Tuesday, May 31, 2005

haiz.... caught a mild flu today.... maybe cos I went straight into the air con library after a long walk in the sun to the school.... so when I came out... was feeling unwell.... Duno why.... I feel like I'm getting weaker day by day.... A lot of things that didn't happen to me last time starts to now... take for example... I feel like vomitting when I take bus for too long... it didn't occur last time even when I take bus everyday... or perhaps... issit because I haven't been taking bus for a long time.... I'm not used to it? Haiz.... anyway.. other than that.... my eyesight also not perfect anymore.... also have some hearing difficulties...... Think I'm getting old liao.... haha....

K lar.. actually nothing much also.... haven't been sticking to my study plan.... always can't memorise my econs stuffs.... must think of ideas of how to make myself memorise it.... then haiz... also worry about my maths.... today when I flip open the TYS... I find that I have forgotten almost 90% of the stuffs......

Hmm.. K lar... thats all for today.... will go and revise more on maths later.... bye :)

Sunday, May 29, 2005

hehe... created another picture of myself :S


nice? :P
okie~ Time for another entry :D

Yay~ haha... the holidays are here :D Wee~ Although I still have to go school for 2 more weeks... but well... I'm still happy about it :) Cos yar... can take a break from the normal time table where everything is all packed together.....

Can also kill time :S Haha... cos yar... I will be bored to death with such a long holiday..... nothing to do... now I spend first 2 weeks in school.... then have a 1 week break to slack.... and the last week will be studying for the term test again :) So yar... should be rather occupied.... if not, I scared I will go into depression again.

Hmm... went out for dinner on saturday.... bought a new sling bag.... cos yar... my old one... hehe... grow mouldy already :S Been using it more 5 years.... haha... carried it almost everywhere..... :) Now also can't bear to throw it away :S hehe... still in my cupboard :S

K lar... nothing much liao.... tmr still got school.... sian.... actually hor... I dun mind going school leh... but hor... can school start abit later!!!1 I want to sleep leh..... The only thing I hate about school is that I have to wake up so early in the morning..... : Its very torturing lor..... haiz.... k lar... have a nice week ahead :) bye~

Friday, May 27, 2005

=X haven't been blogging for quite some time :P haha.... had been busy with the school blog :) Please support Nexus@YJ blog @ http://www.campusmoblog.com.sg/blog/952426 by registering and visiting the site. Thanks! haha...

Okie... nothing much happened these few days..... Only that yesterday my group of friends suddenly dug out a secret that is almost a year ago and started talking about it : haha... well I've got nothing much to say lar... perhaps a little regret that I didn't grap hold of an opportunity that was presented right in front of my eyes.... and now.... it just passes me by... haiz.... well.. hope that one day, I cando something to correct my regret :) The interesting thing is... EJ actually dreamed about it last night... LOL... must be thinking too much liao lar :P

K lar... will come back when I got something to write :) Bye~

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Wee~~ Just came back from a 2 days stay at my aunt's house....feeling much better now :) haha.... Thanks for all the concerns :) perhaps I was really too stressed out by work :D So yar.... went to my aunt's house for 2 days.... threw behind everything at home.... and just went there and enjoy myself for 2 days :D Haha... whole day watch TV... play com.... dun even need to think about doing homework cos I can't :D haha.... all my tutorials are at home :P So yar... today also went to the temple near my aunt's place.... Went to bath the buddha :) So yar.. hope that everything will be fine now.

anyway... the fun is over.... hehe.... have to work extra hard tmr :S cos yar... I push all my work for the supposedly "long weekend" to just a single day. :P haha... but I think its worth it in exchange of two days of true slacking :P

K lar... thats all for now :) hope you enjoy your holidays :D Bye~

Friday, May 20, 2005

Happy birthday to me~
Happy birthday to me~
Happy birthday to me~~
Happy birthday to me~

Haha..... As this time of the year 18 years ago... I was born :D Time really passes very fast.... its has been 18 years since then....

Haiz.... K lar... should feel happy on my birthday.... but somehow.... theres some part of the ingredient that will make me truly happy is missing.....

Dun wish to dwell on it.... but well... think I'm going into depression again recently... been feeling rather down for the past few days..... A lot of things went tru my mind.... how I spent my 18 years if my life.... what have I achieve..... and what have I lost.... What else do I want? This year's birthday is rather significant to me.... I marks the end of one part of my life.... by this time next year.... I might be spending my birthday in the army camp..... Today is also anther special day.... anyone noticed the date? ITs 20-05-2005 .... super nice number.... didn't realised it either until I saw it in the newspaper headline.... Haha.... think that everyone is betting of my birthday! So cool sia... haha....

Okay.... well... as I've said... been thinking about what have I achieve, lost, and what else do I want.... So What Have I Achieve... ? Well... in my opinion.... I haven't achieve much.... perhaps in terms of academic aspect... there is still some achievement to be proud of... other than that.... perhaps.... I have achieve nothing much over this past 18 years...

What have I lost? Hmm.... well... without gain you can't lose anything right.... but I still feel some regrets.... not that I have lost something.... but because I never had it.... and can never have it anymore.... I am what I am today because this is how I am brought up.... and the environment I am brought up in.... and I feel that something is lacking in this environment... I seemed to have miss out a lot of things that my other peers has during their childhood..... It seems that my childhood is rather empty.... whenever I think of how I spent my childhood.... there seems to be nothing much.... There is this void in my childhood.... and this also became a void within myself... But.... what is over is over... I can't make any changes to that.... the only thing that I can do is bring up my future child in a different way.... to give my something that I longed to have but never had.....

What else do I want? Other than the material satisfaction.... what I truly want is to know who I am.... I feel like I am a chameleon... I'm just adopting whatever thing my surrounding has..... I have no ME. I don't know what I truly like.... I am kind of lost right now.... I also want someone whom I can rely on.... I am so so tired right now... Its very hard to live with only myself as a support.... I'm afraid that I will break down someday...... There is often this sudden urge to just lose it and you know... totally collapse..... its my conscious that is binding me down.... and this string of conscious is thinning.... I'm really afraid that one day.... it will just snap.... and I collapse..... so heaven.... please give me someone that can be my support.... I can't hold on much longer.....

On the point of me being ME..... I think that I might have ME in the past.... but now I've lost it..... I no longer have the cheerful personality.... and will go into depression now and then.... Are these symtoms that I've lost the ME in myself?

Anyway.... I wish that everyone would live their life happily.... and I would find myself.... or perhaps.... like what my blog is about.... to find my missing piece........

okay.... shall end it off here.... bye~

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Another day of my life~

Am rather relieved now... cleared most of my maths homework.... there are more to come.... but there is some breathing space now till the next load of assignment.... So yar.... better enjoy these few days before things start coming in again....

Its wednesday today.... 2 more days :P haha.....


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

.... my bar got shortened today.... dun feel good today... going into depression.... haiz.... nothing much for today.... bye....

Monday, May 16, 2005

okie.... just a quick one.... nothing special happen today.... rushing off to watch TV now :P Bye~

*Hint Hint* an important date is getting VERY close now :P haha....

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hmm.... okie... time for another entry :) Had been some time since I last blog properly.... been really busy lately.... haiz.... everything was as usual... but today... I have 2 things that I find interesting that I would like to discuss....

First thing.... about aptitude... Well.... this has recently been a hot topic among my group of friends cos yar.... we are having lots of work recently and who has the aptitude to handle it is clearly shown....

So what is aptitude.... in my opinion, aptitude is a multiplier of hardwork.... (For those who dun know econs... multiplier is like a constant that you multiply to your input... for eg.... you put in 20, if the multiplier is 2, you get 40 output....) So yar... some people just have a smaller multiplier... so the amount of hardwork they put in only give back little output.... for others with high multiplier, you put in little input but it will multiply many times to give you a huge output.....

After knowing what is aptitude.... let us look at the problem.... the question is that can someone who is stupid get the same result as those whom are smart.... in other words.... can someone like us in YJ be comparable with someone in RJ ? Past experience has shown that some people even though they really put in a lot of effort.... they still don't get good results.... this happens to quite a few of my classmates.... though they put in the effort, one of them still got retained, and others are struggling with work now.... Its not that they didn't study... they studied... even more than what I and some others had.... but in the end they still didn't make it.....
This brings us to another question.... Is this world fair? We put in so much effort, will we get back the same amount?

Well.... in my opinion.... I feel that the world isn't fair at all.... some people are borned with a sliver spoon.... they inherit good genes.... eat nutritious food.... receive quality education.... and eventually become successful in future.... but some whom are borned into a poor family... with.... disabilities.... with illness... cannot afford medication... their path ahead is completely dark.....
This applies to aptitude as well... some people are blessed with high aptitude for something.... well... maybe you can argue these people may be good in other things than studies.... what I can say is... perhaps nature is fair.... but society isn't...

So in conclusion.... I think that there is low probability that we will be able to surpass those people in RJ ( follow a poisson distrubition =X lol... ) Their future is determined even before they were borned.... Or perhaps.... be already determined right from their roots.... Cos yar... we inherit our genes from our parents... and our parents inherit their genes from their parents.... and this can trace back to our origins....

Oh... just to share something :) There is this documentary I watch some time ago... Its the science of people liking each other.... The scientists say that when we are looking for a mate.... we would often find someone who has some good genes that we don't have.. so we will pass our our combined good genes to our offsprings..... This purification of genes is done naturally and people arn't aware of it.... It conducts an experiment on the host (male) of the documentary..... about 10 women were asked to wear a shirt for about 2 days and after that, the shirt is placed in a jar.... the host.... without having seen the women was asked to smell the shirts and pick out the shirt he like most.... and then the shirts are than brought to test for the genes.... and the result is..... the shirt the host had chosen had the most number of different genes as him among all the other shirts.... So yar... this nature order of selecting genes is done without us being aware.....

Hmm.... so wads your view on this issue? Feel free to voice your opinion in the shoutbox :D

Okie... so lets move on to the next issue I want to talk about....

was watching naruto recently and there is this part where they were like saying naruto didn't have parents in the first place.... so he would not understand the pain that sasuke felt when what he once had, had been taken away from him....

This lead me to thinking.... so is it more painful to not have anything before or is it more painful to lose something you once had....

Hmm... to me.... well... I guess it is less painful to not have anything before.... but the pain will last very long.... and... it is more painful to lose something you once had... but the duration will be shorter.....

This is because.... the first one... since you did not have it before... the pain will be lesser.... because you can't make a comparison between having and not having.... and the pain will be longer because you will forever long for it....
For the second one.... the pain will be more acute because you once had it... so you can compare the difference between having it and not having it... but the pain will be shorter because as time goes by... you will be glad that you once had it.....

So yar... wads your opinion? :) Feel free to share it :D

okie... thats about all for today :) Typed a lot :P haha..... hope you had a nice time reading it :) Think about the issue discussed... may be potential GP question :P haha.....
Wee~ haha.... another addition to my gallery :P

This one is more of humor :D Was bored so went to take picture of my dad's aquarium.... then hehe.... had this cute little anemone so decided to make a Little alien take over the world picture :P


Friday, May 13, 2005

New addition to my gallery :) Will expain more later :) Hope ya like it :)

full view here :)


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Argh!!! Survived another day of this horrible week loaded with tons of homework... haiz... am slowly catching up with work.... thing are getting better... am more motivated to study.... haha... cos I see the EJ is starting to do his work liao -.- I can't lose to him! :P haha.... yar... he's the main source of motivation that powered me to do my work recently.... Cos... its like I am supposed to be doing all the work and he slacking :S... but recently... our roles changed... he is doing all the work whereas I am slacking -.- So yar.... hehe.... I cannot lose to him! haha... must also start to study liao :D and not only him lor... it seems that everyone has started to study.... all doing their work already lor.... only left me and andy still copying homework -.- But from today onwards.... I will start to do my work liao :D hehe... so left only andy still slacking :P Got to work harder eh :P

K lar... today also watch a performance of the SYF pieces by the various CCA.... well.. I think that they got what they deserve lar.... cos yar... a lot of our CCA only got a bronze.... but.... think they deserved it cos... its really not up to standard yet.... I know they've work hard... staying late till night to practise... but the result arn't good enough...... but nevertheless.... I applaud them for the hardwork put in :)

Okie... thats all for today :) 3 more days to the weekends.... must perservere on.... :) Bye~

Monday, May 09, 2005

Argh!!! School SUX!!! So MUCH WORK TO DO!!!! Haiz.... Got no time to rest at all.... everyday study until 4pm... go home 5.30... wash up, and do some things then 6.30... eat dinner then 7pm.... watch 1 hr TV then 8pm... do 2 hrs of work then 10pm.... 15mins of surfing net... then sleep again.... then the whole cycle repeats itself again... Haiz....

K lar... nothing much for today.... got lots of work to do... lots of test to study... even though we don't have mid year.... but there is almost a test for every subject this week -.-

Bye~ Haiz.... duno how am I going to survive the week ahead....

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Yay! haha... my bar grew by another square again :D haha... kind of feel rather nice these days :) Haven't gone into depression for quite some time :D Hope that this will carry on and soon I will be able to find my missing piece :D

Okie... this weekend seems very short to me... attended 2 dinners on the 2 night... Saturday was a wedding dinner.... today was my grandpa's birthday. Had lots of fun yesterday night :) The dinner was held at Pan Pacific Hotel Ballroom.... Then after dinner its about 11.10 already... so we were on the way home. Had a slight trouble finding the way to the MRT cos think my Uncles were slightly drunk.... so they anyhow lead the way :S Then we walk walk walk... then pass by Starbucks at Suntec -.- Then they suddenly say " want to drink kopi or not? " So the whole hord of about 14 of us including my grandma went to Starbucks.... lol... Then yar... after drinking they finally decided to go home.... but it was about 12pm that time.... so we were afraid that we won't be able to catch the last train home. So we start to pick up our pace towards the MRT station. When we were entering CityLink. I noticed on the door that CityLink closes at 12.15! LOL... Only 15 more minutes! Haha.... So fun... then finally we made it to the MRT station, but the last train only stop at Kranji, 1 stop away from my home!!! Haiz... but we still took the train anyway... cos its cheaper then we take cab all the way from Cityhall....
Everything seems to end already... then my mom suddenly remembered that the night rider service has a bus stop right under my block, so ask if we want to stop at orchard and transfer to the night rider.... but the thing is I am not very sure where to take the bus at orchard, I only guess it would most likely be at the bus stop behind takashimaya. hehe... but we still took the risk anyway.. so we alighted at Orchard... we were on our way to the bus stop when.... NR3 just went pass us!!! we missed the bus!!!! -.- so yar... waited for quite some time before the next bus came...
While on the bus, we were wondering whether my uncle will alight first or us... so we were like watching every turn of the bus cos each turn will tell us which direction it is heading.... but lol... the bus went around the whole of CCK.... reaching every cluster of flats in CCK... at first we thought my family will alight first... but in the end, it's uncle's... haha.....
While on the bus we were also saying that my grandma was the oldest throughout the whole journey home... from sitting at starbucks.... to the trains... to the streets of Orchard... and on the bus.... haha.... How often do you see a old lady out so late at night :P

So yar... after everything... we reached home at about 1.30 -.- Lol.... after washing up I went to bed liao... :) Fell asleep very fast cos yar... its pretty late and tiring from all the walking around... and also some wine that I drank during the dinner...

thats one of the best sleep I had for quite some time... so in the morning when I woke up... its raining!! :) The weather was cool, lighting was dim.... the perfect condition for sleeping :D haha... but I slept all the way till 11.... Missed my show on channel U :'( .... Last episode leh..... haiz... if only I woke up just an hour earlier :'(

Okie... then yar... spent the afternoons doing my homework.... Finally cleared my integration exercise.... Did some probability problems.... cos yar... copied it last week... so decided to redo it myself... :) Then now still owe a AQ, and Lecture exercise.... but :P lecture exercise tmr then copy lar :P

Argh... then also had been planing to do up my revision plan for econs.... but haven't got a chance to do it.... Really have to put in more effort for my econs liao... cos its currently my worst subject.....

K lar... think thats about all for tonight :)

have a nice week ahead :D

Friday, May 06, 2005



Okie.... Since I have been deprived of sleep recently.... I've decide to do a write up on this topic... Hope this will help people facing the same problem as me to understand more about sleep :)

From my previous entry, I've mentioned that the idea of having 8 hrs of sleep is due to a labour movement labour movement in 1870s. If you would like to find out more, you could visit the website below. Its actually a speech by someone, who he/she is doesn't really matter.... but in the speech, the speaker mentioned about the movement and the process of how the union fought to achieve this right.... the sacrifices the people made for this idea to be realised.


Regarding Kevin's question about the recommended hours of sleep by doctors. It is 8 hours. The following website explains how it si obatined.

"How did we get the age-old recommendation that we need a solid eight hours of sleep? In a classic study, researchers placed a volunteer in windowless, light-controlled room for 30 days. The light was on for 16 hours and off for eight hours, but the study participant could also turn the lights on and off at will. Before the experiment began, the subject routinely got about six and a half hours of sleep. During the first night of the experiment he slept eight hours, the second night 10 hours, the third night 12 hours, and the fourth night 14 hours. Over the next several days, he began to reduce the number of hours slept, eventually falling to a steady eight hours and 13 minutes. This experiment was performed repeatedly with all types of people, with similar results, and this is where the recommendation of eight hours comes from."


By the way. If you are wondering why the people's sleep hours increased from 8 to 14 and then fall to a steady 8 hours... it is because, the person has accumulated sleep debt over the years. So the first few days, he would start to sleep more to repay the debt. but when the debt is cleared, the person will return to the normal amount of sleep required which is 8.

Below are 2 articles related to sleep which I find interesting :)

"Sleeping on the Job Although it may seem like a radical idea, some employers are opening their eyes to the value of letting their employees nap. Companies such as Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and the Union Pacific Railroad both have napping policies for train engineers. OP Contract in San Francisco has a nap room for staff. Kansas City’s architectural firm Gould Evans Goodman provides spent tents for napping if one is tired."


:D How nice would it be is schools also have these napping policies for students :P haha.... Propose to YJ to have a napping room for students. So that we could sleep in between classes :D

And this article about sliming.... It shows that if you want to slim down, you better get enough sleep... So yar.... perhaps thats the reason why I am unable to slim down.... cos I am deprived of sleep!!!! haha....


Thats all for this SPECIAL entry, hope you people enjoyed reading and gained some useful knowledge as well... We spent like 1/3 of our lives sleeping... so its good to know more about it :)

Hey.... haha... think I will be implementing a new feature to my blog :D haha.... there will be a section for some articles which interests me... and I will write comments of it :) Well... its not exactly a new feature as I have been writing my comments on articles previously.... but this time round.... I will try to use a seperate header for these entries to differentiate it from the other mundane day to day entry :)

So yar.... Recently I've been bothered by the deprivation of sleep.... and since myles look slightly interested.... I've decided to do some research and write a entry onn SLEEP :) haha.... so yar... do look out for it :) Its.... COMING SOON :P haha..... Bye~

Wee~ Its friday again :D haha... finally.... Been looking forward to it for the whole week liao... This week is damn busy.... Lots of work to do... Lots of work undone.... and lots of work copied.... Duno why... my mind is just too tired to do anything...

The workload recently is very heavy... especially maths homework... Its like for maths there is sub sources of homework lor.... We have our usual tutorial to do.... then our lecture examples to do.... and our revision exercises.... The work load is triple that of other subjects...... haiz.... if this carries on think sure get at least a B for A lvls lor.... hehe :P So yar.... I shouldn't complain :S Remember not too long ago when life was quite slack.... I wished for someone to force myself to study? Haha... think I got it now :S But the thing is.... I really cannot keep up :S Duno why my mind is so tired.... Even EJ notice that I have not been doing work recently -.-

Nvm... I shall perservere through :)

Okie...then yesterday had our last lecture with Mr Goh.... Well... felt that he is a very nice teacher.... Will miss his lectures :)

OH.. something very funny happened last night :P Haha... we were on our way back from maths night lesson.... we were walking along the walkway to the gate.... Then we saw one snail on the near the side of the pathway..... EJ wanted to save the snail from being step on by other people.... so he took up the snail and throw it back onto the grass patch.... then soo fen who was walking behind suddenly shouted.... Throw wrong place already!!! At first I was quite puzzled.... wad throw wrong place? Then after that then realised that the snail wanted to cross the path to get to the other side.... but EJ picked it up and throw it back where it came from -.- Haha.... then we started teasing Ej... saying that the snail crawl for so long wanting to go to the other side but EJ threw it back and the snail have to start crawling all over again.... -.- LOL..... Or maybe the snail wanted to commite suicide..... but EJ saved it... so the snail will go ' Argh~ Let me die!!! Just let me die~~ Why did you save me~~ :'( ' lol

Haha.... EJ was just trying to do some good and save the snail.... but got teased by us instead :P haha.... So the lesson to be learnt..... Its good to help others.... but think before you do it :)

Hmm... think thats about all for today ba.... bye~ :)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

OKie... today was erm... quite normal.... Haiz... like got a lot of work to do....
Maths integration haven't finish....
Physics tutorial haven't finish....
Econs tutorial haven't finish....
GP still need to re write AQ....

Haiz.... so much work... so little time.... but :P still took the time off this afternoon to relax :P haha... cos yar... tmr will be a long day..... and then followed by friday.... Its rather scary know... imagine... after I sleep tonight and wake up tmr.... I will spent the whole day in school until 9pm... go home.... rest awhile... then sleep.... the next moment you open your eyes.... have to come to school again -.-

HAiz... couldn't get my 8 hrs of sleep....Oh... just some facts in you didn't know :P The 8 hrs of sleep everyday is not recommended by doctors..... Its is actually a result of a labour movement long time ago.... The union demanded that the 24 hrs a day is to be divided into 3 equal parts... the working time, the leisure time, and the sleeping time... Thats where the 8 hrs of sleeping time comes about... :) So yar... WHERE's my 8 hrs of sleep? For tmr right.... it is like 13hr studying time... 7 hrs sleep time.... and only..... 4 hrs leisure time??? the leisure time and the sleep time add together is not even equal to the 13 hrs of studying time lor.... -.- Haiz... think we should start a Student Union hor :P Then we can bargain for our rights.... If we don't get what we want... we go on strike :P haha... the whole singapore pon school together!! whahaha...... Then we have to calculate our real wages.... then set a leisure time floor.... LOL... econs!!!!

Haiz... talking about econs.... duno why.... keep failing my essays... -.- Its like no matter how I write... I seem to miss out some points... or didn't elaborate well enough.... argh.... Starting to get worried about econs liao......

Now the subjects that worries me most is No.1 ECONS -.- No.2 Maths then abit of GP.... and least of physics...... So yar... have to put in 4X the effort for econs.... 3X for maths.... 2X for GP and... maintain my effort for physics :) Actually physics still okay... cos since I have interest in it... I can accelerate the effort put in very quickly... For eg... I can spent the whole day studying physics.... but for the other subjects like econs... the I can't like last minute try to put in the effort cos I can't sit there and study econs for the whole day......

Haiz... anyway.... its already MAY now.... (*HINT* *HINT*) haha.... the 2 years of JC life will soon be over..... time really passes very quickly..... Haiz......

K lar... shall end it here for today... bye~

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Wee... haha.... think my bar deserves to be extended today :) well... had quite a nice day.... school was as usual.... haha.... had econs lecture.... sat at the last row again -.- Cos they suddenly change LT and we didn't know.... For those whom not studying in YJ.... Having econs lecture with miss aminah is like going for war.... haha.... if you suay suay sit at the last row, then you better know your work... or she will start shouting at you. -.- So yar... because she only call the last row... many people would go and Book seats in the front row.... Really very kiasu one leh... 1/2 before the lecture, the first 4 rows already filled up liao... the fifth row is the last row.... -.- If we didn't have tutorial 1/2 before. I think the seats would be filled up even earlier.... Its like everyone will rush straight to the LT right after tutorial, book a place, before going for their break -.- The guys of my class, including me.... always suay suay sit at the last row -.- But... hehe... because we sat there so many time.... we began to pick up survival skills liao :P haha... so yar... we dun get shouted at that often... :P

Then yar... after school went home... about 5 liao.... rest abit... then started doing maths integration exercise.... Spent like 3 hrs on 20 questions -.- Still got 10 more to go!!! But haiz... really dun feel like doing liao... cos for the 3 hrs... I feel like I'm a machine.... Just do and do non stop leh.... dun even think anything stays in my brain lor... Its just... identifying which type of question it is.... then applying the correct method.... The rest are just algebraic manipulation which should be as simple as 1+2=3 liao.... -.- So... the work become quite mechanical....

Today also watch the last episode of GOODLUCK on channel U .... well... the series is really short... but... quite nice lar...

K lar... nothing much liao.... gonna sleep already.... had to go school early to complete my integration exercise -.-

Okie... bye~

Monday, May 02, 2005

Haiz... feeling rather neutral today.... so the bar didn't grow longer or shorter.....

Spent the day at home, only went out for dinner.... did physics worksheets.... haiz... duno why.... dun have the mood to do homework during the weekends..... though I did my physics worksheets... I only spent like less than an hr on it? then for the rest of the day... I've watching TV and playing com....

Haiz... think it alright to do so :P haha... cos yar.... weekends is meant for relaxing one mah.... been studying so hard during for the week... then when I finally get 2 days of rest.... then have to do homework.... that means I'll be working all year round if I did my work O.o So yar.... I don't blame myself for not doing my work over the weekends.... I feel that we have to strike a balance lar... can't possibly work all year round... I will go crazy de....

Hmm... K lar... thats all for today... nothing much.... bye bye~