Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Hello everyone :D haha.... has been quite some time since my last entry :) Glad to see people posting in the shoutbox :D I'm feeling better now Thanks for your concern :) Haha... learnt to take things easy. See... now I even have the time to update my blog :D Haha.... was very touch to see 2 friends leaving messages in my shoutbox. Haha.... you all put a smile on my face :D Thanks :)
Okie.... was really very busy these few days so didn't have a chance to update my blog or even some computer stuffs. I don't even have the time to change the songs in my MP3 player!!!... I've been listening to the same few songs every morning for almost 3 weeks!!!! haha.... gonna change it later :)
Wow.... its already 10.01pm..... gonna sleep liao. Though I didn't type much, I'm feeling very happy right now. Cos you know, sometime these small little things can make your life more colorful. They can give you comfort, that you are not alone in this world. That someone still cares about you. Someone still bother to even leave a msg for you. So I'm really thankful to the 2 who left messages. You gave me the power, the energy to endure through the hardships of life. Thanks.
haha... a bit exaggerating hor :P But :)

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