Saturday, July 24, 2004

Haha.... very happy now :) Have this smile on my face as I'm typing :)  am very very happy to know that there are people reading my blog!!! :) Didn't know that serene was also here too!!!  it was a surprise :) Haha... thanks for all who visited :D Hope you like this place :) got any comments feel free to shout it out in the shoutbox :) And for those who are reading and have not shouted, pls feel free to leave a msg in the shoutbox so that I know you are here for me :)
Okie.... life was very nice these few days... remember yesterday I didn't do any work? and I lost my physics tutorial and I can't do any work? Haha.... then today.... :P The physics teacher nv come!!!!! haha.... Woo... I think its really fated that I get to rest for a few days... after you know, that few days of heavy workload and complaining in my blog :S Haha... wonder how long will this 'slack period' last :P haha
OKie... shall share some thought I had during GP lesson today. :) My classmates you will know where this comes from :)

 [ Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. ]
Haha... this is from the excerpt, toto chan, miss lim printed.

actually now hor... i duno wad to type. its very hard to explain how I feel. you know, if eyes can longer see beauty, ears can no longer hear music. Can you imagine wad the world would be like? And I feel that more and more people are lacking in the eye that can see beauty. This kind of beauty goes beyond. Wah this dress very pretty, wah that handbag very nice. The eye has the ability to see beyond the superficial beauty. The beauty of a person for example, the beauty of nature, and the beauty of the LAWS of nature. You know for me, I start to be able to appreciate the last point, which is the beauty of the LAWs of nature. If you think... oh.... those physics and newton law ar?.... then you can't see through superficial beauty.
For me, the laws refer to the ability for nature to maintain equilibrium no matter how you try to change it. You can see it from many ways. The more you try in persue if technological advances, the more the environmental degredation. And there will be RETRIBUTIONS if you do something evil. And as long as there are good in this world, there will be evil. Yes... you may say evil will never win over good, good will always win. But can you say that you can eliminate evil completely? Take the case of america. It tries to be the 'good*' to eliminate the 'evil*' [*Good or evil is based on your own judgement] But will they ever succeed? After they deal with osama, here comes a saddam, and after him, do you think it will be the end?
Haha... i think I shall stop here lar. To some it may seem like a whole chunk of crap up there. But... haha... thats wad I think of when I read the sentence :D

Okie... very late now. gtg. And once again thanks to all who visits :)

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