Friday, May 06, 2005

Wee~ Its friday again :D haha... finally.... Been looking forward to it for the whole week liao... This week is damn busy.... Lots of work to do... Lots of work undone.... and lots of work copied.... Duno why... my mind is just too tired to do anything...

The workload recently is very heavy... especially maths homework... Its like for maths there is sub sources of homework lor.... We have our usual tutorial to do.... then our lecture examples to do.... and our revision exercises.... The work load is triple that of other subjects...... haiz.... if this carries on think sure get at least a B for A lvls lor.... hehe :P So yar.... I shouldn't complain :S Remember not too long ago when life was quite slack.... I wished for someone to force myself to study? Haha... think I got it now :S But the thing is.... I really cannot keep up :S Duno why my mind is so tired.... Even EJ notice that I have not been doing work recently -.-

Nvm... I shall perservere through :)

Okie...then yesterday had our last lecture with Mr Goh.... Well... felt that he is a very nice teacher.... Will miss his lectures :)

OH.. something very funny happened last night :P Haha... we were on our way back from maths night lesson.... we were walking along the walkway to the gate.... Then we saw one snail on the near the side of the pathway..... EJ wanted to save the snail from being step on by other people.... so he took up the snail and throw it back onto the grass patch.... then soo fen who was walking behind suddenly shouted.... Throw wrong place already!!! At first I was quite puzzled.... wad throw wrong place? Then after that then realised that the snail wanted to cross the path to get to the other side.... but EJ picked it up and throw it back where it came from -.- Haha.... then we started teasing Ej... saying that the snail crawl for so long wanting to go to the other side but EJ threw it back and the snail have to start crawling all over again.... -.- LOL..... Or maybe the snail wanted to commite suicide..... but EJ saved it... so the snail will go ' Argh~ Let me die!!! Just let me die~~ Why did you save me~~ :'( ' lol

Haha.... EJ was just trying to do some good and save the snail.... but got teased by us instead :P haha.... So the lesson to be learnt..... Its good to help others.... but think before you do it :)

Hmm... think thats about all for today ba.... bye~ :)

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