Sunday, August 01, 2004

Yo! Arlow everyone :) Was very tired yesterday so didn't write my entry.... haha... was busy littering singapore with my faces :S really throw a lot of face yesterday....
Yesterday morning...... PHYSICS test.... haiz.... was rushing and rushing through the paper. There is not enough time!!!! I didn't have time to like think properly first before answering the question. It was all based on instinct. Then also no time to check also. Haiz... really must pray hard that I dun make any serious careless mistake or DIE AR.... :
Then haiz..... hope to get back the paper soon. you know... [长痛不如短痛]chang tong bu ru duan tong... so haiz... hope teacher can work harder to let us have our papers back soon.
OKie... then after that, went home, wash up and off I go again..... Travelled half the island to Bedok to collect some stuffs from the nus thingy.... haiz.... very pai say... duno wad got into my mind. Haiz.... this is wad happened. I was there waiting then I thought that guy was late leh... then duno why I fired such a rude sms to him. [You are LATE!!!] then when he received the sms he quickly called me, then I realised that he was already there.... I was like, oh shit, why did I fire such a rude sms before asking him where he was first :... then :'( throw a lot of face there..... haiz... affected my mood for the whole day.......
Then after that, thinking that since I travelled half the island to bedok, travelling half the island back home is a waste. So I decided to go orchard to get my phone's data cable..... And because I a bit sick of taking the MRT, I decided to take bus.... but that was a very very very very BIG MISTAKE!!!! The F***ing bus took about 2 hours to reach orchard!!!!! I was like WTF man when it drove all the way up to tenah merah.... then see the s'pore expo, then U turn back to bedok then to joo chiat then geylang.... then the next thing I see.... SINGAPORE STADIUM.... : I was like how the hell did I end up here.... After that continued to raffles place, then finally reaching orchard. Haiz... the journey was terrible. Kept want to vomit. Maybe cos I old liao :P Or maybe because I didn't eat my lunch.... Haiz.... I wonder how long will it take the bus to reach clementi interchange, its final destination.
Haiz... but that wasn't the worst part. When I reach that stupid siemens shop. There is a notice out there....[ Dear valued customers, our shop has been relocated at Toh Guan road.... bla bla bla ] I was like WTF.... I suffered 2 hours for nothing?!?! Haiz.... why did they have to move 1/2 the island to toh guan [near jurong east] ? : Haiz... then I went all the way to the MRT station and throw face again. Haiz... oh yar, before that I already throw my face at the bus interchange cos I ez link ran out of credit then I was like queueing already, then when the bus came then I realised that I didn't top up my card, then I was like. Oh shit... then haiz... nvm lor, pay by cash.... Then now at the MRT station I forgot that I haven't top up my card so I went queueing up again. But heng this time I realised it in time and went to top up my card. Haiz.... so yar went down to the MRT station.
Then haiz... decided that I 不甘心. I dun want to go home with nothing. So decided to go all the way to toh guan in search of my cable. Then realised that I didn't take down the address!!! But nvm, think that toh guan road won't be too long and hope that they put up a noticable banner or some indication.... So yar, travelled back to raffles place.... Which is the place that I went pass on the bus!!!! to change to the east west line heading for jurong east....
Haiz.... then on the train. haha... got this grandma and her grandson sitting beside me. Makes me recall travelling with my grandma when I was young :D Then didn't notice wad happened, but heard the grandma said to her grandson, [ musn't tell lies, telling lies is also cheating the gods, the gods will punish you one... ] Haha... was very heartwarming to hear that. Cos in this mordern society, the inculcation of moral values have often been neglected in families. So yar... was glad that you know. there are still people teaching morals with such a tradition way, you know, with superstitions weaved in.
OKay.... finally reached jurong east... decided to go for lunch :) Haha... went back to the coffee shop to eat chicken chop :) That place remind me of that time where I ate dinner with my buddy :) Haha... cos we both were working very late at a exibition so at that time, it was about 11++ already, then because its a exibition we often skip lunch to catch customers and dinner wasn't provided. Think that that night was the last day of our work. Then both of us also had chicken chop :) Haiz... that will always be part of my memories :) Now we both have gone on seperate routes... but friendship will still remain :D
OKie.... so after lunch, got back my energy so went in search for siemens customer center :) Haha... went to the bus interchange to look at the map to see how far toh guan road stretch. Haha... was relieved that it was only a small stretch of road beside IMM :D So yar.... went on to search for the place. Haha... was looking around for any indication that shows siemens or anything related. Then after walking for a while. Ta da.... found it :) So went up the building but..... IT IS NOT OPEN!!!! : Haiz... a wasted trip again.... but this time, was feeling better cos I'm no longer hungry. So went all the way back to jurong east MRT station. On the way... kept a look out for any logs cos I need it for my poster design... and Haha... found it :D After that continued my way back to the MRT station. Then went pass this a blazing phone booth, the sell second hand phone one. So decided to check out the price of my ST60. IT IS ONLY WORTH $150!!! I bought it 2 months ago or $275 you know.... but haiz... nothing surprising... cos mine is a siemens phone. So haiz.... decided not to buy siemens phone anymore. :P
So yar... after that finally headed for home :D Reach home was up abit, then..... I have to travel almost 1/2 the island to bishan!!! my grandma's house. But this time... still ok lar, my father drove us there :) Then after dinner went back home again lor.....
Haiz... have been travelling to across the island whole day long.... So yar was very tired yesterday night. And also because of the physics test yesterday, I havn't been sleeping well for the past week. So yar, decided to sleep instaed of playing computer :D
K lar, think thats about all for today :P Haha very long hor... have a nice time reading :P See ya...

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