Saturday, August 28, 2004

Arlow :) Me back again :D haha... can't get to sleep now cos I slept too much today :P But now neck aching leh, feel like buying those neck supports for those who injured their neck.... Haiz... my head is too heavy for my neck :S
OKie, today was fine, nothing much happen.
Haha... read paulin's blog and this part of her entry caught my attention.
[they call for file check and demanded homeworks from me. even for pw. just because the teacher isn't happy with it, she can demand us to complete everything within a few days. they do not care what the heck the students feel. teachers only know howta give out the deadline and leave us to die. without concerning how much sleep a student has. we're so sleep deprived.]
Yar, this is exactly what I feel... especially for PW.... they can just throw us back the file to re-do all the evaluation and hand-in after a few days... which is impossible because we still have a lot of things other then PW to do! How can they give us so little time? Haiz.... really hope they would cancel this PW thingy which is taking up too much of our time. Or they can cut down other things in school to make time for PW. Like what PM says.... we have to teach lesser so that our kids can learn more. Lets just see how lesser they can teach.... Cos the workload is just too much. For eg. I was very surprised to see ALGEBRA in my p6 sister's homework..... I was like WTF.... I only learn that there is such a thing only in sec 1 and they are learning the basics now? So lets see how they cut down on the syllabus.... Hope that it will have a significantly big change and not only like obmitting some topics... But haiz... too bad I won't be around to enjoy these benefits unless they can act fast enough for next year's A lvl, which is like impossible.
So haha... too bad lor....
K lar, thats about all for today... Bye~

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