Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year to all :) Wish all good health, fortune, studies, and for us... an enjoyable 2 years in NS :D

Here are some photos taken during the first day of CNY at my house :)

Firstly... the food :)~

An 11 course dinner... Haha... I helped in the deep frying of food too :D

Then this is what happens at almost every home during CNY.... Gambling! :P haha...

HAha... other than the usual cards mahjong games played.... we also played dice :) Cool right :D

This is the overall situation at my home :)

My cam isn't wide enough to capture the whole of my house, there are still some people outside the photo watching tv :)

And lastly... my wall! haha....

Actually this wall is up at the beginning of the year already... but because I wanna keep it a secret till people come to see it during CNY, I didn't post the photo up here :P

It took me about 2 months to design... I wanted something that can exploit the feature of this wall which is the wide space. Because the wall is wide, it would be a pity to just use a normal design.... and not draw out the full potentialof the wall. But after searching for about 2 months... I can't find anything that is able to take advantage of the feature.... So.... I decided on this design. Although it haven't really reach the full potential, but there is still some exploitation of the space... :) It took my mom 3 days to paint it..... I was working, so didn't have a chance to help. It was really tedious. We had to hang strings across the wall to make the grids, then trace our the outline using pencil. After that roughly paint the background. Then scotch tape the outline and paint the squares. The taping part was the hardest.... Cos of all the curves, u need to slowly bend and fold the tape so that it looks smooth.... But all the hard work is worth it... The result is amazing :D haha...

K lar.. .that all for now... kind of tired... gonna catch some sleep... bye! :)

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