Monday, May 02, 2005

Haiz... feeling rather neutral today.... so the bar didn't grow longer or shorter.....

Spent the day at home, only went out for dinner.... did physics worksheets.... haiz... duno why.... dun have the mood to do homework during the weekends..... though I did my physics worksheets... I only spent like less than an hr on it? then for the rest of the day... I've watching TV and playing com....

Haiz... think it alright to do so :P haha... cos yar.... weekends is meant for relaxing one mah.... been studying so hard during for the week... then when I finally get 2 days of rest.... then have to do homework.... that means I'll be working all year round if I did my work O.o So yar.... I don't blame myself for not doing my work over the weekends.... I feel that we have to strike a balance lar... can't possibly work all year round... I will go crazy de....

Hmm... K lar... thats all for today... nothing much.... bye bye~

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