Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hmm.... okie... time for another entry :) Had been some time since I last blog properly.... been really busy lately.... haiz.... everything was as usual... but today... I have 2 things that I find interesting that I would like to discuss....

First thing.... about aptitude... Well.... this has recently been a hot topic among my group of friends cos yar.... we are having lots of work recently and who has the aptitude to handle it is clearly shown....

So what is aptitude.... in my opinion, aptitude is a multiplier of hardwork.... (For those who dun know econs... multiplier is like a constant that you multiply to your input... for eg.... you put in 20, if the multiplier is 2, you get 40 output....) So yar... some people just have a smaller multiplier... so the amount of hardwork they put in only give back little output.... for others with high multiplier, you put in little input but it will multiply many times to give you a huge output.....

After knowing what is aptitude.... let us look at the problem.... the question is that can someone who is stupid get the same result as those whom are smart.... in other words.... can someone like us in YJ be comparable with someone in RJ ? Past experience has shown that some people even though they really put in a lot of effort.... they still don't get good results.... this happens to quite a few of my classmates.... though they put in the effort, one of them still got retained, and others are struggling with work now.... Its not that they didn't study... they studied... even more than what I and some others had.... but in the end they still didn't make it.....
This brings us to another question.... Is this world fair? We put in so much effort, will we get back the same amount?

Well.... in my opinion.... I feel that the world isn't fair at all.... some people are borned with a sliver spoon.... they inherit good genes.... eat nutritious food.... receive quality education.... and eventually become successful in future.... but some whom are borned into a poor family... with.... disabilities.... with illness... cannot afford medication... their path ahead is completely dark.....
This applies to aptitude as well... some people are blessed with high aptitude for something.... well... maybe you can argue these people may be good in other things than studies.... what I can say is... perhaps nature is fair.... but society isn't...

So in conclusion.... I think that there is low probability that we will be able to surpass those people in RJ ( follow a poisson distrubition =X lol... ) Their future is determined even before they were borned.... Or perhaps.... be already determined right from their roots.... Cos yar... we inherit our genes from our parents... and our parents inherit their genes from their parents.... and this can trace back to our origins....

Oh... just to share something :) There is this documentary I watch some time ago... Its the science of people liking each other.... The scientists say that when we are looking for a mate.... we would often find someone who has some good genes that we don't have.. so we will pass our our combined good genes to our offsprings..... This purification of genes is done naturally and people arn't aware of it.... It conducts an experiment on the host (male) of the documentary..... about 10 women were asked to wear a shirt for about 2 days and after that, the shirt is placed in a jar.... the host.... without having seen the women was asked to smell the shirts and pick out the shirt he like most.... and then the shirts are than brought to test for the genes.... and the result is..... the shirt the host had chosen had the most number of different genes as him among all the other shirts.... So yar... this nature order of selecting genes is done without us being aware.....

Hmm.... so wads your view on this issue? Feel free to voice your opinion in the shoutbox :D

Okie... so lets move on to the next issue I want to talk about....

was watching naruto recently and there is this part where they were like saying naruto didn't have parents in the first place.... so he would not understand the pain that sasuke felt when what he once had, had been taken away from him....

This lead me to thinking.... so is it more painful to not have anything before or is it more painful to lose something you once had....

Hmm... to me.... well... I guess it is less painful to not have anything before.... but the pain will last very long.... and... it is more painful to lose something you once had... but the duration will be shorter.....

This is because.... the first one... since you did not have it before... the pain will be lesser.... because you can't make a comparison between having and not having.... and the pain will be longer because you will forever long for it....
For the second one.... the pain will be more acute because you once had it... so you can compare the difference between having it and not having it... but the pain will be shorter because as time goes by... you will be glad that you once had it.....

So yar... wads your opinion? :) Feel free to share it :D

okie... thats about all for today :) Typed a lot :P haha..... hope you had a nice time reading it :) Think about the issue discussed... may be potential GP question :P haha.....

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