Sunday, July 04, 2004

Haiz.... its sunday again.... Quite boring lar.... Haiz... have to do many econs and physics HW... so sian.... Still got PW survey to rush.... haiz....

This week hasen't been a really good week for me... lots of unpleasent things happened to me. Firstly I was late for school 2 times this week liao :| Its not I wake up late or anything lor. The first time is I walk half-way to the MRT station liao then suddenly realise that I didn't bring my PE attire!!! Then have to run back home, get it and run all the way to the MRT station.... Then second time is beacuse its raining and I had to wait so long before that stupid bus came and I almost could'nt board the bus.... haiz.......

Then still got that stupid maths test yesterday.... Haiz... roughly counted my marks.... Fail liao lar -__- Duno why that stupid school set such a difficult paper lor.... A lot of questions we never see before one leh.....

Actually hor... also nothing much to write about. K lar... just talk about my feeling right now. I kind of feel very sleepy lor. Have the kind of feeling that there are so many things to do but hor 'li bu chong xin' lor. Haiz... kind of feeling so sad now. These few days like also no mood to post leh... maybe because of these unhappy events happening lor. Haiz guess shall end here lar.
Hope that my next post would be a happy one :)

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