Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm back :D haha.... seems that no one misses me... no new messages in the shoutbox.... aww... so sad... :P

Anyway.... the trip was quite fun :) Especially the food... haha... ate a lot for the past few days... We had buffet in the morning.... fast food in the afternoon... then buffet again for dinner... then fast food again for supper... lol...

then also played at the theme park lor.... but the queue was very long.... we had to like spend 1 hr queueing for a ride thats only a few minutes... Then somemore the weather was bad... kept raining... then the rides all closed... didn't get to play much.... but... still managed to have a go at all the rides lar :)

I also try to enter the casino... but... haha... didn't succeed... I go in... then the person say.... IC? ... then I say nv bring :S ... He said bring it next time.... then showed me the way out... haiz... lol... nvm lar... wait a few more years I can 'guang ming zhen da' go in liao :P Haha....

well... thats about all ba :)

Now come back liao have to go job hunting already :) Have to faster find a job... otherwise I will be bored to death at home...

K lar... nothing else liao.... bye~

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