Saturday, July 24, 2004

Whoo!!! Haha... just put away my work. Really wasn't in the mood to do work tonight. Haha..... Today was just like any other ordinary day....
Rotted at home for half the day then went out for dinner ALONE [so sad right]. Went to woodlands library first to search for book for PW.... In the end found 3 and then left..... haha.... felt kind of weird while looking for the books. I'm looking for books about fats and weight loss. haha... was quite embarrassing later people really thought it is I who needed the weight loss :S haha.....
After that had the craving for KFC's satay burger.... haha... saw the advertisment and it looks quite nice :) So in order to avoid the crowd... I took MRT to sembawang which is 2 stops away. Haha... always like to eat KFC there cos there is no crowd!!! :) Always got a place to sit right after I buy my meal. I'm don't like waiting for sits. And I'm ALONE [Aww... sad sad] so no one to 'chop' seats for me.... So yar, the burger was quite nice :) Its like only zinger burger with added sauce. The satay sauce also not spicy one, sweet sweet with the nice aroma of peanut :) Haha.... didn't waste my trip there :)
So after eating, went to walk walk around sun plaze for my stomach to digest the food :) Haha.... then went window shopping for handphones!!! Haha... recently soo fen bought a new handphone and spark off my handphone craziness again :P So yar, went to M1, StarHub, and 2 duno wad handphone shop :S Then drooling at all those handphone :)~ haiz.... broke sia.... cannot buy.... only can drool :'( then I saw quite a number of new handphones, but Eee... the designs are getting from bad to worst. But then.... I saw something..... remember the nokia phone which looks like a wallet? Haha... it suddenly appeared to have grown shorter!!! IT BECAME VERY CUTE!!! OMG..... I WANT IT!!!!! haha... wait I go check it out if it really grew shorter first... brb....
..... The site dosen't seem to indicate that they improved the model... but It suddenly look so tiny to me!!!! Arh!!!! I want it!!!!! haha..... think I will go to the shop to check it out again to confirm.... And the estimated price tag of my dream phone scheduled for its launch in the 3rd quarter year is out already..... its.... 480 euros!!! Which means SGD$1000+++++++ ...... I was like : Think forget it liao..... will nv be able to afford it.... so just now when I saw that nokia phone...  It was really like love at first sight!!! hAhaha.....
OK lar... muz calm myself down..... I just bought my phone less than 1/2 a year ago.... cannot buy again... so think I'll just have to drool again lor....
Then after that took the train home... but still got a bit of time, so I decided to drop 1 stop later at choa chu kang then go lot 1 walk walk a while first before walking home....
Yar... thats about wad happened today lar.... *heartache* phone!! phone!! phone!!!!!!!!!! I WANT THAT PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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