Monday, January 09, 2006

I seem to be running a worker's lounge at work.... lol.... Almost everyone come out to my place to smoke and talk about work and the company. I also sort of become a rubbish bin for them to pour all unhappiness towards the company. And also because of that, I've gathered a lot of information about the company and they are unpleasant ones.

First thing. The staff turnover rate of the company is very very high. This company is notorious around the area for new comers coming in and going out fast. A quick survery around concluded that other than the 2 second lvl bosses around which have been in the company for the longest. The rest of the people are relatively new. The longest is about 2 months, some 1 month, and me, 1/2 month. There is an exception of another one who stayed for 6 years. But... all this is gonna change soon. The 2 person whom had stayed for 2 months is going to quit after this month. So their total time in the company is about 3 months. As for the 1 month person. I duno what's he thinking, aside from being paid only $700 a month... he still thinks of working for the company for another 20 years. As for me, I'm also gonna quit after this month, so my time there is also about 1.5 months. As for the 6 years guy, he's also gonna quit soon, but is waiting for his other job's confirmation. Once everything is set, he's off. So yar... From next month, there will be a new batch of newbies whom will join the company unknowing the bad things that are going inside. And once they now it after a few months there. I bet they will quit.... So yar... by then, another new batch of newbies will take over the places and start the cycle again.

For a company that has such frequent renewal of staffs, how far can it go? There won't be staffs that will be loyal to the company and to work hard to let the company earn money. If the company face a crisis, everyone would leave. No one would stay and help the company tide over the bad times.

Well... here's some of the reasons that I think is the cause of such situation. Firstly, the pay. Pay wise its really pathetic. Take my case, I'm like only paid $900 a month. And I have to work for such long hours. So, I said to myself. Since I'm paid like this, well... I dun have to work hard to sell the products. I'll just be a security guard down there and ensure that nothing gets stolen. I only serve customers when they approach me first or when the boss is watching. Everyday I just sell one item and then close my accounts. Because the pay I get is only enough for selling one item. Other than my problem. which is considered minor as I'm only a temporary job holder. Those permanent ones there is also complaining. One guy strive so hard to reach a quota of $18k so as to earn a big fat commission. But instead he is only given peanuts in commision. His effort has all gone to waste. Then the 6 years person told me that the company bonus at the end of the year is pathetic. So yar.... and imagine employing someone who holds a o lvl cert for only $700 a month... Working at mcdonals also earns u more pay with lesser effort.

Another thing is about the working hours. the daily 10-9 is reasonable as its in the retail business, but the off days are not. We only get 1 off day per week. And even when there's a public holiday, we don't get it. I can understand if we can't get a day off on the actual day itself. But why can't the company compensate by giving us an off day on other days? Like that we are missing out on lots of rest time. And we feel cheated of our off days.

The welfare of the workers is also not taken care of. Although lunch is provided every sunday, it isn't enough to make all of us happy. There is no cohesion within the company. Everyone just does their own things. We just work for the sake of working and getting our pay. Nobody cares about what happens to the company. Whether it is doing well or not.

So yar... I know who is standing on which side liao... and whats gonna happen next. I believe that the company will have serious shortage of manpower when the 3 of us quit next month. This means that other than the 2 second lvl bosses. There will only be 3 staffs left in the company.

Oh... by the way... here's the breakdown of the positions in the company.

On the top of the hierarchy is the Big Boss

Next would be the 2 second lvl boss, one manning the mobile phone area, the other the camera section

Further down would be the workers.
4 under the mobile section boss (But under the mobile section boss, 1 worker which is me, is taking charge of the booth outside.) , 2 under the camera section boss

There are other positions in the company. But for my workplace, the breakdown is only as above.

So yar... the 3 including me which are leaving at the end of this month is under the mobile section. With that there will be only 1 worker left under the mobile section. So I predict that the person left in the mobile section would be moved outside (because he's the most useless) , and 1 person in the camera section would be dispatched to the mobile section.

The reason why the most useless person is thrown outside is because the things sold outside are cheap. Unlike those inside, so if u mess up a business, the losses won't be great. SO yar.... in the meantime I'm the most useless there lar... But when I'm gone, I know who will take over my place... haha....

U know what... I just shattered a piece of glass shelf this morning... lol... It was an accident, but.. :P who cares... I'm not asked for compensation.... and... hehe... its pretty cool :P

K lar... gonna sleep now... Tmr one more day of work to go before I off again :) For now... gonna catch some sleep... bye~

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