Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yo! Long time no blog... haha... well... for the past 4 days life was in a rather messy state.... Went over to stay over at my cousin's house for the weekends.... then my cousin came to my house for another 2 days..... So yar... played and stayed up late.... then didn't bother about studying.... You know... my mind is like in a half awake state..... everything blur blur..... Perhaps due to all the late nights.... today got worst cos I had to wake up early to go suntec for a seminar.... so had to wake up early.... resulting in me feeling really blur now.... gonna start sleeping early already... otherwise I won't be able to adjust my body clock in time for school reopens....

Well.. talking about school.... my revision is all in a mess.... no planning at all... well.. actually... I did plan.... ubt everything didn't work out... So I am just like picking any topic and any subject that I feel like studying and do a little bit of work..... which of cos is not enough to get good results... I think this coming term test would be a total disaster.... Argh... feeling very dreamy now.... I think I also have a little fever.... forehead abit warm.... must really sleep early tonight....

Tmr well... would be another day at home.... hope to do my stats.... haven't touch them at all.... then thursday would be spending the whole day for the ns medical check-up.... then friday study again..... sat and sun also... then in an blink of an eye..... school starts..... and wohoo~ Its gonna be a long road ahead....

Once the school start... there won't be another holiday anytime soon.... We will go into the phase of preparing for prelims..... Lessons will all stop at 3... after which... remedial lessons.... It will be one last long stretch of sprint towards the A lvls..... Its really kind of scary.... time really passes by very very fast....

K lar... will stop talking about all these things... otherwise you all we start to bored to death.... haha.... OKie... well as said earlier... I went to a seminar <> today.... well... was rather dissappointed when we got there..... I thought it would be some convention hall in suntec... with seats for hundreds of people.... but instead it turned out to be in the concourse just beside the escalator... with seats for few.....

The presentation was also rather boring.... yawned quite a few times......

K lar... from the lecture... I only learned 2 things....

-about 1200 years from now.... scientist predicted that the magnetic poles of the earth will change... resulting in our atmosphere being blowned away by cosmic winds... and we all die....

-Pluto may not be a planet.... but a comet.... :S haha.....

Oh well... thats about all for the scientific part..... the rest would be about missions to pluto and an comet.... and about how much it cost... this is the boring part... I wouldn't want to know how the missions would be carried out.... I'm more interested in the results... so yar.... haiz......

After that... went walking around in suntec.... had lunch at pasta mania.... then... yar.... went home quite early.... haha..... how to shop around with 3 guys :S

Hmm... then also.... M1 send this promotional sms to me.... saying that there is a model of motorola phone with blue tooth and mp3 going for only $98 ......

Haiz... am still considering whether to buy it or not..... because... my current phone is working fine for me...... nothing is wrong with it... only lack of some.... or perhaps quite a lot of features.... but still I still can call and send sms.... so there is actually no need to buy a new phone.... But I am just so tempted by the blue tooth and mp3 functions.... which I only have to fork out another 50+ ( with trade-in ) But the thing is.... do I need to do so? Even though it might not be very expensive... but..... should I succumb to temptation so easily? Argh..... haha.... there is this internal struggle within me.... but anyway... will be going down to M1 shop to take a look tmr :P haha.... maybe I will really be tempted to buy it :S

K lar... thats about all for now.... quite a long entry... happy reading :)

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