Thursday, July 22, 2004

Yo! Time for a new entry again :D Haha... very happy today :) Very free now :P Cos someone accidentally took my physics tutorial.... so I got no tutorial to do!!! Then my econs TYS still lying alone in school :P  And tmr no maths :) Haha... I think is fate or do you call it destiny :P that I'm free today :) maybe is to celebrate my triumph today :P
Haha.... guess wad! I finally pass my 2.4km run this year!!!!! Haha... after 4 long years of failing and retest.... I finally made it in the first test :) Yay!!!! Haha.... I push myself beyond my limits today!!!! :D While running the 3rd lap, I was like telling myself.... see I've completed half the run already... 3 more to go!!! Then the 4th lap.... 2 more to go!!!!! then the 5th lap..... NO!! don't give in so easily! already ran 4 laps!!! Just finish this and then it will be the last lap and everything will be over!!! then finally.... LAST LAP!!!! But, time is running out. I'm already very very exhausted by then, but I told myself.... I have to pass this, otherwise all the effort put in over the past few weeks and months would be useless.... and this 'not worth it' feeling kept me going through the last lap!!! But about 100m away from the finishing line, I was like really cannot take it already, then I started to shout :P Haha... hope that it wasn't too loud :P Cos by shouting, it gives you that extra push you need. Then finally!!! YES!!!! 12.27!!!! I made it!!! Yay!!!! My first victory after 4 long years!!!! Haha....
This victory dosen't come easy, the power of will must be strong, and I guess I used it to its full potential. That is one important thing I acquire. And of course.... I would like to thank my friends who supported me throughout this battle. Jing wen, thanks for accompaning me occasionlly for the run so I won't feel bored. Special thanks to xiang long. Remember the lesson before you left us for poly.... we had to complete 8 laps to train ourselves up. You ran with me throughout the 8 laps. That was one of the most encouraging thing that helped me perserver through. And not forgetting the rest of the group, kerling, sen min and elgin. Thanks for cheering and clapping for me when I finish my race. And when the teacher announced that I passed the test. These acts may seem small to you. But it mean a great deal to me. It encourage me and gave me the will to do more. Thanks for everything you've given me.
Sometimes small little things that you do may make a big difference to someone. :D
OKie... think I shall end my entry here :D
Bye bye :)

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