Monday, August 23, 2004

Arlow!!! Its monday again :D haha.... Had a quite boring weekend...
:D me just bought a new toy :D Haha, I bought a tablet for my com :P Haha... now a bit heartache..... Duno like got waste money or not leh... haiz... Duno why hor, every 2-3 months sure got one time must spend on something that cost more than $100 :S .... haiz... why can't I control myself!!!!! haha.... haiz... really hope I won't waste my money... :D
Think thats all for today lar, nothing much to say anyway....
Oh yar, haha... just want to comment on bugis that area... Cos I went sim lim square mah, then hor, haiz... very dissapointing, that place suppose to be a tourist attraction lor, but... haiz... saw a lot of ugly side of singaporeans.... Really hope that tourism board will do something about it, dun let is ruin the nice singapore image....
OK lar, bye :D

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