Weee!!!! Think I gonna get my digital camera soon :D:D:D haha... just saw that my olympus mju mini price has dropped by over $140 !!!! Haha..... Luckily didn't buy it last time..... now so k lar... not exactly cheap... but a lot better than last time.... Its was price at $649 last time.... but now... its only less than $500!!!! Whahaha.....
The price dropped cos there will be a new mju mini that is 5 mega pixel. this current one is only 4 mega pixel -_- But I think 4 mega pixel is more than enough for me lar :P Haha.... :D :D :D :D
Can't believe that it really dropped by so much :P
Anyway.... well... today nothing much to write about lar. :) Has been a long time since I get to come home so early..... reach home at about 3+ Which is the earliest of duno how many weeks.....
SO yar.... things are slowing down now.... have time to catch up with work liao.... so I hope this will carry on for the rest of the year :D
Also... was just talking to mz, then he pointed that time flies cos at this time last year, we are in school getting our results... But..... I guess.... another indicator that time really flies that.... I will be getting another result next year liao!!! Haha... will be sitting for A lvls this year..... so yar..... time really flies.... it has just been like about a year ago since I got back my O lvl result. And in a few more months.... I will be taking my A lvls!!!! Haiz.....
That reminded me of a quote, " Time flies like arrow, fruit flies like bananas." haha.....
So yar... time really flies. I've come to the end of another entry of another day in my life :) See ya again tmr :) Bye~
Monday, February 28, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Hello :) Miss me? Haha.... well.... haven't been blogging for the past 2 nights cos I was involved in filming the play by our school.... and the play ends quite late. So by the time I reach home its already 12am liao... so not in the mood to blog :)
Hmm.... so the past few nights was rather fun :D Haha.... we stationed 4 cameras around the auditorium to capture the play at different angle. then on the first night cos we only got 3 tripods, so one camera had to be held by hand.... and I was the one holding it.... haha.... tiring sia.... imagine you can't move your hand for like almost 3 hours..... it turn out to be very shaky lar..... so for the second night.... we brought in a table to put the camera at the back so I got the tripod for use in front :) So yar.... it was alot better on the second night :D Got some nice shots :) But.... after the fun.... the hardwork comes in.... EDITING!!!! We got like 3 tapes for each camera, and 2 nights.... which amounts to 24 tapes to watch and pick out the nice parts..... :S haha....
Hmm.... thats about all for the past few day.... nothing much happen.... all revolving around the school..... You know.... on friday..... I go school at 7.40AM then go home at 10.40PM..... which is like 15 Hrs in school!!!!!
Anyway...... lets change topic :) Well.... found something interesting on the newspaper.... its actually a small thing lar.... but I find it rather interesting :D You know there has been these discussion recently about the china students coming to singapore and sweeping away the top prizes during competition? Yar.... I found this interesting picture in the straits time..... It shows a sharpened pencil... bearing the words.... "Made in China, sharpened in Singapore"
How is it? Haha.... I find it to be a very nice analogy :D
Hmm... on this matter, let me express my views..... :)
I think that its time that singaporeans should wake up liao..... We have to face the fact that we are losing our competivness..... The quantity of our people are already declining due to low birth rate.... and now.... our quality are also dropping..... Kids these days are so spoilt by their parents.... imagine how singapore would be like in future when its their turn to run the country.... Well..... even around me... I find people who lacks basic courtesy ( duno how to spell)..... People bring food to the classroom.... after eating.... leave the wrappers lying around..... the dustbin is just a few steps away also dun want to throw.... Then in canteen.... after eating dun bother puting the utensils into the collection basin..... You know... all these simple acts tells alot about what kind of person you are..... Haven't they been taught manners and courtesy? Do they do such things at home too? IF they do, pity their mothers.....
All these coming from a JC student.... we are like the top 25% ( if I'm not wrong ) Even though we might not be as good as those in the top JCs academically..... it dosen't mean that we should carry ourselves like that...... So I hope that these people would reflect on themselves.....
Anway.. kind of abit off topic liao.... just to come back to the topic..... if we can't even have self-discipline.... how are we going to compete with those from abroad?
So yar... will end it here....... hope I make sense.... :S haha.....
Thats also all for this entry :)
Just a note :) you won't be seeing more of litbud pics around for some time.... though I will still be creating... but I will show them at one go when my blog is revamped :D The pic I created is just a teaser :D So yar.... keep a look out...... there will be more of litbuds friends including the budeater, lifbud and luvbud :D haha...... maybe I can even have a wallpaper section :D:D:D:D haha.... but that all will take time lar :) So meanwhile..... just stick to this pond :P haha....
OKay.... bye~ :D
Hmm.... so the past few nights was rather fun :D Haha.... we stationed 4 cameras around the auditorium to capture the play at different angle. then on the first night cos we only got 3 tripods, so one camera had to be held by hand.... and I was the one holding it.... haha.... tiring sia.... imagine you can't move your hand for like almost 3 hours..... it turn out to be very shaky lar..... so for the second night.... we brought in a table to put the camera at the back so I got the tripod for use in front :) So yar.... it was alot better on the second night :D Got some nice shots :) But.... after the fun.... the hardwork comes in.... EDITING!!!! We got like 3 tapes for each camera, and 2 nights.... which amounts to 24 tapes to watch and pick out the nice parts..... :S haha....
Hmm.... thats about all for the past few day.... nothing much happen.... all revolving around the school..... You know.... on friday..... I go school at 7.40AM then go home at 10.40PM..... which is like 15 Hrs in school!!!!!
Anyway...... lets change topic :) Well.... found something interesting on the newspaper.... its actually a small thing lar.... but I find it rather interesting :D You know there has been these discussion recently about the china students coming to singapore and sweeping away the top prizes during competition? Yar.... I found this interesting picture in the straits time..... It shows a sharpened pencil... bearing the words.... "Made in China, sharpened in Singapore"
How is it? Haha.... I find it to be a very nice analogy :D
Hmm... on this matter, let me express my views..... :)
I think that its time that singaporeans should wake up liao..... We have to face the fact that we are losing our competivness..... The quantity of our people are already declining due to low birth rate.... and now.... our quality are also dropping..... Kids these days are so spoilt by their parents.... imagine how singapore would be like in future when its their turn to run the country.... Well..... even around me... I find people who lacks basic courtesy ( duno how to spell)..... People bring food to the classroom.... after eating.... leave the wrappers lying around..... the dustbin is just a few steps away also dun want to throw.... Then in canteen.... after eating dun bother puting the utensils into the collection basin..... You know... all these simple acts tells alot about what kind of person you are..... Haven't they been taught manners and courtesy? Do they do such things at home too? IF they do, pity their mothers.....
All these coming from a JC student.... we are like the top 25% ( if I'm not wrong ) Even though we might not be as good as those in the top JCs academically..... it dosen't mean that we should carry ourselves like that...... So I hope that these people would reflect on themselves.....
Anway.. kind of abit off topic liao.... just to come back to the topic..... if we can't even have self-discipline.... how are we going to compete with those from abroad?
So yar... will end it here....... hope I make sense.... :S haha.....
Thats also all for this entry :)
Just a note :) you won't be seeing more of litbud pics around for some time.... though I will still be creating... but I will show them at one go when my blog is revamped :D The pic I created is just a teaser :D So yar.... keep a look out...... there will be more of litbuds friends including the budeater, lifbud and luvbud :D haha...... maybe I can even have a wallpaper section :D:D:D:D haha.... but that all will take time lar :) So meanwhile..... just stick to this pond :P haha....
OKay.... bye~ :D
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Hey... I was wrong about the need to pay for copyright :) Haha.... it is actually free and automatically granted, there is no need for me to do anything :D Haha.... read this.....
In Singapore, copyright protection is automatic and is conferred on the author from whom the work originates, and as soon as a work is created and fixed in a material or tangible form. Thus, an author of a work does not have to do anything to get copyright protection.
If the work is independently created, it has copyright protection. It does not matter that there is another work that is the same or similar as long as it can be proven that there was no copying from that other work.
Source: http://www.ipos.gov.sg/main/aboutip/copyright/fundamentals.html
Oh... found something interesting also :D
In practice, authors have resorted to a number of means to preserve their interests. They may have:
deposited a copy of their work with their solicitors;
sent a copy of their work to themselves by special delivery, leaving the envelope unopened on its return so that the date stamp and the unopened work could establish the date of existence and the work as it existed at the relevant time;
made a declaration stating the facts of ownership and the date of creation before a Commissioner of Oaths.
These are, however, by no means foolproof methods of proving authorship as they do not prove that the work is original or created by the author. In a dispute, the Court will decide whether there is sufficient evidence to prove the authorship.
Source: http://www.ipos.gov.sg/main/aboutip/copyright/fundamentals.html
Cool.... read the line in red.... Haha..... sounds a bit lame :S but hehe.... does that mean that I have to do that as well haha.... just in case someone in yj kope my design :P
haha.... so yar.... hope this give people some idea of the copyright law in singapore :)
In Singapore, copyright protection is automatic and is conferred on the author from whom the work originates, and as soon as a work is created and fixed in a material or tangible form. Thus, an author of a work does not have to do anything to get copyright protection.
If the work is independently created, it has copyright protection. It does not matter that there is another work that is the same or similar as long as it can be proven that there was no copying from that other work.
Source: http://www.ipos.gov.sg/main/aboutip/copyright/fundamentals.html
Oh... found something interesting also :D
In practice, authors have resorted to a number of means to preserve their interests. They may have:
deposited a copy of their work with their solicitors;
sent a copy of their work to themselves by special delivery, leaving the envelope unopened on its return so that the date stamp and the unopened work could establish the date of existence and the work as it existed at the relevant time;
made a declaration stating the facts of ownership and the date of creation before a Commissioner of Oaths.
These are, however, by no means foolproof methods of proving authorship as they do not prove that the work is original or created by the author. In a dispute, the Court will decide whether there is sufficient evidence to prove the authorship.
Source: http://www.ipos.gov.sg/main/aboutip/copyright/fundamentals.html
Cool.... read the line in red.... Haha..... sounds a bit lame :S but hehe.... does that mean that I have to do that as well haha.... just in case someone in yj kope my design :P
haha.... so yar.... hope this give people some idea of the copyright law in singapore :)
Its thursday already!!!! Haiz... had been like 3 days since I last blogged.....
Life this year has been really bad for me..... Series of unfortunate events keeps coming..... Firstly I work like crazy for the NTU-JC challenge thingy...... so my school work is all in a mess.... when the thing finally ended and I thought I have time to sort out my work.... I fell sick :S...... so yar..... haiz.... I fell sick on tuesday..... caught a flu..... LT 4 was real cold..... and plus I already not in a very good condition already..... so that incident triggered off my flu..... so.... have been sleeping very early for the past 2 days so didn't have time to come online... Am still sick today.... but feeling slightly better today after taking some pills and herbal tea by my grandma.......
Haiz..... I think this year is a really bad year for me.... you know.... its a unlucky year for rabbits.... and I think its really true..... I haven't slacked for a long time already!!!! Remember last year. I was like promising myself that I would decline all work unrelated to studies... and slack all the way till A lvls..... but I guess won't be able to.......
Really hope that when I recover.... things will get back to normal and I can slack for the rest of the year..... I am really tired.....
Hmm.... so yar...... nothing much actually happened for the past days lar... but.... just to comment on my litbud..... I think it was a great success :D haha.... am so proud of it :) Really didn't expect it to turn out this way..... It started out as something I drew on my worksheet when GP lessons was too boring..... But slowly it started to spread through my group of supportive friends :) Then litbud made its first public appearance in LT4 :) And..... it started to spread to a even greater number of people :) Haha....... and when people like it.... they start to come up with different variations of it :) Someone went to add a smile on my litbud in LT4 :D It was a great try.... but I think it looks better without the smile :P Litbud is supposed to be a cute cuddly and shy (juz like me :P) but they go and add the smile.... it dosen't look shy anymore..... haha..... Other than that.... we have our Andy toh who came up with many other variation.... but the 3 I like most is a Liberty bud, a terrorist bud and a bunny bud :) They are so luvable :D
Haha.... I was like thinking.... maybe I should start collecting the various variations and make a emoticon pack :D haha..... sounds cool hur :D
Think thats all for today.... bye :)
Life this year has been really bad for me..... Series of unfortunate events keeps coming..... Firstly I work like crazy for the NTU-JC challenge thingy...... so my school work is all in a mess.... when the thing finally ended and I thought I have time to sort out my work.... I fell sick :S...... so yar..... haiz.... I fell sick on tuesday..... caught a flu..... LT 4 was real cold..... and plus I already not in a very good condition already..... so that incident triggered off my flu..... so.... have been sleeping very early for the past 2 days so didn't have time to come online... Am still sick today.... but feeling slightly better today after taking some pills and herbal tea by my grandma.......
Haiz..... I think this year is a really bad year for me.... you know.... its a unlucky year for rabbits.... and I think its really true..... I haven't slacked for a long time already!!!! Remember last year. I was like promising myself that I would decline all work unrelated to studies... and slack all the way till A lvls..... but I guess won't be able to.......
Really hope that when I recover.... things will get back to normal and I can slack for the rest of the year..... I am really tired.....
Hmm.... so yar...... nothing much actually happened for the past days lar... but.... just to comment on my litbud..... I think it was a great success :D haha.... am so proud of it :) Really didn't expect it to turn out this way..... It started out as something I drew on my worksheet when GP lessons was too boring..... But slowly it started to spread through my group of supportive friends :) Then litbud made its first public appearance in LT4 :) And..... it started to spread to a even greater number of people :) Haha....... and when people like it.... they start to come up with different variations of it :) Someone went to add a smile on my litbud in LT4 :D It was a great try.... but I think it looks better without the smile :P Litbud is supposed to be a cute cuddly and shy (juz like me :P) but they go and add the smile.... it dosen't look shy anymore..... haha..... Other than that.... we have our Andy toh who came up with many other variation.... but the 3 I like most is a Liberty bud, a terrorist bud and a bunny bud :) They are so luvable :D
Haha.... I was like thinking.... maybe I should start collecting the various variations and make a emoticon pack :D haha..... sounds cool hur :D
Think thats all for today.... bye :)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Its another sunday night again.... weather very hot.... have been reading reports about the weather on the newspaper..... Haiz.... Sometimes I think.... there's so much destruction of the earth going on.... and we are already feeling the effects of it liao.... The weather is already so for now.... I wonder what will it be like when we are old..... 50 years may not seem long.... but it allows sufficient time for our destruction.....
We humans proclaim that we are the most intelligent beings on earth.... but is that really true.... In my opinion we are actually the stupidest creature on earth.....
We are actually doing alot of things that are driving ourselves to extinction..... Does science and technology really improve our lives? I guess no..... we are just creating a chain of problems.... With every improvement in science and technology..... we actually create a new problem for ourselves..... and when we try to solve the problem.... we create yet another problem.... so this keeps repeating itself..... So I guess.... the animals are in this aspect smarter than us..... While we are all feeling proud that we made a improvement.... I think the animals are laughing at us.... cos we are actually bringing more problems to ourselves.... they must be thinking... " go ahead to kill yourselves.... when you are all dead... We shall rule the earth.... whahaha.... " LOL... kind of comical hur :S haha.... anyway..... The earth's destruction is all due to human's doings..... we don't see any animals contributing to global warming and stuffs.... The animals are smart enough to not have any technological advancement so as not to create problems for themselves.....
So I guess.... the only way humans can prevent our own destruction is to stop all technological improvements.
For example.... the weather is so hot these days.... perhaps due to global warming..... so when we are hot.... we turn on air-cons.... which suck up so much energy.... with the use of energy... it brings about a long chain of environmental problems.... and thus contributes back to global warming.... so next year.... we will have a even hotter weather... and we turn on more air-cons.... and the following year... temperature will rise again....
So I am just thinking.... can the people of the world unite and not use the air-cons for a few years.... so that we stop using so much energy.... then the weather won't be as hot the next few years.... then we can use lesser air cons..... and this cycle goes on and on and finally we can restore the world back to what it was.....
Hmm... think enough of crapping for now.... but actually not crapping lar.... it does make some sense.... Okie....
Just received the photos from sen min on the CVD.... will try to post it up.... But before I do that... I'll have to resize the photos first.... so...
*powers up photoshop*
Okay... so here are the photos :)

:) This is andy tying the nots for the stall... there was rivalry between the scouts and NPCC when it comes to tying things.... haha.... it started during the OBS camp when we had to tie lots of stuffs :P

This is our award winning stall front :D haha... it won the best decorated stall award :D Can't believe right :S you can try to imagine how the other stalls look since this is the Best already :S

Oh... and this is our walking sign board :D Nice hur :)

This is my first 2 designs :D haha... the bottom one was my first and I really like it :)

And this is brenda's :D Very fine hur :)

The other designs are here too :) See the one at the bottom? the one with people praying to the sun?... haha... that's kerling's design :D Cool right :)

This is our vice principle ont he dunking machine :D haha.... below him in red is our principle.... But.... the person we really wanted to dunk is the other vice principle ( we had 2 btw ) .... :P She is the more irritating one.... this one is rather nice lar... there is a saying... " jing sui bu fan he sui " He nv come and disturb us we also dun disturb him lar... but the other VP keeps disturbing us.... thats why we dun like her more :S

Oh... this is our discipline master :) Haha.... Andy made a very racist joke out of it.... :S Very bad sia.....
Well.... thats about all the interesting photos for CVD..... This also brings us to the end of this entry.... wish everyone a nice week ahead :)
We humans proclaim that we are the most intelligent beings on earth.... but is that really true.... In my opinion we are actually the stupidest creature on earth.....
We are actually doing alot of things that are driving ourselves to extinction..... Does science and technology really improve our lives? I guess no..... we are just creating a chain of problems.... With every improvement in science and technology..... we actually create a new problem for ourselves..... and when we try to solve the problem.... we create yet another problem.... so this keeps repeating itself..... So I guess.... the animals are in this aspect smarter than us..... While we are all feeling proud that we made a improvement.... I think the animals are laughing at us.... cos we are actually bringing more problems to ourselves.... they must be thinking... " go ahead to kill yourselves.... when you are all dead... We shall rule the earth.... whahaha.... " LOL... kind of comical hur :S haha.... anyway..... The earth's destruction is all due to human's doings..... we don't see any animals contributing to global warming and stuffs.... The animals are smart enough to not have any technological advancement so as not to create problems for themselves.....
So I guess.... the only way humans can prevent our own destruction is to stop all technological improvements.
For example.... the weather is so hot these days.... perhaps due to global warming..... so when we are hot.... we turn on air-cons.... which suck up so much energy.... with the use of energy... it brings about a long chain of environmental problems.... and thus contributes back to global warming.... so next year.... we will have a even hotter weather... and we turn on more air-cons.... and the following year... temperature will rise again....
So I am just thinking.... can the people of the world unite and not use the air-cons for a few years.... so that we stop using so much energy.... then the weather won't be as hot the next few years.... then we can use lesser air cons..... and this cycle goes on and on and finally we can restore the world back to what it was.....
Hmm... think enough of crapping for now.... but actually not crapping lar.... it does make some sense.... Okie....
Just received the photos from sen min on the CVD.... will try to post it up.... But before I do that... I'll have to resize the photos first.... so...
*powers up photoshop*
Okay... so here are the photos :)
:) This is andy tying the nots for the stall... there was rivalry between the scouts and NPCC when it comes to tying things.... haha.... it started during the OBS camp when we had to tie lots of stuffs :P
This is our award winning stall front :D haha... it won the best decorated stall award :D Can't believe right :S you can try to imagine how the other stalls look since this is the Best already :S
Oh... and this is our walking sign board :D Nice hur :)
This is my first 2 designs :D haha... the bottom one was my first and I really like it :)
And this is brenda's :D Very fine hur :)
The other designs are here too :) See the one at the bottom? the one with people praying to the sun?... haha... that's kerling's design :D Cool right :)
This is our vice principle ont he dunking machine :D haha.... below him in red is our principle.... But.... the person we really wanted to dunk is the other vice principle ( we had 2 btw ) .... :P She is the more irritating one.... this one is rather nice lar... there is a saying... " jing sui bu fan he sui " He nv come and disturb us we also dun disturb him lar... but the other VP keeps disturbing us.... thats why we dun like her more :S
Oh... this is our discipline master :) Haha.... Andy made a very racist joke out of it.... :S Very bad sia.....
Well.... thats about all the interesting photos for CVD..... This also brings us to the end of this entry.... wish everyone a nice week ahead :)
Saturday, February 19, 2005
:D:D:D SO HAPPY :) Finally digitalized my litbud :D haha.... well this is my most successful creation so far.... and it is simply CUtE :D haha.... You know the pic of the litbud at the LT whiteboard.... there's someone who actually noticed it :D haha.... so yesterday when I drew it as a design for the bookmark my class is selling.... someone actually said " Hey... isn't this the one on the LT? " WHahaha.... I was like so happy then :) And yes! I sold one of my litbud yesterday during the sales :D HAha.... its my first time selling my artwork for money and the feeling is really great :D
So yar.... that brings me back to write an entry for yesterday :) Well... yesterday wanted to wait for the pictures sen min took before blogging.... but wait until about 10 he didn't come online so I couldn't take the photos from him.... I slept early yesterday cos I was really tired... but actually today also haven't received the photos from him cos he is still not online yet :S But nvm... I shall write my entry first..... Thought it would be more interesting to see pictures.... but nvm.... will put them up another day :D
So yar... yesterday was the Celebrating values day bazzar :D And our sales was FANTASTIC!!! haha.... I only projected sales of about 25.... but we actually managed to sell 70 plus..... we even had to restock our stuffs only like about 2 hrs after business open ( we bought 50 btw, twice my expectation ) .... haha. Business was so good that I hardly had time to go walk around especially about the end of the bazzar... orders poured in.... haha.... me, kai hwei, zhi ling were working like machines.... mass producing book marks.... haha.... it was chaos at that time cos we were handling so much customer at one time, then had to personalise every bookmark for everyone....the fabric paint also take a long time to dry...... haha.... but though it was tiring.... it was the best time of the day :D It was so much fun :) So yar.... throughout the day I produced about 20+ bookmarks.... same goes for brenda too :) while my design focus on strong colors to make an impact... brenda's focused on fine details..... Her design are so exquisite ( duno how to spell) haha.... Talking about art.... both of us brought our own brushes.... haha.... can see that both of us are really art student.... :P I brought my palette along :P haha.... its a wooden tile where I mix paint on :D It only lacks a curved edge and a hole for it to be a professional palette :P haha.... Well after all the art work.... me made a total of 107+ bucks :D haha....
Oh other than me, brenda, and kai hwei ( zhiling didn't come up with background design ) .... kerling and andy also made some..... Andy one was a pure waste of resources.... but kerling ones were slightly above average... :D he actually sold 2 out of 4 of his design :) Actually kerling also quite good with art :) He can see 'art'... I duno how to explain this.... but.... some people have this third eye, not the one that sees ghosts..., we can see things in another form..... the artistic form..... I think kerling has it.... from his doodling during class.... and his Budeater ( a counter to my litbud ) I can see that..... He has a style of his own.... unlike me.... still looking for my style :P haha... but I think I found my style recently....
Cos a few days ago.... we had a problem with the stall's signboard so me and brenda was asked to paint 2 more letters, ur... I took U and brenda took R ..... Well.... I observed that brenda does her piece very carefully.... paying attention to all the details.... well I guess she does fine arts..... well for me.... i'm more like experimentaling :P Haha.... my attitude towards doing it was different..... my first attempt was horrible.... but I tried to improve on it by adding more things to balance up my letter..... and finally I made it :) Well.... I guess my kind of art are more practical.... My art are mostly used for another thing and not just there to be admired by its own.... Just like my litbud.... it isn't just a character there for nothing.... its for use in my blog.... every art I create has its purpose....
Hmm.... anyway.... OMG!!!!!!!!!! I just went back to check the comments on my litbud and found that I HAD ONE!!!!! :D:D:D SO HAPPY NOW :D Haha..... its such a nice feeling to receive recogniton from other people and have people who appreciate your art :) Haha.... heres the comment :D
"so CUTE!!!!!!!!! *must resist urge to try and squeeze cute blob of cuteness*" by ladiefox
HAha... so happy :)
brb... * Grabs bread and stuff into my mouth*
haha... feeling hungry now though I ate shicken chop for dinner and drank chocolate milk :S
Okay... now for today.... well... spent my day at SAJC fair..... went with kerling.... well... the fair was nice... but the weather was DAMN hot!!!!! The sun was so scorching!!!! The weather these days are horrible..... So yar.... the day was practically ruined by the heat of the sun.... Well.... queued up for more than an hour for the haunted house.... though it wasn't really scarry.... but I was amazed with what they had done.... It was almost like professional.... didn't expect it from students.... No wonder it had such a long queue.... But I felt that it could use a little bit of lighting... cos I can't even see the ghosts!!! haha.... it was like total darkness and people grabbing you.....
Compared to the bazzar by YJ..... I felt that the people there are very resourceful.... they even managed to invite the world's tallent man.... whom were on a world tour and is in s'pore for these few days.... Hmm... YJ could learn from that.....
About the school building.... Well... It was big but no really nice.... the toilets are not very pleasent..... so :) am glad that I had such a nice toilet in YJ :) Actually I think YJ had one of the cleanest toilet around so yar.... we have to be grateful and not dirty it :)
Well.. after that went home liao...
I initiallu wanted to get by MP3 player fixed..... but the service center is at such a Ulu place :S So I thought I would send them an e-mail to confirm that they can service it first.... I dun want a wasted trip to such a ulu place :S In case you didn't know..... my MP3 player is spolit.... there is a problem with the hole where you insert the earphone pin. Only sound from the let side can be heared..... when in stereo mode.... so I now can only listen in mono mode..... The first few days when I didn't realise that I could use mono, I didn't listen to it during the trip to school..... but.... Its so unbearably quiet!!! haha... am so used to having something around my ears to break the silence of the monring... but now its gone :'( So yar... hope to get it repaired asap :)
K lar.... think thats quite a lot for today.... shall end it off here :) Bye~
Thursday, February 17, 2005
:) Tmr friday liao :D:D:D haha.... so happy :) Finally get a have a nice break again :) well.... tmr will be having our bazaar :) So its a slack day tmr :P Only have lessons until 10 :) But the whole thing will end quite late.... so yar.... gonna sleep now :P haha.... so that I will have enough energy to last for tmr :)
So yar.... going to sleep now :) Will come back tmr :D Bye~
So yar.... going to sleep now :) Will come back tmr :D Bye~
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Hello.... its 11.05 now.... supposed to be sleeping.... but haiz.... still here.... Received a last minute task again..... and its again by the NTU-JC people...... Argh..... So yar.... have to pia again..... but this time better lar.... doing a website for them..... wasn't much a problem.... only thing is that it is tedious..... but well... managed to complete it by now.... the other person who was also involved kind of like slacking already lor.... throw all the work to me... last time do work half-way then went to meet gf..... then today say got was migraine....MY FOOT ar!!! WTF is migraine!!!! Hur..... MIGRAINE VERY BIG AR!!!!! Duno why people are so weak nowadays.... little unwell pon school.... push away all the work..... Think they are too pampered..... People like me.... NEVER take A SINGLE MC throughout my life till now.... expect the time where I got chicken pox.... cos it it contageous.... but even so.... when it starts to get well after 1 week..... I resumed school even though the MC was 2 weeks!!! I think people are abusing the use of MCs and exploiting the doctor's kindness....
Anyway.... am very sleepy now.... I went to war at 4 am today!!!! All because of the IDIOTIC MOSQUITO AGAIN!!!!! SUCKERS!!! keep buzzing around my ear.... so I got fed up and on the lights waiting to smash and KILL THEM!!!! SO yar... my first target appeared..... flying around.... then finally killed it.... IT IS SO DAMN BLOODY!!!! THAT SUCKER SUCKED SO MUCH OF MY BLOOD!!!!! When I thought it was over and wanted to off the lights.... the second target appeared again : WTF.,.... so yar.... after awhile... killed it again...... so I thought shouldn't be anymore already.... then I went toilet wash hands.... when I come back.... I SAW ANOTHER ONE FLYING AROUND MY BED AGAIN!!!! WTF!!!! So I went and kill it again...... Argh... after this I waited for a while.... in case there is another one :S..... but heng dun have..... so I went to bed...... Haiz..... killed 3 mosquitoes in 15 minutes time..... pro hur :) This serves as a warning to the other mosquitos.... THIS ROOM BELONGS TO ME.... ONLY!!!....
:) WELL... thats all for today..... wish everyone and me as well... a mosquito free week ahead :D
Anyway.... am very sleepy now.... I went to war at 4 am today!!!! All because of the IDIOTIC MOSQUITO AGAIN!!!!! SUCKERS!!! keep buzzing around my ear.... so I got fed up and on the lights waiting to smash and KILL THEM!!!! SO yar... my first target appeared..... flying around.... then finally killed it.... IT IS SO DAMN BLOODY!!!! THAT SUCKER SUCKED SO MUCH OF MY BLOOD!!!!! When I thought it was over and wanted to off the lights.... the second target appeared again : WTF.,.... so yar.... after awhile... killed it again...... so I thought shouldn't be anymore already.... then I went toilet wash hands.... when I come back.... I SAW ANOTHER ONE FLYING AROUND MY BED AGAIN!!!! WTF!!!! So I went and kill it again...... Argh... after this I waited for a while.... in case there is another one :S..... but heng dun have..... so I went to bed...... Haiz..... killed 3 mosquitoes in 15 minutes time..... pro hur :) This serves as a warning to the other mosquitos.... THIS ROOM BELONGS TO ME.... ONLY!!!....
:) WELL... thats all for today..... wish everyone and me as well... a mosquito free week ahead :D
Monday, February 14, 2005
:) Its monday night... haha.... monday is the best day of the weekdays.... its the only day where we get to go school late and come home early :D Haha.... but today isn't very early cos we had to stay back to do things for our stall on CVD......
Oh no.... forgot wad I want to say liao :S Anyway... tmr will be quite a long day.... cos still got PE and stuffs..... haiz..... oh... btw :P haha.... it isn't really time now for me to come online :P I should be doing my work now..... but.... nvm.... maybe will complete one more maths question after writing this entry to make up for it :)
these few days very hot.... worst of all... there are a lot of mosquitos!!!! Got very irritated last night.... The mosquito bite my hand I can still let it pass.... but it keep buzzing around my ear!!!! Argh..... you want to suck my blood I let you suck already.... then why do you still want to come and irritate me!!!! Idiotic creatures....
K lar.... thats all for now :) Bye~
Oh no.... forgot wad I want to say liao :S Anyway... tmr will be quite a long day.... cos still got PE and stuffs..... haiz..... oh... btw :P haha.... it isn't really time now for me to come online :P I should be doing my work now..... but.... nvm.... maybe will complete one more maths question after writing this entry to make up for it :)
these few days very hot.... worst of all... there are a lot of mosquitos!!!! Got very irritated last night.... The mosquito bite my hand I can still let it pass.... but it keep buzzing around my ear!!!! Argh..... you want to suck my blood I let you suck already.... then why do you still want to come and irritate me!!!! Idiotic creatures....
K lar.... thats all for now :) Bye~
Sunday, February 13, 2005
:) Hmm..... its another sunday night.... haiz... tmr will be the start of a new week again.... Time really passes by very fast...... soon I'll be writing an entry for another sunday again.... On the topic of time..... my blog is going to celebrate its 1st aniversary soon :) Just want to do a quick search and found that my blog was created on Wednesday, March 17, 2004..... Actually.... it was created long before this.... but that day is the day I wrote my first official entry :) And I've written about 170 entries for my blog so far :) Well... I'll leave these talks till the day of the aniversary :)
For now.... lets talk about something else. Today was doing GP homework.... and came across this sentence which I found rather interesting. We were doing a compre on animal rights and this is found in the passage.
"Sentimentality and misleading science aare more powerful forces in the mordern world then reason and piety in the face of the uniquely human moral order. And animal libbers are the clearest example of the way single-issue fanatics, in aspiring to make us more humane, succeed only in making us less human"
Hmm.... how is it? In my opinion, it seems to be that the writer is implying that it is our nature to mass breed these animals and treat them inhumanely..... but is that so? Well... I duno wad comments to make. But I think that even if we become more humane, we are not less human. Cos we human are not like animals, we were bestowed with higher intelligence not for nothing. So we shouldn't behave like how other animals do.
So yar.... shall end this off here :) bye~ And have a nice week ahead :D
For me.... this week would be rather usual lar.... except for the CVD event on friday :) but still have to study in the morning mah... so yar...
For now.... lets talk about something else. Today was doing GP homework.... and came across this sentence which I found rather interesting. We were doing a compre on animal rights and this is found in the passage.
"Sentimentality and misleading science aare more powerful forces in the mordern world then reason and piety in the face of the uniquely human moral order. And animal libbers are the clearest example of the way single-issue fanatics, in aspiring to make us more humane, succeed only in making us less human"
Hmm.... how is it? In my opinion, it seems to be that the writer is implying that it is our nature to mass breed these animals and treat them inhumanely..... but is that so? Well... I duno wad comments to make. But I think that even if we become more humane, we are not less human. Cos we human are not like animals, we were bestowed with higher intelligence not for nothing. So we shouldn't behave like how other animals do.
So yar.... shall end this off here :) bye~ And have a nice week ahead :D
For me.... this week would be rather usual lar.... except for the CVD event on friday :) but still have to study in the morning mah... so yar...
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Hello :D Haha.... want to share some visual entries about my life :) Enjoy :D Hope people won't mind me putting the pictures up :)

:D this is my cute little litbud I said in my past post :) Cute right :D haha.... Below my litbud is a bud eater :S haha.... drawn by kerling :D Also very cute right :D btw... this was drawn on thw whiteboard in the classroom we have maths tutorial :D haha.... can see the maths equation beside :P

Okay... this is the flash presentation I did for the NTU-JC thing.... Stayed in school very late.... Oh... this is in meeting room :)

My DiNNER!!!! haha.... As mentioned earlier, we stayed back quite late.... so we have to live on crackers!!! Poor thing right :'(

Oh... these are the stuffs we painted for the Celebrating Values Day ( CVD) stall :D We will be selling custom made bookmarks.... So if you all nothing to do on this coming friday... can come to YJ :)

oOo... lousy camera :S .... anyway... the person that seemed to be balancing on the bench is EJ :P haha.... wad a position :P Actually no lar... he as walking.... but just nice my camera too it still at this position :)

Oh... these are the guys trying very hard to cut the letters out from cardboards with a pen knife.... It really arn't easy cos the cardboard is real thick :)

During the 2 hrs break yesterday.... we went to LT4 to play with the piano :) This is andy learning how to play the piano and elgin teaching :)

He's on his own :D haha... after learning the basics :) Yan Dao right :D

Oh... hehe.... another litbud again :P haha... have been vandalising the school with this :P Whahahah.....

Oh andy again :)
OKay.... thats all the nice pics :) Bye~ Enjoy :)
:D this is my cute little litbud I said in my past post :) Cute right :D haha.... Below my litbud is a bud eater :S haha.... drawn by kerling :D Also very cute right :D btw... this was drawn on thw whiteboard in the classroom we have maths tutorial :D haha.... can see the maths equation beside :P
Okay... this is the flash presentation I did for the NTU-JC thing.... Stayed in school very late.... Oh... this is in meeting room :)
My DiNNER!!!! haha.... As mentioned earlier, we stayed back quite late.... so we have to live on crackers!!! Poor thing right :'(
Oh... these are the stuffs we painted for the Celebrating Values Day ( CVD) stall :D We will be selling custom made bookmarks.... So if you all nothing to do on this coming friday... can come to YJ :)
oOo... lousy camera :S .... anyway... the person that seemed to be balancing on the bench is EJ :P haha.... wad a position :P Actually no lar... he as walking.... but just nice my camera too it still at this position :)
Oh... these are the guys trying very hard to cut the letters out from cardboards with a pen knife.... It really arn't easy cos the cardboard is real thick :)
During the 2 hrs break yesterday.... we went to LT4 to play with the piano :) This is andy learning how to play the piano and elgin teaching :)
He's on his own :D haha... after learning the basics :) Yan Dao right :D
Oh... hehe.... another litbud again :P haha... have been vandalising the school with this :P Whahahah.....
Oh andy again :)
OKay.... thats all the nice pics :) Bye~ Enjoy :)
Hmm..... was just looking back at my previous entries and found that there are quite a number of things I wanted to write about but didn't..... But nvm..... let the past pass..... :P haha........
Anyway... its 8am now :D haha.... woke up very early today cos I slept at 8pm yesterday night :D Duno why am very tired these few days.... So yar yesterday right after dinner, I plunge into my bed and slept :S I know it is kind of unhealthy to sleep right after dinner cos it will make you fat. but heck :P Was really tired yesterday....
Talking about fat..... Yesterday just realised that the ring of fats around my tummy just got thicker :S OH NO!!! haha.... I dun want my previous effort to slim down to be wasted!!! Haha... so yar.... must really watch my diet from now on.... Haven't been watching it for quite some time.... Ate a lot of fatty food recently.... chicken chops.... Fast food.... soft drinks......
Oh... Soft drinks.... I notice that this year people start to become healthier..... when I go visit my relatives during CNY 90% of them served me green tea :S Of cos not plain green tea lar.... got those green tea + aleo vera, or green tea + jasmine and many more..... "heaven and earth" must be doing a roaring business this CNY :) But well.... I guess this is quite good as during CNY we often eat a lot of fried and unhealthy food so we need some tea to help clear the stuffs.
OKay.... yesterday.... school starts again.... haiz.... super sian....
Hmm.... think there's nothing much to say already lar.... thats all for today.... bye ;)
Anyway... its 8am now :D haha.... woke up very early today cos I slept at 8pm yesterday night :D Duno why am very tired these few days.... So yar yesterday right after dinner, I plunge into my bed and slept :S I know it is kind of unhealthy to sleep right after dinner cos it will make you fat. but heck :P Was really tired yesterday....
Talking about fat..... Yesterday just realised that the ring of fats around my tummy just got thicker :S OH NO!!! haha.... I dun want my previous effort to slim down to be wasted!!! Haha... so yar.... must really watch my diet from now on.... Haven't been watching it for quite some time.... Ate a lot of fatty food recently.... chicken chops.... Fast food.... soft drinks......
Oh... Soft drinks.... I notice that this year people start to become healthier..... when I go visit my relatives during CNY 90% of them served me green tea :S Of cos not plain green tea lar.... got those green tea + aleo vera, or green tea + jasmine and many more..... "heaven and earth" must be doing a roaring business this CNY :) But well.... I guess this is quite good as during CNY we often eat a lot of fried and unhealthy food so we need some tea to help clear the stuffs.
OKay.... yesterday.... school starts again.... haiz.... super sian....
Hmm.... think there's nothing much to say already lar.... thats all for today.... bye ;)
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Hello :) 35mins to the year of cock :) Hmm.... just came back from reunion dinner..... hmmm.... actually not really in the new year mood..... maybe cos I've been too busy for the past days... Nothing much to watch on TV now..... found it rather boring.....
Hmm.... actually now also very sian.... nothing to do..... well.... the new year coming already.... and I feel that this year won't be that good for the rabbits.... would be quite a bumpy ride ahead.... so yar.... want to wish all the rabbits here, and also everyone here, a smooth sailing year ahead. And may your wish come true :)
Hmm.... actually now also very sian.... nothing to do..... well.... the new year coming already.... and I feel that this year won't be that good for the rabbits.... would be quite a bumpy ride ahead.... so yar.... want to wish all the rabbits here, and also everyone here, a smooth sailing year ahead. And may your wish come true :)
Monday, February 07, 2005
Hello :) While loading songs into my MP3 player in preparation for the long journey tmr. I took this time to write this blog entry :)
Yay.... the flash presentation is finally over :) Heard it went on smoothly :D haha.... glad for them.... So yar... with this over, I'm free again :D Life is returning back to normal.... but still me got abit of after shock..... Terms liks eucarotic cells, mitochondria keeps coming up in my head..... haha.... even though I am not a boi student, after this week of super crash course, I could understand some of the terms use liao.... and now it has aftershock effect on me :S .... haha.... I not exagerating.... cos this is by this moment in time, the largest and most intensive project I've embarked on :) So yar..... :D
ANyway.... tmr going ECP cross country..... so have to wake up early to travel. But actually not that early lar.... cos for the past 4 yrs in sec school I wake up arounb this time to travel to JE. Imagine how early I was as when I wake up so early.... I can reach ECP which is like the other end of singapore.... haha.....
K lar... thats all for today :) Will ba back tmr :D
Yay.... the flash presentation is finally over :) Heard it went on smoothly :D haha.... glad for them.... So yar... with this over, I'm free again :D Life is returning back to normal.... but still me got abit of after shock..... Terms liks eucarotic cells, mitochondria keeps coming up in my head..... haha.... even though I am not a boi student, after this week of super crash course, I could understand some of the terms use liao.... and now it has aftershock effect on me :S .... haha.... I not exagerating.... cos this is by this moment in time, the largest and most intensive project I've embarked on :) So yar..... :D
ANyway.... tmr going ECP cross country..... so have to wake up early to travel. But actually not that early lar.... cos for the past 4 yrs in sec school I wake up arounb this time to travel to JE. Imagine how early I was as when I wake up so early.... I can reach ECP which is like the other end of singapore.... haha.....
K lar... thats all for today :) Will ba back tmr :D
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Its me again :D haha.... haiz.... am very stressed now... spent the whole afternoon doing the flash thing at someone's place.... HAiz.... Got very fed up cos.... there seems to have interminable errors.... then I have to keep redoing and redoing the thing.... And also.... I think they expect too much.... my flash skills are still basic lor..... there are a lot of things I can't do.... even if I do I need a lot of time.... Then the com also dun want to co-operate with me lor..... keeps giving me error.... so yar.... got fed up already and I perserver through the first trial run and then came home to edit.... and guess wad... all the technical errors I have are gone.... duno why, everything works fine when I came home..... Hmm... maybe its heaven's signal to me that I've worked too hard and I deserve a break. SO yar... I took this chance to go home....
Hmm...... actually if not for one person... I would have given up on doing this already lor..... cos yar.... we share the same fustration.... and.... this motivated me to carry on working......
Well.... think tonight will be the last of this project liao ba..... finally can get a nice rest..... Guess I will not be undertaking any project that got to do with flash liao.... photoshop maybe still can... but flash.... a big NO NO.... haha.....
Anyway.... dun want to talk about this liao.... About the new blog design..... I have already drawn out the blue print of it liao :) Haha..... I created a character called litbud :D A super duper cutie character :D haha..... am looking forward to digitalise it...... So when it is complete. my header will have 3 slides..... one is the main which contains the latest news and the best drawn litbud pic :D The second would be about the developer.... which is me :D haha.... so yar.... will do a short write up about myself and also put the links to other people's blog :) And the last one would be product specification :D haha..... I have do a write up on my purpose of this site. the concept behind this character and also what I wish my site would mean to others. I will also be changing my slogan to View the world in a new light :D HAha..... so yar..... this would be the greatest and most professional project for my blog and hope you people would like it :D
Thats all for today :D Have a new week ahead :) And keep a look out for my new blog design :D
Hmm...... actually if not for one person... I would have given up on doing this already lor..... cos yar.... we share the same fustration.... and.... this motivated me to carry on working......
Well.... think tonight will be the last of this project liao ba..... finally can get a nice rest..... Guess I will not be undertaking any project that got to do with flash liao.... photoshop maybe still can... but flash.... a big NO NO.... haha.....
Anyway.... dun want to talk about this liao.... About the new blog design..... I have already drawn out the blue print of it liao :) Haha..... I created a character called litbud :D A super duper cutie character :D haha..... am looking forward to digitalise it...... So when it is complete. my header will have 3 slides..... one is the main which contains the latest news and the best drawn litbud pic :D The second would be about the developer.... which is me :D haha.... so yar.... will do a short write up about myself and also put the links to other people's blog :) And the last one would be product specification :D haha..... I have do a write up on my purpose of this site. the concept behind this character and also what I wish my site would mean to others. I will also be changing my slogan to View the world in a new light :D HAha..... so yar..... this would be the greatest and most professional project for my blog and hope you people would like it :D
Thats all for today :D Have a new week ahead :) And keep a look out for my new blog design :D
Friday, February 04, 2005
haiz.... its 9.09 now and I just had me dinner.... so poor thing right :'( Usually take dinner at about 6.30..... Haiz.... all because for the flash presentation lor..... yesterday stayed up until 2 to do the presentation..... the for the whole of this week.... I nv sleep earlier than 12am :'( So my mind is very very tired right now...... Haiz..... have to just bear with it for another 2 more days.... then after monday..... everything will be over!!!! haha.....
Oh... btw.... on the topic about sleep.... today saw a very interesting article in the TIME magazine. It says that people who sleep more than 7 1/2 hrs a day tend to die sooner than those who sleep less than 7 1/2 a day.... haha.... which means... my life just got extended by a bit due to the deprivity ( is there such a word? ) of sleep for this week.... haha.....
But I would rather die sooner then to suffer from lack of sleep. You know.... you enjoy sleeping while you can and die.... is better than to suffer and live longer and suffer even more :P Haha... hmm... so yar :) we can make this a topic of discussion :) Would you give up your sleep in order to live longer :) Lets hear your opinions :D So yar.... if you all got anything to share feel free to flood the shoutbox with relevant comments :)
Okay... shall end here for now :) Gonna catch up with the sleep I lost for the past week and die sooner :P haha..... Bye~ Have a nice weekend too :)
Oh... btw.... on the topic about sleep.... today saw a very interesting article in the TIME magazine. It says that people who sleep more than 7 1/2 hrs a day tend to die sooner than those who sleep less than 7 1/2 a day.... haha.... which means... my life just got extended by a bit due to the deprivity ( is there such a word? ) of sleep for this week.... haha.....
But I would rather die sooner then to suffer from lack of sleep. You know.... you enjoy sleeping while you can and die.... is better than to suffer and live longer and suffer even more :P Haha... hmm... so yar :) we can make this a topic of discussion :) Would you give up your sleep in order to live longer :) Lets hear your opinions :D So yar.... if you all got anything to share feel free to flood the shoutbox with relevant comments :)
Okay... shall end here for now :) Gonna catch up with the sleep I lost for the past week and die sooner :P haha..... Bye~ Have a nice weekend too :)
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Hello :D haha.... got miss me or not.... have not been blogging for the past 2 night. Was really busy... IT club received a emergency task of doing a presentation for a NTU-JC thingy in flash. So the only more advance flash users, me and my vice- president were sent to help...... Then the schedule so tight leh..... we were only given 2 days to come up with the whole presentation..... and so the two of us have been sleeping very late this 2 days.... especially my vice pres. Bin.... he only sleep for 3 hrs everyday.... poor thing..... I slacker lar :P Sleep at 12am. Cos I believe that nothing is more important than getting enough sleep. Actually... sleeping at 12am is not enough for me lar.... but well... its still better than nothing. I will not overwork myself unless there is a real need to...... So yar.... the first draft of the presentation is done in 2 days.... and then there will be another presentation on friday... which means we will have to make changes by friday...... But this time not that bad cos we succeeded in negotiation for using powerpoint instead of flash. Cos powerpoint is better suited for presentation work. and it has also grown very powerful over the years. So yar.... will still be very busy for the next few days so may not have time to blog again soon. But dun worry... when I am free again.... I will still come back and blog everyday :)
And also.... I'm very happy to see people leaving msg in my shoutbox :D haha.... cos yar.... haven't been blogging for the past few days.... cos no time, but I still made an effort to come and checj my shoutbox :) And really... its a very nice feeling to see new msg in it :) So yar.... thanks for all who left the msg :) Really apprecitate that :D
OKay..... Hmm.... Shall post 2 interesting pic, one for each day that I've not blog. COs yar... a picture tells a thousand words :) Will elaborate more on the pictures when I have the time. Meanwhile :) Pls enjoy :)
While waiting for the meeting for the NTU-JC thing. I went to the library and found this book. A very useful book. Highly recommended for people who want to study smart.
oOps... think I forgot to take any pic.... well... there wasn't anything special lar....
We were doing clay-mation during IT club... and this a our little monster :D
Okay.... thats all for today.... pls look forward to more entries :D
And also.... I'm very happy to see people leaving msg in my shoutbox :D haha.... cos yar.... haven't been blogging for the past few days.... cos no time, but I still made an effort to come and checj my shoutbox :) And really... its a very nice feeling to see new msg in it :) So yar.... thanks for all who left the msg :) Really apprecitate that :D
OKay..... Hmm.... Shall post 2 interesting pic, one for each day that I've not blog. COs yar... a picture tells a thousand words :) Will elaborate more on the pictures when I have the time. Meanwhile :) Pls enjoy :)
While waiting for the meeting for the NTU-JC thing. I went to the library and found this book. A very useful book. Highly recommended for people who want to study smart.
oOps... think I forgot to take any pic.... well... there wasn't anything special lar....
We were doing clay-mation during IT club... and this a our little monster :D
Okay.... thats all for today.... pls look forward to more entries :D
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