Friday, July 30, 2004

Arlow :D Tmr is the test liao :) Gonna sleep well tonight :) Wish me good luck :D

Thursday, July 29, 2004

OH NO!!!! was trying to do TYS just now when I found out that there are still so much things that I duno!!! Got stucked at a momentum question and another one on forces. Die liao lar.... duno can make it for saturday test or not..... Gonna spend the whole of tmr studying for it. Haiz... anyone interested in group study??? Cos I need help on doing some questions...... Haiz.....
Sianz.... earlier just now I also got a shock..... some NUS guy e-mailed me to help him publicise a event. I was like WTF is this thing.... Then I realised that my IT club teacher ask him to contact me as I am the president. He only said 2 sentence and then pushed everything to me. He said.... boon kiat is the president of it club, you may want to contact him. AND thats all it takes to push everything to me : Was really lost just now. Cos I nv held leadership positon before, and nv receive a formal letter. I was like... how to reply ar..... Then yar, finally settle it.
Haiz.... sian ar. Find that I've been slacking again. Not for work, but PE. Haha... running run slow slow, do exercise do little little. Haiz... duno why, dun have the enthu spirit anymore.....
Haiz.... still worrying about that physics test on sat. I really really want to do well, but I guess, it isn't so easy. So wish me good luck :) Hope I can get all the things right tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Arlow everyone :) Haha... got a massacre of brain cells today.... was trying to brainstorm the story line for the video whole afternoon till 6.30. Then come back home, start doing maths for the whole night..... :'( Can't imagine the number of dead brain cells in my head now....
Haiz.... am very sleepy now. Have been deprived of my essential amount sleep.... I WANT SLEEP I WANT SLEEP I WANT SLEEP!!! haiz... hope I can get some nice nice sleep after this weeks physics test as the next test is econs :) Dun need too much of my night studying time, as I just need to go library to read up some econs textbooks :) So I can sleep earlier :D
K lar, getting late now too. Haha... must cherish every second of my time to get some sleep :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Arlow... here I am again... haha
Okay lar, today nothing much happened. Sianz... haha... was about to do maths when I realised that I didn't bring my tutorial home.... so went to study physics instead. K lar, bye. :)

Monday, July 26, 2004

Zzz..... it already 10.02 liao.... very sleepy..... haiz.... was doing the PW evaluation whole night till 9.00 then went to sort out my physics notes to prepare for studying..... Juz realised that there are so many thing to prepare.... so haiz.... gonna work hard for the rest of the week liao....
Haha... finally got to watch the channel 8 show 'wo shi chuang xin wang'. Haha... felt that it was a very nice show to catch as it showcases the creativity of singaporeans. But last week cos I had to rush my PW written report do didn't have a chance to catch it. Hmm.. after watching the show, was quite impressed. :) Hope that they can make more of this type of show rather than trying to immitate those taiwan variety shows :)
Okie.... think shall end off here now :) Have to go sleep and brainstorm for ideas for my poster :) haha... always like to think before I sleep cos thats the time where I can generate most ideas.
And.... I running out of songs to listen already!!!!! haha..... quite some time nv go download le..... then recently also no those compilation albums, those that consist of many different artistes with the nicest songs. Cos... I dun want to buy those individual album where its like only halve the songs are nice....
Okie.... really end off here liao :) Bye :) Zzzzz.....

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Arlow... Here I am writing my entry again.... haha.... its sunday again..... boring.... don't have the mood to do work..... sian...... Haiz.... TV also nothing to watch, eyes very tired now... but can't get to sleep. I guess its not tired lar, its just bored.....
Haiz.... so decided to come online to write my entry..... The next few days maybe no time to write liao... cos I think my 'slack period' has ended..... Have to prepare for the next physics test which is on next saturday... :P Cos I haven't been faithfully doing my tutorials and this test is a combination of a lot of topics so yar.... have to start planing and study 1 topic each day.... I must maintain my result :P Cos haha... everytime never do tutorial, then the teacher a bit unhappy with me... so hor must score good good result so that she won't bother me too much when I didn't do the tutorial :P hehe... haiz... life is like this one lar.... as long as you got result to show.... nobody will bother you..... So I DIE DIE must get good result.
Actually nothing much to say... rotted the whole day today..... Only managed to anyhow finish a econs essay and nothing else. Was also trying to think of a design for the poster design competition... haiz.... deadline coming soon and I still haven't got any good ideas.....
Sian ar!!!!!!!!!
Actually hor kind of hate weekends other than the long sleeping hours, I simply rot at home cos you just don't have that motivation to do work.....
K lar... think shall end here.... or I will just complain non-stop....

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Whoo!!! Haha... just put away my work. Really wasn't in the mood to do work tonight. Haha..... Today was just like any other ordinary day....
Rotted at home for half the day then went out for dinner ALONE [so sad right]. Went to woodlands library first to search for book for PW.... In the end found 3 and then left..... haha.... felt kind of weird while looking for the books. I'm looking for books about fats and weight loss. haha... was quite embarrassing later people really thought it is I who needed the weight loss :S haha.....
After that had the craving for KFC's satay burger.... haha... saw the advertisment and it looks quite nice :) So in order to avoid the crowd... I took MRT to sembawang which is 2 stops away. Haha... always like to eat KFC there cos there is no crowd!!! :) Always got a place to sit right after I buy my meal. I'm don't like waiting for sits. And I'm ALONE [Aww... sad sad] so no one to 'chop' seats for me.... So yar, the burger was quite nice :) Its like only zinger burger with added sauce. The satay sauce also not spicy one, sweet sweet with the nice aroma of peanut :) Haha.... didn't waste my trip there :)
So after eating, went to walk walk around sun plaze for my stomach to digest the food :) Haha.... then went window shopping for handphones!!! Haha... recently soo fen bought a new handphone and spark off my handphone craziness again :P So yar, went to M1, StarHub, and 2 duno wad handphone shop :S Then drooling at all those handphone :)~ haiz.... broke sia.... cannot buy.... only can drool :'( then I saw quite a number of new handphones, but Eee... the designs are getting from bad to worst. But then.... I saw something..... remember the nokia phone which looks like a wallet? Haha... it suddenly appeared to have grown shorter!!! IT BECAME VERY CUTE!!! OMG..... I WANT IT!!!!! haha... wait I go check it out if it really grew shorter first... brb....
..... The site dosen't seem to indicate that they improved the model... but It suddenly look so tiny to me!!!! Arh!!!! I want it!!!!! haha..... think I will go to the shop to check it out again to confirm.... And the estimated price tag of my dream phone scheduled for its launch in the 3rd quarter year is out already..... its.... 480 euros!!! Which means SGD$1000+++++++ ...... I was like : Think forget it liao..... will nv be able to afford it.... so just now when I saw that nokia phone...  It was really like love at first sight!!! hAhaha.....
OK lar... muz calm myself down..... I just bought my phone less than 1/2 a year ago.... cannot buy again... so think I'll just have to drool again lor....
Then after that took the train home... but still got a bit of time, so I decided to drop 1 stop later at choa chu kang then go lot 1 walk walk a while first before walking home....
Yar... thats about wad happened today lar.... *heartache* phone!! phone!! phone!!!!!!!!!! I WANT THAT PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha.... very happy now :) Have this smile on my face as I'm typing :)  am very very happy to know that there are people reading my blog!!! :) Didn't know that serene was also here too!!!  it was a surprise :) Haha... thanks for all who visited :D Hope you like this place :) got any comments feel free to shout it out in the shoutbox :) And for those who are reading and have not shouted, pls feel free to leave a msg in the shoutbox so that I know you are here for me :)
Okie.... life was very nice these few days... remember yesterday I didn't do any work? and I lost my physics tutorial and I can't do any work? Haha.... then today.... :P The physics teacher nv come!!!!! haha.... Woo... I think its really fated that I get to rest for a few days... after you know, that few days of heavy workload and complaining in my blog :S Haha... wonder how long will this 'slack period' last :P haha
OKie... shall share some thought I had during GP lesson today. :) My classmates you will know where this comes from :)

 [ Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. ]
Haha... this is from the excerpt, toto chan, miss lim printed.

actually now hor... i duno wad to type. its very hard to explain how I feel. you know, if eyes can longer see beauty, ears can no longer hear music. Can you imagine wad the world would be like? And I feel that more and more people are lacking in the eye that can see beauty. This kind of beauty goes beyond. Wah this dress very pretty, wah that handbag very nice. The eye has the ability to see beyond the superficial beauty. The beauty of a person for example, the beauty of nature, and the beauty of the LAWS of nature. You know for me, I start to be able to appreciate the last point, which is the beauty of the LAWs of nature. If you think... oh.... those physics and newton law ar?.... then you can't see through superficial beauty.
For me, the laws refer to the ability for nature to maintain equilibrium no matter how you try to change it. You can see it from many ways. The more you try in persue if technological advances, the more the environmental degredation. And there will be RETRIBUTIONS if you do something evil. And as long as there are good in this world, there will be evil. Yes... you may say evil will never win over good, good will always win. But can you say that you can eliminate evil completely? Take the case of america. It tries to be the 'good*' to eliminate the 'evil*' [*Good or evil is based on your own judgement] But will they ever succeed? After they deal with osama, here comes a saddam, and after him, do you think it will be the end?
Haha... i think I shall stop here lar. To some it may seem like a whole chunk of crap up there. But... haha... thats wad I think of when I read the sentence :D

Okie... very late now. gtg. And once again thanks to all who visits :)

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Yo! Time for a new entry again :D Haha... very happy today :) Very free now :P Cos someone accidentally took my physics tutorial.... so I got no tutorial to do!!! Then my econs TYS still lying alone in school :P  And tmr no maths :) Haha... I think is fate or do you call it destiny :P that I'm free today :) maybe is to celebrate my triumph today :P
Haha.... guess wad! I finally pass my 2.4km run this year!!!!! Haha... after 4 long years of failing and retest.... I finally made it in the first test :) Yay!!!! Haha.... I push myself beyond my limits today!!!! :D While running the 3rd lap, I was like telling myself.... see I've completed half the run already... 3 more to go!!! Then the 4th lap.... 2 more to go!!!!! then the 5th lap..... NO!! don't give in so easily! already ran 4 laps!!! Just finish this and then it will be the last lap and everything will be over!!! then finally.... LAST LAP!!!! But, time is running out. I'm already very very exhausted by then, but I told myself.... I have to pass this, otherwise all the effort put in over the past few weeks and months would be useless.... and this 'not worth it' feeling kept me going through the last lap!!! But about 100m away from the finishing line, I was like really cannot take it already, then I started to shout :P Haha... hope that it wasn't too loud :P Cos by shouting, it gives you that extra push you need. Then finally!!! YES!!!! 12.27!!!! I made it!!! Yay!!!! My first victory after 4 long years!!!! Haha....
This victory dosen't come easy, the power of will must be strong, and I guess I used it to its full potential. That is one important thing I acquire. And of course.... I would like to thank my friends who supported me throughout this battle. Jing wen, thanks for accompaning me occasionlly for the run so I won't feel bored. Special thanks to xiang long. Remember the lesson before you left us for poly.... we had to complete 8 laps to train ourselves up. You ran with me throughout the 8 laps. That was one of the most encouraging thing that helped me perserver through. And not forgetting the rest of the group, kerling, sen min and elgin. Thanks for cheering and clapping for me when I finish my race. And when the teacher announced that I passed the test. These acts may seem small to you. But it mean a great deal to me. It encourage me and gave me the will to do more. Thanks for everything you've given me.
Sometimes small little things that you do may make a big difference to someone. :D
OKie... think I shall end my entry here :D
Bye bye :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Hello everyone :D haha.... has been quite some time since my last entry :) Glad to see people posting in the shoutbox :D I'm feeling better now Thanks for your concern :) Haha... learnt to take things easy. See... now I even have the time to update my blog :D Haha.... was very touch to see 2 friends leaving messages in my shoutbox. Haha.... you all put a smile on my face :D Thanks :)
Okie.... was really very busy these few days so didn't have a chance to update my blog or even some computer stuffs. I don't even have the time to change the songs in my MP3 player!!!... I've been listening to the same few songs every morning for almost 3 weeks!!!! haha.... gonna change it later :)
Wow.... its already 10.01pm..... gonna sleep liao. Though I didn't type much, I'm feeling very happy right now. Cos you know, sometime these small little things can make your life more colorful. They can give you comfort, that you are not alone in this world. That someone still cares about you. Someone still bother to even leave a msg for you. So I'm really thankful to the 2 who left messages. You gave me the power, the energy to endure through the hardships of life. Thanks.
haha... a bit exaggerating hor :P But :)

Friday, July 16, 2004

Haiz... has been quite some time since my last entry.
Life really sux these few days..... things are all going wrong..... I'm having headaches now and then.... so much things to do. So little time..... I am really very very tired now.
My head is aching now as I type. What has happen to me? Have I reach my limits? This pain in my mind..... what should I do? or rather, what can I not do? I really hate this kind of life I'm leading now. I want to be like what I was in my secondary and primary school. Live each day without worries. I must learn to take things easy.
I wanted to try out a different life..... but it seems that I'm not suitable for it and I reach my limits. I no longer have energy to strive for more. I've exhausted all my will power... my energy.... Life like this terrible. I've learned my lesson. Enough is enough. You know, I haven't been really happy for a long long time. Everyday in school, yar, I laugh, but.... this kind of laugher dosen't come from with-in. its just other people laugh, you laugh with them. Wad has happen to my cheerfulness? My optimism to life? Have I chose the wrong path to take? I really miss the life I used to lead before.
A normal life can be meaningful, why bother to take part in so much things to make life difficult for yourself? Argh... this pain.... its back again..... I really need a break, otherwise at this rate..... I may damage my brain.....
You know, I tried to take breaks whenever I can.... but it dosen't seem to be effective. Sometimes like, when there are not too much homework. I will rest for that night, don't do any homework. Then get some sleep. But.... haiz.... it is not effective!!!! I'm really in need of some help here........
Just thinking..... when was the last time I did something which I liked? When was the last time I truly laughed? When was the last time I slept without worries? From what I can remember, it was during the OBS camp, the china trip. Where I had nothing to worry about, no deadlines to rush. Why can't life be that simple. Or is life already simple, just that I made it difficult for myself? Yes, it was I who made life difficult......
Okay, heres what I shall try to do..... I shall live each day without worries. Do what I can each day, don't over stress myself. Try to be happy. Put happiness as the top piority. I SHALL NOT WORRY TOO MUCH ANYMORE!!!!
lets just see if someone can really live a life without worries. Haiz... hope my next entry would contain good memories :)

Friday, July 09, 2004

Ok lar, since I'm here shall take this time to update my blog. Haha... had been very very busy the past few days doing PW so didn't have time to blog. Haha... okie so heres wad had been happening the past few days.
PW!! Haha... was really slogging my guts out (is there such a phrase?) for pw :P Haha.... managed to complete some things, but there are still a lot of things undone!!! So yar, predict that I will continue to be very busy for the next few days, so you might not see me blog as often liao.
Chinese A lvl oral!!! haha... just had chinese oral yesterday.... Haiz... think I just pass lor cos the conversation topic I didn't talk much. Then the reading part, first part was okay, but when I stumble upon a cheem word in the middle part, then after that became very nervous and started making mistakes.... Haiz....
Lastly, I've been voted a the president of IT club :D Haha... my 3rd leadership role in YJ :) Haha... thanks for those who voted for me. I guess most of my votes came from the seniors cos the J1 don't really know me enough to vote for me. The seniors... hehe... cos was with them for first 3 months and won sliver award at their own internal web design competition, so got an impression of me. Then now I dunno why, suddenly very 'on' lor, joined all the 3 competitons.... so yar, maybe thats why I got voted. At first I was just thinking of getting the secetary post can liao. Cos dun think I got enough energy left to hold a higher post. I already start to have trouble catching up with school work liao. And there is the PW and 3 more competitions. So yar... it came as a surprise for me.
Other than being mentally tired, I'm also physically push to the limits as well. I ran 8 rounds which is 3.2km no stop. Haha.... the longest distance I've ran non-stop. Haha... to you may be a bit easy, but to me, its a great achievement.
Ok lar... haiz.... hope that all this 'busy-ness' will end at the end of this year, so I can focus on my A lvls next year. Cos the 3 competitions and PW will end this year. So I guess I've gain enough CCA points and experience. So next year, I can return to my normal 'slacking state' with the only aim to get good results in the A lvl.
Shall end this post here :) Bye~ Hope to post soon :P

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Yo! Haha.. feeling better today. But still no mood to do homework :D Haha... 10++++ liao... need to sleep now :D
HAha... just came online to reassure you that I'm alright liao :D Yesterday maybe too bored until brain go a bit haywire. Haha... Thanks for those who care :D Bye~
Yo! Haha.. feeling better today. But still no mood to do homework :D Haha... 10++++ liao... need to sleep now :D
HAha... just came online to reassure you that I'm alright liao :D Yesterday maybe too bored until brain go a bit haywire. Haha... Thanks for those who care :D Bye~

Monday, July 05, 2004

HAiz... today hasn't been a good day for me... Loniness found me again... kind of wasted this long weekend.

Haiz... shall use this time to reflect on myself. Haiz... I need someone whom I can look for when I'm bored. When I'm feeling down.... haiz... too bad in my circle of friends... theres no one I can look for. This picture best describe my feeling now.

Who can be the one who can find myself for me? Who will always be there whenever I need him/her? Who can share my joys and sorrows? NO ONE yet at the moment. i feel like I'm all alone in this world. While I'm typing this, theres this pain in my heart. If friend, you are reading this entry. pls send me a msg that you will be there for me.

Haiz... the feeling of loniness is unbearable. If friend, when you are lonely as well, or need someone to share your joys and sorrows, I'll be more than happy to be by your side.

Haiz... thats why hor. I also hope to start relationship. To be able to find someone whom I can talk to when I'm lonely... someone who will always be there for me. Cos you know, you can't like sms to another guy talking about those things right. Later people think you are a gay. Unless you are very good buddies lar. But hor, to find someone isn't easy at all. I'm now like 'duno wad to do'.... haiz... so I think shall leave this thing to fate lor....

Haiz... friend ar friend.... don't let me continue dwelling in loniness... show me that you all care. I need you now~

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Haiz.... its sunday again.... Quite boring lar.... Haiz... have to do many econs and physics HW... so sian.... Still got PW survey to rush.... haiz....

This week hasen't been a really good week for me... lots of unpleasent things happened to me. Firstly I was late for school 2 times this week liao :| Its not I wake up late or anything lor. The first time is I walk half-way to the MRT station liao then suddenly realise that I didn't bring my PE attire!!! Then have to run back home, get it and run all the way to the MRT station.... Then second time is beacuse its raining and I had to wait so long before that stupid bus came and I almost could'nt board the bus.... haiz.......

Then still got that stupid maths test yesterday.... Haiz... roughly counted my marks.... Fail liao lar -__- Duno why that stupid school set such a difficult paper lor.... A lot of questions we never see before one leh.....

Actually hor... also nothing much to write about. K lar... just talk about my feeling right now. I kind of feel very sleepy lor. Have the kind of feeling that there are so many things to do but hor 'li bu chong xin' lor. Haiz... kind of feeling so sad now. These few days like also no mood to post leh... maybe because of these unhappy events happening lor. Haiz guess shall end here lar.
Hope that my next post would be a happy one :)

Friday, July 02, 2004

Haiz.... today is a friday but I can't afford to stay up late tonight. I got a maths test tmr :'( !!! Haiz... life sux. It could have been a long weekend for me with the youth day holiday. But my saturday will be taken up by this stupid test. Worst still I have IT club tmr afternoon!!!!! Haiz... studpi school, always eat up our wednesday CCA day, then now we have to do CCA on saturday :|

Haiz... I'm felling very tired now. Sacrificed my 7.00pm TV serial for studies :| Haiz... tmr better get good result otherwise this sacrifice will not be worth it :(.

JC life really sux, no wonder my friend just suddenly cannot take it and went poly. It was really a surprise for the whole class. All along his result was quite ok and he even went to OCS with us on tuesday and never mention a thing about going poly, then the next day he nv come school liao. Gave a call to teacher and we nv got to see him again. Haiz... so sad. Our class has one less hardworking people liao... haiz... but I think hor, people like him go poly is kind of a waste. He really have good attitude towards study.

Haiz... duno why hor, these few days like nothing to talk about leh. Or actually its a lot of things to talk about, but I don't have the 'feeling' to write it down leh.... Feeling kind of weird these days.... Ok lar, got maths test tmr. Got to sleep early. So bye~

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Haiz... kind of sian now. Had quite a long day today. Haiz.... very tired now. Was very happy today. Brought my will power to the test during PE today. Haha... and I managed to get quite good results :D
Hmm... tonight also nothing much lar. Dun want to waste time posting so much crap. So shall end here now.