Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday the 13th. Haiz... quite a bad day today.... now no mood to do anything....
In the morning, duno why that stupid stomach made me run to the toilet twice, then in the end caused me to be late for school....
then in school also a lot of suay things happened.
Worst thing is that, there is a project work meeting after school, but we didn't want and nothing to discuss anyway, so we smsed the teacher and say we want to cancel the meeting. Then after a while with no reply from the teacher, we went home... Then when I reached home, I received a call from the teacher asking us to go back or he will write a report on us... then haiz... just reached home and have to rush all the way back to school. Was intending to curse and swear at him here, but.... when he met us, he didn't really scold us or anything lar... so haha... I also not that angry anymore.
Then now was intending to do PW, but seems like no mood to do leh..... so here I am typing this entry. Think thats about all today :) bye~

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