Monday, July 05, 2004

HAiz... today hasn't been a good day for me... Loniness found me again... kind of wasted this long weekend.

Haiz... shall use this time to reflect on myself. Haiz... I need someone whom I can look for when I'm bored. When I'm feeling down.... haiz... too bad in my circle of friends... theres no one I can look for. This picture best describe my feeling now.

Who can be the one who can find myself for me? Who will always be there whenever I need him/her? Who can share my joys and sorrows? NO ONE yet at the moment. i feel like I'm all alone in this world. While I'm typing this, theres this pain in my heart. If friend, you are reading this entry. pls send me a msg that you will be there for me.

Haiz... the feeling of loniness is unbearable. If friend, when you are lonely as well, or need someone to share your joys and sorrows, I'll be more than happy to be by your side.

Haiz... thats why hor. I also hope to start relationship. To be able to find someone whom I can talk to when I'm lonely... someone who will always be there for me. Cos you know, you can't like sms to another guy talking about those things right. Later people think you are a gay. Unless you are very good buddies lar. But hor, to find someone isn't easy at all. I'm now like 'duno wad to do'.... haiz... so I think shall leave this thing to fate lor....

Haiz... friend ar friend.... don't let me continue dwelling in loniness... show me that you all care. I need you now~

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