Tuesday, August 31, 2004

.... finally loaded.... this blogger thingy is really getting very slow....
Okay... Am feeling much better now haha... was complaining so much yesterday. Then now then I realise that my school isn't the worst.... my sec school concert ends at 1+++!!!! haha... poor thing man, by the time they go back their primary school everyone gone liao..... haha okay, heres wad happened today....
Morning.... sian... haha... was nearly late... so I walk superfast to the MRT station and made it in time for the last train which can bring me to school without being late. So yar... then go school.... Do the ACES day workout.... It was like -_-''' The whole thing was rather disorganised and only a few people are doing.... All not enthu one... then I also... dun want to do lar, cos everyone not doing... then you do... later you get outcasted... So yar, think they should use some force and make everyone do whether they want to do it or not...
Then Mdm lee have some surveys to be done and wants us to stay back until 12 to do it. I was like... cannot lor, no one will stay... everyone will be like rushing back to their secondary school. So mdm lee no choice have to do the survey during our chinese lesson.
Then the teachers day concert... haha..... kept laughing and laughing.... but not about the performance... its about the fan's sprinkler [ our schools have those fan with sprinklers tied to it ]. Cos that time, kerling and jing wen were playing soccer in the hall, then their aiming 'pa jiao' so the fan took a direct hit and the sprinkler came off. Then during the performance, when they on the sprinkler, the water do not have the fan to blow it down so it was like spraying around and fogging up the area in front.... so whenever I see the fog, I can't stop laughing.
The performance was so so lar, nothing special, have about 3 rock band performance.... Except for the last one, the rest totally suck!!! I wonder wad kinds of comments will they get when they go on singapore idol.....
Hm..... after concert got in contact with jing cheng... then that was when I found out that cwss concert still haven't end yet... so I happily rush back to cwss.....
Then reach there, before stepping in, felt a bit weird.... cos I am the only 2 person going to yj and the ONLY person from yj to go back.... and worst still, I'm wearing that stupid GREEN house t-shirt. But... still went in then go to the canteen. MEt some old classmates and started chatting. then la di da la di da, concert over so we went into the staff room to look for teacher. Haiz... so sad didn't get to see mrs tan... but well, still okay lar, cos seen her during the last time I went back. Then found out that my Mrs yeo was in the chem lab preparing the chemicals for the prelim practical which is on thursday. So we decided to go lab outside and shout for her :D (cos lab is out of bound) So on the way out, saw mr sim :D Haha... our phy teacher :D HAha... can still remember that he draws very nice pictures and the most unique thing about him is that, he write on the whiteboard with his marker perpenticular to the board. So all his markers have a 'flat horizontal top'. Haha... then talk for a while, then jason asked about NPCC.... Haiz... he say the number of people joining NPCC are getting lesser cos kids these days can't take the hardship... they all go join choir and others... Hmm..... I feel that its very sad lor, the younger generationg have really become 'mr softees' So soft and easy to melt... haiz... Remember that my batch is the largest batch in the history of NPCC in cwss lor (cwss if not wrong about 40 yrs old liao).... so yar... now the number falls again. So sad know, to think that the younger generations are like that. Parents should also encourage their kids to join such activities mah. I will surely in future ask my kids especially if he is my son to join NPCC (if better NCC) as a cca. you know, you get to learn so much more things that you could learn from other CCAs. So parents ar parents... wake up lar, dun over protect your kids....
OK lar, after that... we saw mdm queck.... SHE REALLY SLIM DOWN A LOT!!!! At first I didn't recognise her know... until my friend called out mdm queck and she replied. I was so so shock!!! The change is really very big!!!! okay she was having her lunch so we didn't disturb her too much.
So we went out heading for the chem lab, when.... we open the door, Mrs Yeo!! haha... wad a coincidence, she had just finished mixting the chemicals. So she saw me and called out kiat kiat~ ( she used to call me like that in school :S) haha... so long nv hear he voice liao :D haha... am very happy to see her, cos I went back quite a few times but didn't managed to meet her, so yar :D Was very happy. So we talk abit lor.... then haha cos we went empty handed... so she was like, complaining that other teachers go home with 5 bags of presents but she can't even fill a bag.... haha... ok ok... I understand, will come back with something for her next year :D
So yar... after that went back to canteen to slack a bit.... then went to collect my O lvl cert and yr bk. Then went off with my sec 2 classmates to look for mrs crothers :D haha.... so I left the school, but I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to my sec 4 classmates, so sorry ar :D Left without a word :) So yar, mrs crothers is meeting us at orchard... so off I went ( in GREEN SELETAR HOUSE T-SHIRT!!!) to orchard.... so along the way... gossip and gossip :P So finally reached orchard and found mrs crothers at around 2.45pm, so went to mcdonals to have a meal and so sat down there to chat. Haha... then started talking lor....
Hmm... the gossip about mr singh and miss tay.... haha... the 2 of them really getting together lor, my classmates saw both of them together at the cafe she was working at on the day after valentines.... Ooo.... Wads even worst is that mrs crothers saw both of them in THAILAND!!!!! Thats when I really believe that the 2 of them are together.... Hmm....
Then also gossip about one of my school mates going out with a SEC 1 gal.... haha....
Hmm... talk a lot of crap lar.
Also realised that mrs crothers broke the bond with MOE and came out to start a company herself :) Then we ask her that her bond only have like 1 more year to go, then why didn't she wait.... Now she have to pay about 18k to compensate. So yar, she told us that she didn't regret her decision as now, she works an average about 3 hrs a day... and earns more that wad she used to earn.... And now she is also doing things that she likes... so she said that she made the correct choice. hmm.... I agree with her that its a good decision. So yar... I may follow that route in future. Cos I also wanted to be a teacher, but I wouldn't want to remain as a teacher for my whole life. So I feel that I could use teaching as a stepping stone, you know in preparation for my business. Cos if you just graduate and want to start a business right away... it will be very tough, as you do not have the money to support you if you fails, and this kind of business thing, you have to plan. So maybe, if I get a scholarship from NIE to teach, I may use that period of time when I'm bonded to plan or maybe look for talents among the students. So hm...
OKay... so we also shared some jokes, like last time mrs crothers and another teacher was always late for school. So they took a cab to school. Cos my school has a joned field with a primary school so thats also our 'backgate' . So the 2 teachers would go pass our school gate to get to the primary school and sneak in. But when they do that, they would go pass our parade square where we have assembly. So the both of them while passing by, will bend down and hide under the taxi pass our gate. Cos they are afraid that students would turn and see them. Haha... then they will alight at the primary school and sneak into our school, but along the way there will be counscillors on duty mah... so they would 'shhh....' to the councillor and make their run for the lift :P . haha.
Okay, then there is still many other things disussed lar. So there are also some friends who joined us later, the first batch came and left then the second batch came and for a while we left. Which is about 5.45... We have been sitting at mcdonals for 3 whole hours!!! haha... but it was fun lar.... then hor, just realised how small singapore can be. I that 3 hrs, we have seen numerous cwss students, and edwin have also saw some students from is school....
Oh yar one more thing, which is very worrying.... I have friends (smarter ones) in other colleges and they have failed tests. Even the top maths person in my class failed his maths in ajc.... So this worries me a lot, cos for a average person like me, I can manage to get at least a AO... So yar, this worries me a lot because, is the standard of yj so low below other jcs? Actually I really feel that way know... cos while doing tests from yj, I feel that the standard isn't really there... So I'm like worring that even thought I may have consistent good result in yj, the standard may be so much lower and I may not score in A lvls....
Think thats about all for today lar... haha just realised I typed a lot :P Happy reading :D And Wish all teachers a HAPPY TEACHERS DAY :D

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