Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Haiz.... go one big round, I'm back to doing sales for IT products again.. lol... At first I dun want to do sales cos I wanna try something new... but well.... since this opportunity is presented to me, then nvm lor.... Actually its really fate that I got this job. I didn't purposly search for it... it just came to me by chance..... Here's the story of how I found the job... or perhaps how the job found me.... :)

Today I was feeling better already... although still have some mucus that was stuck.... but I am able to speak rather clearly already... So I decided to pay a visit to the employment agencies. I took a bus down to orchard road. Visited Far east shopping center where the agencies are. And I was shocked. Actually not shocked.... just very much surprised... Haha... 90% of the so called employment agencies are crowded with foreign dark women.... without the need for introduction... I know they are foreign domestic helpers... in layman terms... maids.... Not that I want to sterotype lar... but its obvious.... So yar.... almost every of these so called employment agencies deals with finding employment for these foreign workers.... Then I just went off without entering any agency to ask for temp jobs lor. The thing that came to my mind was... "hello!? I'm no maid!! :S" lol.... why can't they just advertise as maid agency.... employment agency sounds so misleading.....

Anyway... after that I thought actually I don't really need to look for agency lar... afterall the job posting on the online job agencies are all admin and accounts position which I can't do... so I guess it would be the same at their shop ba..... Then I decided to keep a lookout to see if any shops put up notices to employ people or not lor... Cos I think although they might want to employ a permanent staff.... they wouldn't mind employing someone temporary cos they got nothing to lose. They just need to put up the notice again after I leave.... So yar... and I thought... another place I could try my luck may be at china town cos CNY is coming... maybe they need extra staffs.... Then I just walked down the whole of orchard heading towards chinatown's direction lor.... HAha... another walking expedition for me :P So yar... walk pass plaza singapura.... and I lost my direction! haha... I don't know where to go.... I just followed my instinct..... then after a while... I came to a building that seems so familiar..... And when I turned around the corner.... I saw sim lim square! lol.... The place I am is at Berlington..... lol... no wonder it seems to familiar.... I got my first job interview there and also collect my first pay there... lol.... Cool hur... I went from one end of orchard and wandered all the way to bugis.... haha....

Then yar.... was walking pass this shop and saw the notice to employ people! :D Lol... I finally found a place that is hiring people :D Actually this was the second one that I saw.... The very first one I saw was from This Fashion... which I think I wouln't stand a chance to get the job cos of my gender... lol.... Anyway.... the job title also looks very familiar..... Sales Executive.... lol... Same as my previous job.... haha.... and guess wad... I'm still selling IT stuffs.... haha.... Think its my fate to love IT gadgets and also to find my employment from there.... lol....

So after talking with the boss about me only able to work till end of feb.... he agreed to give me the job.... The working hours are long.... from 10 in the morning till 9 at night..... And the pay isn't much either.... after some calculation its only $3+ per hour.... But well... still agreed to take on the job cos nvm lor.... Afterall my job don't seem too tedious.... Just like in economic concept..... My Marginal Revenue Product is low. I dun think I can sell one product every hour lor... So I guess my job pretty much slack lar.... haha... so why not? Rather than slacking at home and earn nothing... why not slack outside and get paid a little.... Another reason I took on this job cos they can let me work all the way till feb.... Then I dun have to keep finding job when one job ends.....

Hmm... so yar.... :)

After that I still want to accomplish my initial aim to get to china town... so I started walking again.... But hor... I kept going around in circles... lol..... After walking for some time I saw the famous temple at bugis... lol... that means I haven't left bugis area lor.... So I continue walking and guess whats the next thing I saw.... The national library.... lol... I'm still at bugis!!!! I turned another direction and started walking again... and guess wad.... I saw parco!!! lol.... K lar... I admit defeat... lol... then I made my way to bugis MRT and took a train home....

Then thats about it for today lar.... :)

Anyway... just wanna add something I saw on an advert.... there's this advert on the newpapers for paints... then they have this little colummn on the chinese zodiac for next year.... And for rabbit it says got 'tao hua yun' Means got love luck :D :D :D Haha... But I wonder how am I going to find my girl.... Cos next year I going army le! Lol... where got girl for me to find? Then I thought.... hmm.... since all the rabbits are going army next year.... and all rabbits have love luck.... then.... does that mean that all the rabbits gay together in army? lol.... just joking... haha.... anyway..... that means that love luck wun happen to my batch of rabbits lor.... haiz....

K lar.... thats all... gonna work tmr liao..... going to sleep.... bye :)

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