Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Today was going to be a very happy day until.... 2 things happened when I was going home... really spoiled my day....
Haiz.... was typing wad are the 2 things that happened then half-way tru decided to delete away.... Think that it is not necessary to type it out again lar.... No point recalling those bad things....
But because the 2 things are related with my position as president of IT club.... I kind of regretted taking on this position.... Just now when I was bathing, I kind of reflect on myself.... is it really time to give up this position. I really do not have the qualities to lead. Would it be better if I give this chance to someone whom maybe can do better? I'm really very tired. Therefore after much consideration.... I decided that if nothing else happens. When the NUS thing end on the 24th, I would ask to step down and maybe switch place with the vice-president. Cos the NUS thing is my responsibility so I have to complete it before I step down and I would like to take on the position of the vice-president because I can still continue to serve the club. It may seem that I'm running away from problems... but... after all that has happen, I kind of know my limits, some things are beyond me. I've learned a lot from the short time as president and would cherish this experience. Really hope that I can continue to gain experience when I'm at a less demanding position of vice-president.
Haiz... really ruin my day... Hope I've made the right choice.

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