Tuesday, August 31, 2004

.... finally loaded.... this blogger thingy is really getting very slow....
Okay... Am feeling much better now haha... was complaining so much yesterday. Then now then I realise that my school isn't the worst.... my sec school concert ends at 1+++!!!! haha... poor thing man, by the time they go back their primary school everyone gone liao..... haha okay, heres wad happened today....
Morning.... sian... haha... was nearly late... so I walk superfast to the MRT station and made it in time for the last train which can bring me to school without being late. So yar... then go school.... Do the ACES day workout.... It was like -_-''' The whole thing was rather disorganised and only a few people are doing.... All not enthu one... then I also... dun want to do lar, cos everyone not doing... then you do... later you get outcasted... So yar, think they should use some force and make everyone do whether they want to do it or not...
Then Mdm lee have some surveys to be done and wants us to stay back until 12 to do it. I was like... cannot lor, no one will stay... everyone will be like rushing back to their secondary school. So mdm lee no choice have to do the survey during our chinese lesson.
Then the teachers day concert... haha..... kept laughing and laughing.... but not about the performance... its about the fan's sprinkler [ our schools have those fan with sprinklers tied to it ]. Cos that time, kerling and jing wen were playing soccer in the hall, then their aiming 'pa jiao' so the fan took a direct hit and the sprinkler came off. Then during the performance, when they on the sprinkler, the water do not have the fan to blow it down so it was like spraying around and fogging up the area in front.... so whenever I see the fog, I can't stop laughing.
The performance was so so lar, nothing special, have about 3 rock band performance.... Except for the last one, the rest totally suck!!! I wonder wad kinds of comments will they get when they go on singapore idol.....
Hm..... after concert got in contact with jing cheng... then that was when I found out that cwss concert still haven't end yet... so I happily rush back to cwss.....
Then reach there, before stepping in, felt a bit weird.... cos I am the only 2 person going to yj and the ONLY person from yj to go back.... and worst still, I'm wearing that stupid GREEN house t-shirt. But... still went in then go to the canteen. MEt some old classmates and started chatting. then la di da la di da, concert over so we went into the staff room to look for teacher. Haiz... so sad didn't get to see mrs tan... but well, still okay lar, cos seen her during the last time I went back. Then found out that my Mrs yeo was in the chem lab preparing the chemicals for the prelim practical which is on thursday. So we decided to go lab outside and shout for her :D (cos lab is out of bound) So on the way out, saw mr sim :D Haha... our phy teacher :D HAha... can still remember that he draws very nice pictures and the most unique thing about him is that, he write on the whiteboard with his marker perpenticular to the board. So all his markers have a 'flat horizontal top'. Haha... then talk for a while, then jason asked about NPCC.... Haiz... he say the number of people joining NPCC are getting lesser cos kids these days can't take the hardship... they all go join choir and others... Hmm..... I feel that its very sad lor, the younger generationg have really become 'mr softees' So soft and easy to melt... haiz... Remember that my batch is the largest batch in the history of NPCC in cwss lor (cwss if not wrong about 40 yrs old liao).... so yar... now the number falls again. So sad know, to think that the younger generations are like that. Parents should also encourage their kids to join such activities mah. I will surely in future ask my kids especially if he is my son to join NPCC (if better NCC) as a cca. you know, you get to learn so much more things that you could learn from other CCAs. So parents ar parents... wake up lar, dun over protect your kids....
OK lar, after that... we saw mdm queck.... SHE REALLY SLIM DOWN A LOT!!!! At first I didn't recognise her know... until my friend called out mdm queck and she replied. I was so so shock!!! The change is really very big!!!! okay she was having her lunch so we didn't disturb her too much.
So we went out heading for the chem lab, when.... we open the door, Mrs Yeo!! haha... wad a coincidence, she had just finished mixting the chemicals. So she saw me and called out kiat kiat~ ( she used to call me like that in school :S) haha... so long nv hear he voice liao :D haha... am very happy to see her, cos I went back quite a few times but didn't managed to meet her, so yar :D Was very happy. So we talk abit lor.... then haha cos we went empty handed... so she was like, complaining that other teachers go home with 5 bags of presents but she can't even fill a bag.... haha... ok ok... I understand, will come back with something for her next year :D
So yar... after that went back to canteen to slack a bit.... then went to collect my O lvl cert and yr bk. Then went off with my sec 2 classmates to look for mrs crothers :D haha.... so I left the school, but I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to my sec 4 classmates, so sorry ar :D Left without a word :) So yar, mrs crothers is meeting us at orchard... so off I went ( in GREEN SELETAR HOUSE T-SHIRT!!!) to orchard.... so along the way... gossip and gossip :P So finally reached orchard and found mrs crothers at around 2.45pm, so went to mcdonals to have a meal and so sat down there to chat. Haha... then started talking lor....
Hmm... the gossip about mr singh and miss tay.... haha... the 2 of them really getting together lor, my classmates saw both of them together at the cafe she was working at on the day after valentines.... Ooo.... Wads even worst is that mrs crothers saw both of them in THAILAND!!!!! Thats when I really believe that the 2 of them are together.... Hmm....
Then also gossip about one of my school mates going out with a SEC 1 gal.... haha....
Hmm... talk a lot of crap lar.
Also realised that mrs crothers broke the bond with MOE and came out to start a company herself :) Then we ask her that her bond only have like 1 more year to go, then why didn't she wait.... Now she have to pay about 18k to compensate. So yar, she told us that she didn't regret her decision as now, she works an average about 3 hrs a day... and earns more that wad she used to earn.... And now she is also doing things that she likes... so she said that she made the correct choice. hmm.... I agree with her that its a good decision. So yar... I may follow that route in future. Cos I also wanted to be a teacher, but I wouldn't want to remain as a teacher for my whole life. So I feel that I could use teaching as a stepping stone, you know in preparation for my business. Cos if you just graduate and want to start a business right away... it will be very tough, as you do not have the money to support you if you fails, and this kind of business thing, you have to plan. So maybe, if I get a scholarship from NIE to teach, I may use that period of time when I'm bonded to plan or maybe look for talents among the students. So hm...
OKay... so we also shared some jokes, like last time mrs crothers and another teacher was always late for school. So they took a cab to school. Cos my school has a joned field with a primary school so thats also our 'backgate' . So the 2 teachers would go pass our school gate to get to the primary school and sneak in. But when they do that, they would go pass our parade square where we have assembly. So the both of them while passing by, will bend down and hide under the taxi pass our gate. Cos they are afraid that students would turn and see them. Haha... then they will alight at the primary school and sneak into our school, but along the way there will be counscillors on duty mah... so they would 'shhh....' to the councillor and make their run for the lift :P . haha.
Okay, then there is still many other things disussed lar. So there are also some friends who joined us later, the first batch came and left then the second batch came and for a while we left. Which is about 5.45... We have been sitting at mcdonals for 3 whole hours!!! haha... but it was fun lar.... then hor, just realised how small singapore can be. I that 3 hrs, we have seen numerous cwss students, and edwin have also saw some students from is school....
Oh yar one more thing, which is very worrying.... I have friends (smarter ones) in other colleges and they have failed tests. Even the top maths person in my class failed his maths in ajc.... So this worries me a lot, cos for a average person like me, I can manage to get at least a AO... So yar, this worries me a lot because, is the standard of yj so low below other jcs? Actually I really feel that way know... cos while doing tests from yj, I feel that the standard isn't really there... So I'm like worring that even thought I may have consistent good result in yj, the standard may be so much lower and I may not score in A lvls....
Think thats about all for today lar... haha just realised I typed a lot :P Happy reading :D And Wish all teachers a HAPPY TEACHERS DAY :D

Monday, August 30, 2004

ARHH!!!! Haiz.... hate that stupid school.... tmr teacher's day celebrating need to stay until 11++!!!! SO SIAN AR!!!!! WHY CAN'T THE PRINCIPLE THINK? WADS THE POINT OF HAVING THAT 2 PATHETIC LESSONS IN THE MORNING WHEN THE SUDENTS ARE ALL NOT IN THE MOOD TO STUDY!!!! hAIZ... other jcs like jj end their day at 8++ tmr!!!! ARgh.... End so late, how am I going to go back to my sec school!!!! And I also haven't got yr bk and o lvl cert.... then also long time nv see mrs yeo liao!!! haha... my chem teacher :D Haiz..... like that how to go back.... stupid school.... even jj teach their kids to ying shui shi yuan ( they got a bottle of water with these 4 words printed on it ). Maybe thats why they get a early release to go back to their sec and pri school..... BUt our school leh? Har? teach wad moral values.... such simple values also duno... and to think that the principle came after being a principal at a chinese school.... IS THIS HOW YOU TEACHES THE KIDS MORAL VALUES AR!!!! Haiz... I wonder how many schools can think like that.... WAKE UP LAR SINGAPORE!!!! THERE IS NO USE TEACHING LESS SO THAT WE CAN LEARN MORE, WHEN WE DUN EVEN HAVE THE BASIC MORAL VALUES TO GUIDE OUR CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT..... MAYBE i SHOULD WRITE TO THE FORUM HOR :p HAHA... really hope that the MOE can do something about it..... WAHAHAHA!!!!! HATE YOU YJ!!!! Think the problem with yj is not its student... its the school adminstration..... HAIZ.... you know.... the houses came up with this idea they collect signatures from people who wants to have a half-day... so as to 'force' the school to give us one.... but now? wad happens? yar, we did get a 'half-day' which ENDS AT 11++++++!!!!!! SO WADS THE POINT OF DOING THIS SIGNATURE THINGY?
HAIZ... this like wad kerling said... you see the principal like seemed very approachable, like everything can be discussed. But at the end of the day... nothing is done and she still uses back her own idea.... haiz... think we have seen many cases of students propoal being rejected...... And hmm... think that the coming open house would also be not much of a success..... Heard from kerling also that the goodies bag which will be given out is SO CHEAPSKATE!!!! Haiz... duno lar.... dun want to talk about it anymore.... AM VERY DISSAPPOINTED WITH THIS SCHOOL.....
..... k lar, think I shall end off here, hope that I still get a chance to go back and 'ying shui shi yuan'.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Woo.... blogger seems to be a bit laggy lately... waited for so long for this to load....
:D today was just like any other normal day.... so sian..... haiz... its already 10.16 now... but I dun feel like sleeping cos.... the next time I open my eyes, would be the start of another busy week.... haiz... needed a rest badly... haiz... no choice lor, I choose this route myself.... can only blame myself....
Ok ar, dun talk about this anymore....
Was reading the newspaper just now and came across this article about this guy searching his own name in googles and found that there is also another person who has the same name as him and is more intelligent than him.... then haha... he crapped a lot in the newspaper over such a small thing....
So... haha.... just now while waiting for blogger to load... I also went to search my own name in googles... haha... it returned with some surprises.....

MAJ Tan Boon Kiat suggests that the process of creative destruction be used to introduce the concepts and strategy of revolutionary change to our existing institutional culture.
Whahaha... when did I hold such a rank in the military :D :D :D

The business of Magic Cards
The business of Magic Cards Scholars Programme student Tan Boon Kiat will be appearing on TCS 8's "Frontline" programme this Friday (6 Feb) at 10:30pm. Boon Kiat just returned from a Magic Card tournament in Amsterdam which attracted over 800 players world-wide; he was one of the retailers there. In the programme, Boon Kian talked about how he balances studies with his business, and how he grew from player to trader, and the business of Magic Cards.
Woooo!!!! I'm a scholar :D:D:D

Then haha... found this

View it from my perspectiveName:Tan Boon Kiat Gender: Male Age: 17 Occupation: Student E-mail: tanbk_he@hotmail.com Min Zhong's blog John's Blog Wei png's blog Paulin's Blog Sen min's ... tanbk.blogspot.com/ - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

:D MY BLOG!!!! HAHA... its on page 14 when you search for my name :P

Haha... then also found out that quite a number of tan boon kiat are less fortunate disabled person.... so yar... haha

Well.. guess thats enough for today... bye... hope that I will have a nice week ahead. :D

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Arlow :) Me back again :D haha... can't get to sleep now cos I slept too much today :P But now neck aching leh, feel like buying those neck supports for those who injured their neck.... Haiz... my head is too heavy for my neck :S
OKie, today was fine, nothing much happen.
Haha... read paulin's blog and this part of her entry caught my attention.
[they call for file check and demanded homeworks from me. even for pw. just because the teacher isn't happy with it, she can demand us to complete everything within a few days. they do not care what the heck the students feel. teachers only know howta give out the deadline and leave us to die. without concerning how much sleep a student has. we're so sleep deprived.]
Yar, this is exactly what I feel... especially for PW.... they can just throw us back the file to re-do all the evaluation and hand-in after a few days... which is impossible because we still have a lot of things other then PW to do! How can they give us so little time? Haiz.... really hope they would cancel this PW thingy which is taking up too much of our time. Or they can cut down other things in school to make time for PW. Like what PM says.... we have to teach lesser so that our kids can learn more. Lets just see how lesser they can teach.... Cos the workload is just too much. For eg. I was very surprised to see ALGEBRA in my p6 sister's homework..... I was like WTF.... I only learn that there is such a thing only in sec 1 and they are learning the basics now? So lets see how they cut down on the syllabus.... Hope that it will have a significantly big change and not only like obmitting some topics... But haiz... too bad I won't be around to enjoy these benefits unless they can act fast enough for next year's A lvl, which is like impossible.
So haha... too bad lor....
K lar, thats about all for today... Bye~
YO!!! haha... feeling great now :D Yay!!! haha, it has been a long time since I got such a nice sleep :D haha.... Slept for more then 10 hrs!!!! guess I was real tired after the past few days of intense work. haha... especially friday :)
Friday was really a very very busy day... But Yay!!! necause of that, I cleared most of my work :D haha... so for the coming week, will have to just concentrate on the preparation for physics CA. :) Haha... luckily also got 1 1/2 day of holiday cos of teachers day :D yaya... so can spent some time doing other things :D Think thats about all for now :D See ya tonight :) Bye :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Haiz... had been doing PW since I came home... so sian man.... Stupid PW, have to redo all the evaluations.... then have to hand in file on friday... I was like.... WTF!!! SO MANY ARTICLES TO EVALUATE IN DAYS!!!! haiz.... very sian ar.... luckily these few days not really very busy. Only thing is need to hand in maths file on thurs... which is okay for me, cos I already sorted out all my maths notes for the last CA so yar... only need to tidy up the last 2 tutorials...
Haiz... haha... then sin zhan send me something at the right time :) haha... it is this comic strip circulating around tru e-mail..... Its about someone jumping down... and on her way down... she saw what are her neighbours doing... so she saw people taking depression pills, quarreling with wife, then got this lonely old man waiting for people to visit him... then she realise that she in not the worst after all... but it was too late, she was on her way down... in the end she died. But Maybe after her death, her neighbours will think that they are not the worst, and this could prevent future sucide.... So yar... I'm feeling very bad now... but haha... I lived on the 20th floor, directly under me... there are 19 families... so are they feeling as bad as me? or even worst than me? Haiz.... I think life has its ups and downs.... maybe this is just one of the down period. Maybe also because of my effort, I may get good grades for PW leh? haha... you nv know....
So... if you people are also feeling very tired, or even tired of living.... dun feel bad.... there may be other people who are worst than you, but still have to courage to live on.... :D So I hope everyone, can persever till the very end :) Jia you :D

Monday, August 23, 2004

Arlow!!! Its monday again :D haha.... Had a quite boring weekend...
:D me just bought a new toy :D Haha, I bought a tablet for my com :P Haha... now a bit heartache..... Duno like got waste money or not leh... haiz... Duno why hor, every 2-3 months sure got one time must spend on something that cost more than $100 :S .... haiz... why can't I control myself!!!!! haha.... haiz... really hope I won't waste my money... :D
Think thats all for today lar, nothing much to say anyway....
Oh yar, haha... just want to comment on bugis that area... Cos I went sim lim square mah, then hor, haiz... very dissapointing, that place suppose to be a tourist attraction lor, but... haiz... saw a lot of ugly side of singaporeans.... Really hope that tourism board will do something about it, dun let is ruin the nice singapore image....
OK lar, bye :D

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Yay!!! my new header is up :D haha... that one I do from scratch one leh... haha... cos I found some very nice tutorials so I went to learn and try it out :D Hmm.... but it somewad look a bit ordinary lor... hmmm.... maybe will try to change abit later on ba :D haha....
Hope that the new header will give my site a brand new feeling :D

Friday, August 20, 2004

Arlow.... haha... its friday liao.... YAY!!!! haha... very happy... finally got a chance to get some rest. Haha... another reason why I so happy is that tmr is the last day of the NUS thing liao.... hehe.... then that thing can finally settle down, and bury deep underground :P Haha... had a hard time trying to avoid that person.... Been switching off my phone these few days... cos later he call then I dun now how am I going to tell him that there will be no one from our school going :S And I only put up a SINGLE poster in the whole school :P haha... me been a slacking for this assignment.... haha... okie dun talk about this liao... hope I can last till tmr :D
Haiz.... tmr after GP test will be the parent teacher session.... I will have to stay throughout the whole session to help out : Haiz.....
Actually nothing much lar, dun want to bore you all by typing crap... haha...
okie... since I have some extra time, I may go and make a new design for my blog :D haha... Okie, gtg now.... bye :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Arlow :D haha... time for another entry again :) Haiz... today was a very very long day.... got extra GP lesson until 6.35!!!! :'( Haiz... all for that stupid test coming up this sat. Which is a FULL PAPER!!! haha... duno can make it or not.... 3 hr straight sitting in that hall, rushing out paragraphs after paragraphs. haha.
OKie.... juz finished my maths tutorial so now waiting for my naruto to download finish.... haha. hope to be able to watch it tonight cos tmr sure confirm got other things to do. So hmmm... willing to sacrifice a bit of tonight's sleep to finish watching it. Hope I can get a chance to sleep during lessons tmr. hehe :P
OKay... had the maths test which I was studying yesterday. Before I go in I already have the ' bu xiang de yu gan' erm... how to say, a kind of feeling that something bad is going to happen. So yar, true enough, the questions are relatively easy lar, But I was too nervous and the air-con very cold, so I had difficulty staying focus and overlooked some details which I think cost me quite a few marks.... haiz..... NVM, I will learn from my mistakes and be sure not to make it next time round :D.
Hmm... think thats all for today lar... haha... bye~

Monday, August 16, 2004

Arlow!!! haha... :)
Haiz... very sian ar.... had been studying for tmr maths test from 6.30... its already 9.13 now.... taking a break to come online to write my entry. After this will have to get back to do last minute read tru of my own summary and then go to bed liao. :D Need a good night sleep to prepare for tmr. HAha... muz do well tmr dun want to let the teacher down. Cos the last CA, can see that she is very dissapointed with us, cos our whole class failed. So today at the end of the lesson, she said something like asking us to do better this time round. Can sense that kind of feeling of dissappointment in her. So yar, hope my whole class woud score weill for tmr test, so she will at least 'lian shang you yi dian guang'.
Haiz.... haven't been really coping well with life these dayz... you know the NUS thing? haiz... I know its not right, but I've been trying to drag and drag until the end of this week, then everything will be over. Cos that guy keeps calling me asking me about the progress... I was like keep telling lies to answer him.... Today even have to resort to switching off my handphone to avoid him.... Haiz.... why can't I do such a simple thing right? so now, I'm like I just do the minimal things he tell me to do lor. He say give out brochures then I give lor, then I also no mood to go and do extra things lar.... Then that guy is also like keep asking me to go for the NUS talk.... then I was like dun want to go lor, I dun give a damn about the school of computing? [ Duno WTH is that ] so I've been like saying, see how first, got time then go.... Haiz... ok lar, dun talk about him liao... spoil my mood. Juz hope that I can hang on till this sat, which is the last day of the open house, then everything will be over :D Haha... hope to bury this incident deep underground so that no one will ever know I did such a lousy job :P
haha... for the past few weeks? haha... haven't been watching my diet, now my tummy is a lot bulging out again!!! haha... CONTROL!! CONTROL!!!! haha....
K lar, think thats enough complaining for today. Bye :D

Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday the 13th. Haiz... quite a bad day today.... now no mood to do anything....
In the morning, duno why that stupid stomach made me run to the toilet twice, then in the end caused me to be late for school....
then in school also a lot of suay things happened.
Worst thing is that, there is a project work meeting after school, but we didn't want and nothing to discuss anyway, so we smsed the teacher and say we want to cancel the meeting. Then after a while with no reply from the teacher, we went home... Then when I reached home, I received a call from the teacher asking us to go back or he will write a report on us... then haiz... just reached home and have to rush all the way back to school. Was intending to curse and swear at him here, but.... when he met us, he didn't really scold us or anything lar... so haha... I also not that angry anymore.
Then now was intending to do PW, but seems like no mood to do leh..... so here I am typing this entry. Think thats about all today :) bye~

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Shall take this time to write my entry :D Haha... feeling better now :D Crapped a lot just now.... Now thinking of it a bit embarassing :P Hmm... after thinking for a while, maybe I can just hold on to my position till a later date lar :P Haha... ok lar dun want to talk about those bad things now.
:D today was a happy day :) Everything went on smoothly. Nothing much happened. Guess I'll just end here lar :) Bye :D

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Today was going to be a very happy day until.... 2 things happened when I was going home... really spoiled my day....
Haiz.... was typing wad are the 2 things that happened then half-way tru decided to delete away.... Think that it is not necessary to type it out again lar.... No point recalling those bad things....
But because the 2 things are related with my position as president of IT club.... I kind of regretted taking on this position.... Just now when I was bathing, I kind of reflect on myself.... is it really time to give up this position. I really do not have the qualities to lead. Would it be better if I give this chance to someone whom maybe can do better? I'm really very tired. Therefore after much consideration.... I decided that if nothing else happens. When the NUS thing end on the 24th, I would ask to step down and maybe switch place with the vice-president. Cos the NUS thing is my responsibility so I have to complete it before I step down and I would like to take on the position of the vice-president because I can still continue to serve the club. It may seem that I'm running away from problems... but... after all that has happen, I kind of know my limits, some things are beyond me. I've learned a lot from the short time as president and would cherish this experience. Really hope that I can continue to gain experience when I'm at a less demanding position of vice-president.
Haiz... really ruin my day... Hope I've made the right choice.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Arlow :D haha... its 7.42 now... sianz... channel 8 got new show, but it looks boring, so didn't bother to watch it, instead spent my time here. Later still have to finish up 1/2 a gp response piece, 3 maths questions, and a chinese spelling.... Hope I can get it done as soon as possible and have a early night :D
Hmm... today was quite a busy day... Early in the morning have to rush to popular to buy black color paper to use as mounting board.... Then went home, have lunch, finish up my poster design, pack it in a envelope... then off I go again back to the post office, queue for quite some time, bought the stamps and finally post my mail... But hor, duno why, I very scared the stamp will come off leh... cos I forgot to check whether it has been stuck properly, cos its the lady at the counter who stuck it for me.... then now very worried, later half-way peel off then my mail cannot reach how? I would have wasted months of killing my braincells for this design..... Haha... hope that everything would be fine :)
OKie, then after that hmmm..... went for so called class outing, which in the end only 7 people turn up and 6 people went for the movie.... Haha... watched the movie The village.... Its a very sucky movie sia..... though got shocked 2-3 time, the whole story line was so crappy!!!! haha... but okay lar.... there is this sentence which caught my attenion. [ People don't do things because they don't want other people to know that they want to do it. ] Not exact phrase though, but somewhat like it..... So have you experience this before? You wanted to do something but didn't do it cos you are afraid of other people... I get this kind of feeling quite often... wad about you?
Haha... finally something for the brain after so many entries of complaining :D So if you all have any comments feel free to shout in the shoutbox :D
Okie... go and rest a while now before I continue my work. Bye Bye :)

Monday, August 09, 2004

Arlow.... haha time for another entry :D
hmm... today was quite okay, went out to watch NDP fireworks.... but haiz.... disappointing [oops my spelling sux ] sia... the fireworks like only last for a while....
Haha... want to comment on the mcdonals beside kallang MRT station..... Their service damn good sia... cos after the parade, then a lot of people mah, then the staffs there very helpful sia.... help us find seats... then summore take orders for us!!! We didn't have to leave our seats to get food :)
Actually nothing much lar, just now thinking, how nice if I had a girlfriend to watch fireworks with me :P Haha... but thinking again, having the company of a few good friends is also as nice :D
Okie, got to go and finish up some work liao... Bye~

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Haiz... its already 10.50... duno why feeling to sian.... head having a mild headache too....... Now no mood to type liao.... bye....
hello... haha... me back again :) Actually nothing much to say :P bye bye... hope to post more tomorrow :)

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Arlow everyone :) haha... its 5.59 now :D After typing this will be going out for dinner :) These few days was erm... ok lar, nothing much, been busy doing all those stuffs, so didn't really get a chance to enjoy myself :) But hmm... really hope that the coming week is a nice one :) hehe, with the first 2 days hoilday, hope that the coming week would be fun :D And cos next sat is chinese test mah, dun really need to study too much.
Yay!!! Its national day soon :) Haiz... thought I could go to the singapore fireworks festival tomorrow night.... but..... I want to watch 'xi ling men' [Double Happiness] 's concluding episode tomorrow.... so haiz... can't go out liao.... wow... type a few sentences 6.04 liao... time really flies :) Haha... Okie, going for dinner now, bye :) maybe if I got time may come back and write another entry tonight :)

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hello!!! Haha... long time no entry liao.... was very very busy for the past week. In fact still very busy now.... am trying to burn a CD while I type :)
Haha... was really busy these few days.... Monday was the worst of all. Haiz... had to hand-in chinese project work the very next day and not a single thing done. Haiz... so at night went to sen min house to do it till 12pm!!! haiz.... it has been quite a long time since I slept that late on weekdays.... Then the next day luckily never got sent to zoo... cos I panda turn up in school!!! haha... ok lar me a bit lame....
Then wednesday.... haiz.... also another sucky day.... in fact everyday was sucky.... Was rushing and rushing through things, often just before the start of the lesson then finish the required work.....
Then now sat still got econs test... still haven't study yet.... sian ar.....
Then my schoolbag finally cannot make it le :) Hoping to get a new one this long weekend :) Haiz... actually nothing much lar. Just plain busy ness these few days....
Was thinking of giving my blog a fresher look, cos an idea struck my mind just now.... but, didn't really work out cos maybe I too little time. Maybe soon lar, when I'm not so busy.....
Haiz... now I see my table piled up with stacks of notes and books, see liao also sian... but no choice.... really no time to pack.....
OK lar, there are still some things worth 'happying' for :) Just got a 'pay raise' from my dad :D Haha... Came just in time for my new bag, yay!!! Haha...
Think shall end it here now, since nothing much happened, :P Dun want you all to waste your time reading my crap :D

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Yo! Arlow everyone :) Was very tired yesterday so didn't write my entry.... haha... was busy littering singapore with my faces :S really throw a lot of face yesterday....
Yesterday morning...... PHYSICS test.... haiz.... was rushing and rushing through the paper. There is not enough time!!!! I didn't have time to like think properly first before answering the question. It was all based on instinct. Then also no time to check also. Haiz... really must pray hard that I dun make any serious careless mistake or DIE AR.... :
Then haiz..... hope to get back the paper soon. you know... [长痛不如短痛]chang tong bu ru duan tong... so haiz... hope teacher can work harder to let us have our papers back soon.
OKie... then after that, went home, wash up and off I go again..... Travelled half the island to Bedok to collect some stuffs from the nus thingy.... haiz.... very pai say... duno wad got into my mind. Haiz.... this is wad happened. I was there waiting then I thought that guy was late leh... then duno why I fired such a rude sms to him. [You are LATE!!!] then when he received the sms he quickly called me, then I realised that he was already there.... I was like, oh shit, why did I fire such a rude sms before asking him where he was first :... then :'( throw a lot of face there..... haiz... affected my mood for the whole day.......
Then after that, thinking that since I travelled half the island to bedok, travelling half the island back home is a waste. So I decided to go orchard to get my phone's data cable..... And because I a bit sick of taking the MRT, I decided to take bus.... but that was a very very very very BIG MISTAKE!!!! The F***ing bus took about 2 hours to reach orchard!!!!! I was like WTF man when it drove all the way up to tenah merah.... then see the s'pore expo, then U turn back to bedok then to joo chiat then geylang.... then the next thing I see.... SINGAPORE STADIUM.... : I was like how the hell did I end up here.... After that continued to raffles place, then finally reaching orchard. Haiz... the journey was terrible. Kept want to vomit. Maybe cos I old liao :P Or maybe because I didn't eat my lunch.... Haiz.... I wonder how long will it take the bus to reach clementi interchange, its final destination.
Haiz... but that wasn't the worst part. When I reach that stupid siemens shop. There is a notice out there....[ Dear valued customers, our shop has been relocated at Toh Guan road.... bla bla bla ] I was like WTF.... I suffered 2 hours for nothing?!?! Haiz.... why did they have to move 1/2 the island to toh guan [near jurong east] ? : Haiz... then I went all the way to the MRT station and throw face again. Haiz... oh yar, before that I already throw my face at the bus interchange cos I ez link ran out of credit then I was like queueing already, then when the bus came then I realised that I didn't top up my card, then I was like. Oh shit... then haiz... nvm lor, pay by cash.... Then now at the MRT station I forgot that I haven't top up my card so I went queueing up again. But heng this time I realised it in time and went to top up my card. Haiz.... so yar went down to the MRT station.
Then haiz... decided that I 不甘心. I dun want to go home with nothing. So decided to go all the way to toh guan in search of my cable. Then realised that I didn't take down the address!!! But nvm, think that toh guan road won't be too long and hope that they put up a noticable banner or some indication.... So yar, travelled back to raffles place.... Which is the place that I went pass on the bus!!!! to change to the east west line heading for jurong east....
Haiz.... then on the train. haha... got this grandma and her grandson sitting beside me. Makes me recall travelling with my grandma when I was young :D Then didn't notice wad happened, but heard the grandma said to her grandson, [ musn't tell lies, telling lies is also cheating the gods, the gods will punish you one... ] Haha... was very heartwarming to hear that. Cos in this mordern society, the inculcation of moral values have often been neglected in families. So yar... was glad that you know. there are still people teaching morals with such a tradition way, you know, with superstitions weaved in.
OKay.... finally reached jurong east... decided to go for lunch :) Haha... went back to the coffee shop to eat chicken chop :) That place remind me of that time where I ate dinner with my buddy :) Haha... cos we both were working very late at a exibition so at that time, it was about 11++ already, then because its a exibition we often skip lunch to catch customers and dinner wasn't provided. Think that that night was the last day of our work. Then both of us also had chicken chop :) Haiz... that will always be part of my memories :) Now we both have gone on seperate routes... but friendship will still remain :D
OKie.... so after lunch, got back my energy so went in search for siemens customer center :) Haha... went to the bus interchange to look at the map to see how far toh guan road stretch. Haha... was relieved that it was only a small stretch of road beside IMM :D So yar.... went on to search for the place. Haha... was looking around for any indication that shows siemens or anything related. Then after walking for a while. Ta da.... found it :) So went up the building but..... IT IS NOT OPEN!!!! : Haiz... a wasted trip again.... but this time, was feeling better cos I'm no longer hungry. So went all the way back to jurong east MRT station. On the way... kept a look out for any logs cos I need it for my poster design... and Haha... found it :D After that continued my way back to the MRT station. Then went pass this a blazing phone booth, the sell second hand phone one. So decided to check out the price of my ST60. IT IS ONLY WORTH $150!!! I bought it 2 months ago or $275 you know.... but haiz... nothing surprising... cos mine is a siemens phone. So haiz.... decided not to buy siemens phone anymore. :P
So yar... after that finally headed for home :D Reach home was up abit, then..... I have to travel almost 1/2 the island to bishan!!! my grandma's house. But this time... still ok lar, my father drove us there :) Then after dinner went back home again lor.....
Haiz... have been travelling to across the island whole day long.... So yar was very tired yesterday night. And also because of the physics test yesterday, I havn't been sleeping well for the past week. So yar, decided to sleep instaed of playing computer :D
K lar, think thats about all for today :P Haha very long hor... have a nice time reading :P See ya...