytime I tell her.... she will like say... Lesser liao lar... but actually nv lor.... Then also during the 2 weeks of intensive weight losing... I skipped my lunch and replace it with fruits mah.... Then she will keep asking me.... hungry or not? Want me to go downstair to get you some food? lol.. I was like... dun wan lar.... you want me to become overweight and make me do extra NS meh? Then she will say aiya... you very skinny already lar..... Then she still bought ice-cream during that period of time to tempt me -.- She will say... aiya eat lar... once won't make any difference lar.... lol... then of cos... I succumbed to the temptation.... haha....

Well... shouldn't complain so much lar... she's a very nice grandma... really cares about me :) Haha.. always worry that I will go hungry :D

Anyway... yay... I kind of prepared for my maths already :D Haha... spent the whole day of today doing TYS questions on stats.... I finished 14 questions from a TYS :D haha.... its considered a great feat for me cos I dun usually do so much in one shot :D So yar.... am pretty confident in tmr's test.... Well.. perhaps not to score well... but think passing should be okay :D After tomorrow's paper.... will be left with only physics :D Woho~ Super long weekend... I'm coming!!!!! LOL... really can't wait for it :D These few days are driving me crazy with all the tests.....

K lar... thats all for now :) BYE~
Hello :) Its 12.43pm now... and I'm blogging :D haha.... no lar... cos didn't have any paper today so need to go school. Now preparing for maths paper.... Was just told yesterday that only a few topics were tested!!! Not all the topics.... So guess the revision I had done is all wasted : Now I trying to focus on stats cos yar... with so many other topics gone, I guess the focus is on stats already.... Aim to finish the list of stats questions that are meant to be for revision. :)

Hmm... eh... I forgot wad I want to write liao... think thats about all for now lar.... haha....

OH! I just remembered... I wanted to lament on the Econs paper yesterday... haha..... Well... I spend so much time studying econs and I still don't know how to do a lot of questions!!! The questions this time round are quite different... Requires abit more of thinking. So yar... actually... my studying got help abit lar... I feel more comfortable writing essays.... I only pick the sentences that can earn me marks... Haha.... cos I think previously I did the GP way where I write a lot of crap on each point just to make the essay longer :S But this time round I didn't.... so my essays are rather short!!! =X Well... will see how first lar.... if this time round really still cannot improve my grades then I guess I will have to think of another way to tackle this subject again....

Talking about GP... haha... did the question on Mathematics hava limited use. Comment. Woho~ So yar... went on and on about how maths is useful :P Which I don't really agree lar.... To me maths is just playing around with numbers and makes no sense at all... but hehe... I try to crap my way through lar.... saying that some things can be illustrated through a graph and studen;t don't appreciate maths cos they nv learn the concepts... lol... all fake one lar.... :P But hehe :P

Thats all for now :) Bye~ Go and do maths liao :D

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Lalala~ Its the last day of holidays already.... Feeling kind of uneasy now... Cos haiz.... tmr econs test already.... Can't stop worrying about this term test, cos I really haven't been studying much for this. Or perhaps... maybe I did study something... but because it wasn't structured, I'm afraid that I would miss out some important things. Anyway... I have relatively more effort of econs... so I had better score well for econs this time.... if I don't.... then I dun really know whats the problem liao... Cos I spend almost all of my studying time these 2 weeks on econs... Maths and physics only take up a tiny bit of it. So yar... I also would expect my maths and physics score to fall lar... maths got the stats which I am still quite blur about and physics didn't really study as much as I did last time. Thats why I expect these 2 subjects to perform not up to standard. But for econs.... I really hope that I will score well... Kind of like bet everything on it already :S

Hmm... now feeling abit weird.... its always like this whenever the term ends. Maybe due to the term test lar... If there weren't any term test. I wouldn't have to worry so much. Just rot the whole of tmr away..... but I can rot tmr.... cos I have a test.... Haiz..... think I won't be able to sleep well tonight.... Its always like that.... then tmr morning... I will wake up super refresh..... But that is ran on emergency power supply..... and it burns out pretty quickly.... So I guess by midway through the GP paper.... I will start to feel sleepy..... Then I will start to day dream.... and then screw up my paper.... Ahhhh!!!!! lol....

K lar... life isn't really that bad... haha.... there's something at the end of the test to look forward to :) I don't have a paper on friday which means I got 1 day off :) then I think there will be a youth day holiday on monday :D Thats means that I will have a super long weekend :) Hope to enjoy myself during that time cos my past two week is ruin by the preparation of the term test. :) So yar... thats something that I hope can motivate myself to endure through this week :D

OKay.... have been doing some thinking recently. Went for the NS check up.... then I start to think about NS stuffs.... I thought to myself... actually 2 and a half years is actually not very long. Because.... my sis is studying in sec 1 now... next year.... I will go for NS and she will start sec 2.... and when I finish serving.... my sis haven't even finish fer sec school.... I might even have time to help her prepare for O lvls.... So 2.5 year.... if you do a relative compare.... It dosen't seem that long...... hmm.... so yar... hope that I will enjoy the time spent there :)

K lar... thats about all for today :) Its only 9.22 now.... don't think I will be studying anymore... have been studying for the past 2 weeks already... whatever that should be in my mind would ought to be.... Nothing much that I can do now... Perhaps before I sleep I'll just take a good glance at my notes and off I go to bed :)

So :) Have a nice week ahead :D haha.... Look forward to the next weekends :) I have 4 days.... but you also have 3 :D Bye~

Friday, June 24, 2005

Woho~ FACE lift :D

Haha... Yay!!! I've gone into the 3rd dimension in my art :D So proud of myself :)

Anyway... this represents another phase in my life. The previous one to find the missing piece, well it kinds of dosen't apply to me anymore, I haven't been regular in expanding or contracting my bar. So yar... guess thats not too much of a problem. Perhaps I was having depression then, but when I am out of it, I guess it wasn't much of a problem :)

So... now the NEW theme :D Building blocks :D Since I just went into the 3rd dimension. I thought to myself, this is a new skill that I learn, and I have improve myself, value added myself. Hmm.... so that brings us to the new themebuilding blocks. We have to constantly built on our skills and improve ourselves. Little things that happens in my life help build the person I am in future :) So I would wish to share my little experiences with the world and perhaps help people whom are also building themselves :)

Okay... thats all for now :) Am rather tired now.. spend the whole day on this :D
Now my blog looks like a studio with a giant screen :D Glad that everything fits nicely, and hope you all like it too :)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Yay!!!! Haha... no more dieting!!! :D :D :D Wahahaha~ So happy :D Didn't get into PES BP which is meant for people whom are obesed. Hehe.... I got into PES A :D Hmm... I grew taller by 1 cm and lost 5kg :D haha..... My suffering for replacing lunch with fruits finally paid off :D HAha.... no I can eat whatever I want without worries :D Of cos I can't over do it lar. Still have to control abit :) But its not that pressurizing already :)

Anyway.... spent the whole of the afternoon there.... haha.... the most interesting part is the dental check-up.... The dentist just look at my teeth and read out a whole string of codes... then finished : LOL... cos I was the first one of my batch to be checked. I think no one expected it so we all ended up laughing... haha.... But :P I got quite a number of tooth decay :S Have to make a appointment with the dentist soon :) It has been 5 years since I went for dental check-up :S

Okie... then next would be the computer test..... Missed out quite some questions due to the time limit : Then half way tru... I started skipping questions... cos I didn't want to waste time.... SO yar... in the end I think I got quite a number of questions either blank or wrong :

Yesterday also watch a interesting movie on channel 5. Was channel surfing then the starting narration caught my attention. It says sometime like ... 'In the beginning, there was existance... then there was fear... fear of non existance' The title of the movie is called 'Black river' Wonder if anyone of you saw before.

Anyway.... throughout the whole movie... you see that there are many securities camera around in the town called Black River monitoring every activity in the town. And good things always happen to the people. And the people are forbidden to leave the town. Something will happen when the person wants to leave. Then until the end.... you realised that its a form of artificial intelligence controlling everything.... Its actually developed by some researchers... but because the AI is smarter than the researchers, it quickly hide itself in the web. So the researchers still thought that they failed in the experiment. So yar... it talks about the powerful abilities of the AI.... It was eyes that can see everywhere from the satellite in space. It has ears that listens to every conversation through the phone lines... And it has arms that controls all electrical and GPS operated machines.... Its everywhere.....

So yar... as the movie said in the beginning. With existance, it will fear non existance. So the AI is trying to protect its existance by fooling the researchers that they didn't succeed, and by making everyone happy and keeping them in town, so no one will suspect anything.....

Hmm.... think this is a very interesting movie. It touches on the impact of the advance in technologies and the nature of fear of non existance..... Okie... I'm actually short of time now... will come back later if I have the time to type my thoughts on this movie :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Yay!!! TBK has gone 3D :D

Take a look at this!

haha... I have upgraded my skills :D Yay... so happy :) Ventured into the world of 3D... and hope together with my photoshop skills... I can create even better works in future :D Haha... so excited.

This is my first attempt with cinema 4D... I know that this isn't the software that the industry use. But well... I was taught this software in IT club, it was intended to be digital animation, thats why cinema 4D. So yar.... was taught the basics and I explored the rest on my own :) I will continue to explore the features of the software and master it :) Just like wad I did with photoshop :D haha....

OKie.... soon I will also be changing the blog template... haha.... I have upgraded myself. Have you? :P

Thats all for today lar! Tmr will be the medical check up already!!!! Very nervous..... I hope I dun go into the overweight category. I diet and exercise for the past months just for tmr. Hope that my effort didn't go to waste. And after tmr... whahaha.... I can eat whatever I want already!!!!! :P hehe... so yar... please give my good new tmr :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yo! Long time no blog... haha... well... for the past 4 days life was in a rather messy state.... Went over to stay over at my cousin's house for the weekends.... then my cousin came to my house for another 2 days..... So yar... played and stayed up late.... then didn't bother about studying.... You know... my mind is like in a half awake state..... everything blur blur..... Perhaps due to all the late nights.... today got worst cos I had to wake up early to go suntec for a seminar.... so had to wake up early.... resulting in me feeling really blur now.... gonna start sleeping early already... otherwise I won't be able to adjust my body clock in time for school reopens....

Well.. talking about school.... my revision is all in a mess.... no planning at all... well.. actually... I did plan.... ubt everything didn't work out... So I am just like picking any topic and any subject that I feel like studying and do a little bit of work..... which of cos is not enough to get good results... I think this coming term test would be a total disaster.... Argh... feeling very dreamy now.... I think I also have a little fever.... forehead abit warm.... must really sleep early tonight....

Tmr well... would be another day at home.... hope to do my stats.... haven't touch them at all.... then thursday would be spending the whole day for the ns medical check-up.... then friday study again..... sat and sun also... then in an blink of an eye..... school starts..... and wohoo~ Its gonna be a long road ahead....

Once the school start... there won't be another holiday anytime soon.... We will go into the phase of preparing for prelims..... Lessons will all stop at 3... after which... remedial lessons.... It will be one last long stretch of sprint towards the A lvls..... Its really kind of scary.... time really passes by very very fast....

K lar... will stop talking about all these things... otherwise you all we start to bored to death.... haha.... OKie... well as said earlier... I went to a seminar <> today.... well... was rather dissappointed when we got there..... I thought it would be some convention hall in suntec... with seats for hundreds of people.... but instead it turned out to be in the concourse just beside the escalator... with seats for few.....

The presentation was also rather boring.... yawned quite a few times......

K lar... from the lecture... I only learned 2 things....

-about 1200 years from now.... scientist predicted that the magnetic poles of the earth will change... resulting in our atmosphere being blowned away by cosmic winds... and we all die....

-Pluto may not be a planet.... but a comet.... :S haha.....

Oh well... thats about all for the scientific part..... the rest would be about missions to pluto and an comet.... and about how much it cost... this is the boring part... I wouldn't want to know how the missions would be carried out.... I'm more interested in the results... so yar.... haiz......

After that... went walking around in suntec.... had lunch at pasta mania.... then... yar.... went home quite early.... haha..... how to shop around with 3 guys :S

Hmm... then also.... M1 send this promotional sms to me.... saying that there is a model of motorola phone with blue tooth and mp3 going for only $98 ......

Haiz... am still considering whether to buy it or not..... because... my current phone is working fine for me...... nothing is wrong with it... only lack of some.... or perhaps quite a lot of features.... but still I still can call and send sms.... so there is actually no need to buy a new phone.... But I am just so tempted by the blue tooth and mp3 functions.... which I only have to fork out another 50+ ( with trade-in ) But the thing is.... do I need to do so? Even though it might not be very expensive... but..... should I succumb to temptation so easily? Argh..... haha.... there is this internal struggle within me.... but anyway... will be going down to M1 shop to take a look tmr :P haha.... maybe I will really be tempted to buy it :S

K lar... thats about all for now.... quite a long entry... happy reading :)

Friday, June 17, 2005

:P some how or another... I got the full report on my IQ :P haha.... I score in the top 90-100 percentile in all 4 aspects! haha....


lol... no lar... I not so mean... but hehe :P still glad that I did so well in the IQ test :D Hmm... heard that the NS check up also have this kind of test... Hope that I can score well... then go to some department where I use more of my mental strength than physical strength... as you know... I'm quite weak physically :S

hehe... thats all for today lar :) bye~

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Yay... haha.... went to do a online free IQ test.... was too bored....

Here's my result :P

Congratulations ! Your IQ score is 138

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.


The Classic IQ Test

And the interpretation of the results...

Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients

IQ Description % of Population
130+ Very superior 2.2%
120-129 Superior 6.7%
110-119 High average 16.1%
90-109 Average 50%
80-89 Low average 16.1%
70-79 Borderline 6.7%
Below 70 Extremely low 2.2%

Yay!!! I'm very superior.... LOL.... but I dun feel so leh... am still struggling with my work :
Haha... K lar... the test may not be that accurate lar... afterall its free... there is no free food on earth... haha... but hehe... still nice to know that I'm superior... :P

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Arlow~ Long time no blog liao... haha.... got miss me or not...

Well.. holidays have started already... yay.... haha... finally get to wake up late :) Have been studying for the past few days.... so sian... been trying to study econs... but I dun know how to study.... like nothing goes into my mind..... Then yar... maths is still alright.... then physics... haven't been touching it.... :S maybe during the weekends.... more worried about econs now... spending almost the whole day on it... only the night is used for maths....

Anyway.... fell sick 2 days ago... got flu.... argh... it felt terrible... used up a lot of tissue...I think it was because I slept late these few days....

Then yar.... next week is the NS nedical check up le.... been trying very hard to lose weight these few days.... replacing my lunch wif fruits and doing exercises..... Must perservere.... after next week.... I can start eating anything I want liao.... I just want to slim down no matter what it takes for next week....

hmm... think thats about all for now ba.... so sian.... nothing to do... neck also aching from the fever and flu..... haiz..... then also got a swollen part in my mouth ( too heaty already) Head also feeling abit giddy.... argh!!!!!! Hope to get well soon.....

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

:D Time for another entry :) Its wednesday already!!!! YAy!!! 2 more days to go!!! Haha... tmr is a rather short day.... then only friday to left :P

Anyway.... haiz.... am getting more worried about my studies... I haven't really been studying for the past few days.... Initially I planned to slack the next week... if I had studied this week... but now that I haven't... think I can't slack liao.... Cos the last week I won't be free for another 2 days... have to attend a seminar and go for NS medical check up....

Talking about the NS check-up.... Haiz... think I am going for the extra 2 months for obesed people le!!!! Haiz.... been trying to lose weight for months but my weight just stays at 75!!!! It won't go up or down!!! well... think no choice lor.... just go for another 2 months.... Time will pass very quickly one lar... just like I pass 18 years of my life in a blink of an eye....

Okay... tonight also watch project super star... lol very funny... and touching too... but it made me think of something....

You know some people like over 30s already.... don't have the looks... don't have the voice.... but still dare to go and join the competition....

It leads me to thinking.... Should I praise them for being courageous to fight against the odds to achieve their dream or should I laugh at them for over estimating themselves.

Well... until now I haven't reached to a conclusion yet... hmm... am open to opinions :D

K lar... nothing much liao... bye :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

:) Was looking at the marine aquarium in my house and I just realised that the sea prawn ( don't know the real name, but its just those colorful prawns you see at the sea beds. ) had just given birth!!! :D

It has been carrying eggs inbetween its legs for several weeks now, and finally it hatched tonight :D The baby prawns are so cute! They are even smaller than a grain of sand and are almost white and transparent in color :D Then they are just wriggling around the tank, too weak to determine their own direction and just washed around by the current....

Then... the sad fact of reality starts to come in.... As the prawns are too weak to escape the strong current, some are being swept into the filter box and their lives will just end there.... There is no chance of surviving the filter box, as you know, the filter box of a marine aquarium must be super effective otherwise the marine fish won't survive.

These little lives just left their mother a few minutes ago... and ended just like that.... Their lives lasted even lesser than the time I took to write this entry. How cruel is that?

But, there is worst to come, some were borned with physical disablilties.... one baby had its body bend 45' at the center. When it first left the mother, it tried to wriggle around.... but soon... it stopped.... and was floating around livelessly.... Others though borned healthy, are still unable to defend itself from the strong current and was swept around violently and lose its life.....

Out of the thousands that were being borned tonight... perhaps none will survive till tomorrow morning.... As we sleep peacefully through the night.... thousands of lives are trying to overcome the odds to survive. And thousands would perish by the first ray of light that shines through the tank. Are their lives so worthless?

Even if some managed to survive the strong currents and filter box..... their ordeal is not over yet.... Predators will hunt them down....

Thats a rather sad fact isn't it? Life is so fragile.....

So we people should be thankful that we have survived through 18 years of our lives and are still going on strong for another few more decades.....

It was just this afternoon that I was so envious of a friend whom is of the same age as me, but is having the latest gadgets and drives to school..... Why am I not living a life like this? I thought to myself.....

But now to think of it..... my life is already considered very fortunate than many other human beings around the world..... Or perhaps at least....

Better than the lives of the few thousand prawns that perish tonight....

Monday, June 06, 2005

Yawnz.... just woke up... its 10.25pm now :S haha... went to bed at 8 after watching the 7 oclock show... too tired already... slept quite late yesterday night.... then today no time for afternoon nap.... Haiz... so yar... just woke up, mind not very awake yet... think won't be doing much revision tonight... Its monday already.... tmr's tuesday.... can't wait for this time table to end.... I want to wake up late!!! Otherwise I dun have energy to last till the end of the day....

Haiz.... K lar.... 4 more days to go.... bye bye~

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Haiz... abit heart broken now....
well... have to admit the fact lar....
hmm.... sad.....
Yay! haha... I'm a good singaporean :D LOL... Was surfing around when I saw a picture of our Merlion :) Haha... it was taken by someone from New york who came to visit singapore :D But... he didn't that the merlion was called merlion... DUno wad the tour guide was doing sia... : Perhaps he didn't have one.... Oh... well... so he ... er...I forgot the exact things.... but think he put something like half-fish creature as the title... So as a good singaporean :P I told him the real name and he corrected the Title :D hehe....

Okie... be back later :)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

hmm.... its saturday night.... nothing much to blog about.... haiz... just another usual day.... so sian....



K lar...

dun waste ur time reading liao :P

Bye~ bYe~ :)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Haiz.... feeling a sense of lose now.... was doing something a moment ago.... but then it suddenly disconnected.... nvm... shall not elaborate anymore... if there's fate... the lines shall intersect again....

Okie... its friday already :) Yay!!! haha... 1 more week to go :) Hmm... K lar... nothing much for now... feeling a bit sleepy already... bye bye :) Enjoy your weekends :D

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Okie... intended to write some thought I got from the Stars wars... ( watched it today...) but hm.... duno how to phrase it in words leh... Think I'll think more about it and come nack tmr ba :)

Anyway... tmr's friday!!1 YAY!!!! haha... another week is finally over!!1
Just one more week to go before I can wake up late in the morning :P haha... think thats the only thing I'm looking forward to :S haha.... I'm going to sleep alot during the holidays... :P haha... since we can incur sleep debt, I think we also can deposit right :P haha....

K lar... thats all for today... see ya tmr :)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Okie~ nothing much to say today..... haiz.... have to wake up at 8 for the rest of the holiday lessons liao... so sian.... I dun want to wake up so early!!!!

Hmm.. oh... just an update on the moblog competition... hmm.... competition is heating up for the past few days as 3 new JC joined started their blog, and the unique visitors to rj's moblog leaped from 50 to 60 in a day... then from 60-120 today!!!! Its growing at such a high rate!!! Our's only like 2-3 a day lor.... after so much effort put in by elgin...

K lar.. thats all for today... . bye~