Tuesday, June 07, 2005

:) Was looking at the marine aquarium in my house and I just realised that the sea prawn ( don't know the real name, but its just those colorful prawns you see at the sea beds. ) had just given birth!!! :D

It has been carrying eggs inbetween its legs for several weeks now, and finally it hatched tonight :D The baby prawns are so cute! They are even smaller than a grain of sand and are almost white and transparent in color :D Then they are just wriggling around the tank, too weak to determine their own direction and just washed around by the current....

Then... the sad fact of reality starts to come in.... As the prawns are too weak to escape the strong current, some are being swept into the filter box and their lives will just end there.... There is no chance of surviving the filter box, as you know, the filter box of a marine aquarium must be super effective otherwise the marine fish won't survive.

These little lives just left their mother a few minutes ago... and ended just like that.... Their lives lasted even lesser than the time I took to write this entry. How cruel is that?

But, there is worst to come, some were borned with physical disablilties.... one baby had its body bend 45' at the center. When it first left the mother, it tried to wriggle around.... but soon... it stopped.... and was floating around livelessly.... Others though borned healthy, are still unable to defend itself from the strong current and was swept around violently and lose its life.....

Out of the thousands that were being borned tonight... perhaps none will survive till tomorrow morning.... As we sleep peacefully through the night.... thousands of lives are trying to overcome the odds to survive. And thousands would perish by the first ray of light that shines through the tank. Are their lives so worthless?

Even if some managed to survive the strong currents and filter box..... their ordeal is not over yet.... Predators will hunt them down....

Thats a rather sad fact isn't it? Life is so fragile.....

So we people should be thankful that we have survived through 18 years of our lives and are still going on strong for another few more decades.....

It was just this afternoon that I was so envious of a friend whom is of the same age as me, but is having the latest gadgets and drives to school..... Why am I not living a life like this? I thought to myself.....

But now to think of it..... my life is already considered very fortunate than many other human beings around the world..... Or perhaps at least....

Better than the lives of the few thousand prawns that perish tonight....

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