Tuesday, May 31, 2005

haiz.... caught a mild flu today.... maybe cos I went straight into the air con library after a long walk in the sun to the school.... so when I came out... was feeling unwell.... Duno why.... I feel like I'm getting weaker day by day.... A lot of things that didn't happen to me last time starts to now... take for example... I feel like vomitting when I take bus for too long... it didn't occur last time even when I take bus everyday... or perhaps... issit because I haven't been taking bus for a long time.... I'm not used to it? Haiz.... anyway.. other than that.... my eyesight also not perfect anymore.... also have some hearing difficulties...... Think I'm getting old liao.... haha....

K lar.. actually nothing much also.... haven't been sticking to my study plan.... always can't memorise my econs stuffs.... must think of ideas of how to make myself memorise it.... then haiz... also worry about my maths.... today when I flip open the TYS... I find that I have forgotten almost 90% of the stuffs......

Hmm.. K lar... thats all for today.... will go and revise more on maths later.... bye :)

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