Friday, July 02, 2004

Haiz.... today is a friday but I can't afford to stay up late tonight. I got a maths test tmr :'( !!! Haiz... life sux. It could have been a long weekend for me with the youth day holiday. But my saturday will be taken up by this stupid test. Worst still I have IT club tmr afternoon!!!!! Haiz... studpi school, always eat up our wednesday CCA day, then now we have to do CCA on saturday :|

Haiz... I'm felling very tired now. Sacrificed my 7.00pm TV serial for studies :| Haiz... tmr better get good result otherwise this sacrifice will not be worth it :(.

JC life really sux, no wonder my friend just suddenly cannot take it and went poly. It was really a surprise for the whole class. All along his result was quite ok and he even went to OCS with us on tuesday and never mention a thing about going poly, then the next day he nv come school liao. Gave a call to teacher and we nv got to see him again. Haiz... so sad. Our class has one less hardworking people liao... haiz... but I think hor, people like him go poly is kind of a waste. He really have good attitude towards study.

Haiz... duno why hor, these few days like nothing to talk about leh. Or actually its a lot of things to talk about, but I don't have the 'feeling' to write it down leh.... Feeling kind of weird these days.... Ok lar, got maths test tmr. Got to sleep early. So bye~

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