Saturday, December 31, 2005

Okay... its the end of the year again.... I shall now take this time to recap the events that happened for the year of 2005 before we embrace the new year of 2006.

Okay.... lets start with last year's new year resolution..... I dugged up the entry and here it goes....

"My new year resolution very simple..... the standard get good grades.... good health.... and something special here... I want to get a girlfriend :D haha..." 2005

Getting good grades.... hmm... that seems to be fufilled. Have been performing rather well for the year of 2005..... now its just waiting for the A lvl results le... and I'm feeling optimistic about it :) So yar :)

Next would be good health.... no major illness for this year.... Just the common cough and flu....

Lastly the girlfriend... haiz.... still single and unattached now.... Some things did happened... but it didn't ended well, so I also don't want to talk about it now....

My achievements this year....

Hmm..... well... I think I've grown to be slightly more mature. Although I'm still quite childish at times.... but :P I still enjoy the feeling of getting things done your own selfish and immature ways :P Anyway... yar... I learnt alot about how to carry myself.... and the way of thought.... :)

Other than that I dun seem to have done anything great..... Oh wait.... If I've not mistaken.... Litbud was borned this year right? :D Hehe... thats my greatest achievement for this year :D I'm very glad that this little thing that supposed to be a simple doodle during boring lessons can capture the hearts of so many.... To all whom supported my litbud.... A big thank you! There will be future plans to develop it..... but thats another story for another time :)

Then it seems that there arn't really much achievement for the year of 2005

My regrets......

I regretted failing in an attempt to get into a relationship....

I regretted not studying hard enough for econs

I regretted nothing else......

Okay.... thats about all that have happened for the year 2005.

Now my new year resolution for the year 2006.

Firstly of cos... I would wish for good health for myself and all the people around :)

Secondly I wish for an enjoyable time serving the country in NS

Thirdly I wish for the plans to develop my litbud to be successful and form the foundation for it to generate money for me in the coming years.

Lastly I would like to make more good friends.....

K lar... that all for now.... I wun wish to get into relationship this year lar cos its really quite impossible cos I will be in camp like 5 days a week or even more, where got time to go out and know girls.... So yar.... I'll just keep this wish till 2 years later :P

So this is it.... in another 1/2hr time would be the start of the new year already. Won't be staying up for countdown cos I'm really tired and I still have to work tmr.... Furthermore its meaningless to countdown on ur own.... So yar.... thats it.... Bye :) Wish all an enjoyable 2006 ahead :)

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