Sunday, February 20, 2005

Its another sunday night again.... weather very hot.... have been reading reports about the weather on the newspaper..... Haiz.... Sometimes I think.... there's so much destruction of the earth going on.... and we are already feeling the effects of it liao.... The weather is already so for now.... I wonder what will it be like when we are old..... 50 years may not seem long.... but it allows sufficient time for our destruction.....

We humans proclaim that we are the most intelligent beings on earth.... but is that really true.... In my opinion we are actually the stupidest creature on earth.....

We are actually doing alot of things that are driving ourselves to extinction..... Does science and technology really improve our lives? I guess no..... we are just creating a chain of problems.... With every improvement in science and technology..... we actually create a new problem for ourselves..... and when we try to solve the problem.... we create yet another problem.... so this keeps repeating itself..... So I guess.... the animals are in this aspect smarter than us..... While we are all feeling proud that we made a improvement.... I think the animals are laughing at us.... cos we are actually bringing more problems to ourselves.... they must be thinking... " go ahead to kill yourselves.... when you are all dead... We shall rule the earth.... whahaha.... " LOL... kind of comical hur :S haha.... anyway..... The earth's destruction is all due to human's doings..... we don't see any animals contributing to global warming and stuffs.... The animals are smart enough to not have any technological advancement so as not to create problems for themselves.....

So I guess.... the only way humans can prevent our own destruction is to stop all technological improvements.

For example.... the weather is so hot these days.... perhaps due to global warming..... so when we are hot.... we turn on air-cons.... which suck up so much energy.... with the use of energy... it brings about a long chain of environmental problems.... and thus contributes back to global warming.... so next year.... we will have a even hotter weather... and we turn on more air-cons.... and the following year... temperature will rise again....

So I am just thinking.... can the people of the world unite and not use the air-cons for a few years.... so that we stop using so much energy.... then the weather won't be as hot the next few years.... then we can use lesser air cons..... and this cycle goes on and on and finally we can restore the world back to what it was.....

Hmm... think enough of crapping for now.... but actually not crapping lar.... it does make some sense.... Okie....

Just received the photos from sen min on the CVD.... will try to post it up.... But before I do that... I'll have to resize the photos first.... so...

*powers up photoshop*

Okay... so here are the photos :)

:) This is andy tying the nots for the stall... there was rivalry between the scouts and NPCC when it comes to tying things.... haha.... it started during the OBS camp when we had to tie lots of stuffs :P

This is our award winning stall front :D haha... it won the best decorated stall award :D Can't believe right :S you can try to imagine how the other stalls look since this is the Best already :S

Oh... and this is our walking sign board :D Nice hur :)

This is my first 2 designs :D haha... the bottom one was my first and I really like it :)

And this is brenda's :D Very fine hur :)

The other designs are here too :) See the one at the bottom? the one with people praying to the sun?... haha... that's kerling's design :D Cool right :)

This is our vice principle ont he dunking machine :D haha.... below him in red is our principle.... But.... the person we really wanted to dunk is the other vice principle ( we had 2 btw ) .... :P She is the more irritating one.... this one is rather nice lar... there is a saying... " jing sui bu fan he sui " He nv come and disturb us we also dun disturb him lar... but the other VP keeps disturbing us.... thats why we dun like her more :S

Oh... this is our discipline master :) Haha.... Andy made a very racist joke out of it.... :S Very bad sia.....

Well.... thats about all the interesting photos for CVD..... This also brings us to the end of this entry.... wish everyone a nice week ahead :)

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