Monday, October 31, 2005

:) first day of following my plan... did a mock maths paper 1... oh well... everything seems okay.... let see what happens tmr :) Actually nothing much lar.... bye...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just did a review of my study plan... not much time left le... I did a countdown to the subject test dates... then break down the days into 3 section....

First would be [system check] That would be the period where I check all my notes... my mistakes and memorise what ever that I need to know....

Second would be [All system clear] During that period of time, All that has to be known should be known. There won't be anymore refering to formulas and definitions from the textbook. All work should be done under exams condition.

Lastly [Ready for launch] During that period of time, everything should be in place. I should have reach the level where I just pick any question and I would be ablt to solve it, or know how to solve it in an instant. That would mean I would be god-like. :D haha... then I would be fully prepared for the exams.

Every of this section last for 3 days. So.. for gp, econs and physics... there's still a few days before the system check. But for maths, the system check has already started by a day liao.... So yar... from tmr onwards. I have to pia maths already and start memorising all the formulas.

Other than this countdown. There would also be a color warning code. There's 7 colours for the rainbow, one representing a day before the first paper starts. Its to remind me that time is running out and there's no time to slack around anymore.

I've also scheduled mock exams next week starting from monday. I've arranged each subject in the order that its tested. By doing so. I would be able to guage what to study after each test and do a trial run. By the end of next week. THere would be a review on which subjects needs more time and then will reschedule the subjects to be studies during the actual exams the following week.

So yar... thats all for the planning part... the rest would be up to me to follow the plan. If everthing goes well according to planned.. Then A lvls shouldn't pose a threat :P

Its the last battle to end the war.... lets march home after the A lvls victorious!

I hereby wish all A lvls students. Best of luck...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Song recommendation :D


歌手:南拳妈妈 专辑:2号餐







Muahaha.... actually this song came up some time ago... but I didn't write about it... :) Then recently downloaded the mp3 =X Piracy! lol... haha... shhh.... lol... K lar... see how first... if I got extra cash then I go buy the album lor... actually downloaded some of their other songs... still not bad lar.... Oh no! piracy again... lol... shhh... shhh.....

Anyway... nothing much happened today... arn't going to take my afternoon nap cos i want to set my body clock... I have to try to make myself be able to fall asleep at 10... cos now I always sleep in the afternoon, then at nigth sleep very late... now cannot le... about 1 more weeks to the A lvls only... so have to start setting my body clock now.... otherwise I sleep late then cannot wake up early....

I've also been stocking up my anime now. :P haha... cos gonna bi guan xiu lian (hid alone and train myself) next week... won't be out to study that often le.... so I've to stock up my anime cos its the only entertainment I have... so sad right? haha.... nvm.... maybe after the A's I really go get my psp... then find a job to pay for it :P

Thats all for now ba... bye~

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

oh no... its just another 1.5 more weeks to the A lvls and I'm slacking! Argh! Duno why... just dun feel like studying leh... very slack... suddenly the motivation like gone... a few weeks back I was very enthu... I start studying at 7.30 all the way till 11... but now.. I watch TV till 8... study till 10.... then slacked...

Haiz.. I duno what to write now lar... bye....

Monday, October 24, 2005

well... actually nothing much happened today lar... went to school in the morning for maths then after that came home liao.... didn't stay in school today to study.... and lucky we didn't... it rained heavily in the late afternoon... if we stayed, then we would be caught in the rain again.... it has been raining around that time for many days already... think nowadays cannot stay until too late, cos sure get caught in the rain...

Anyway... as I was blogging about TV programmes yesterday.... I kind of missed out a few things that I wanted to mention... Was watching channel news asia and caught this episode of Hi life. Its an interview with this lady whom make a fortune from online trading... And there's one quote that left an impression.... She said something about... its no longer about the number of branded bags I got... I've gone passed that... its now about how many relaxing trips I can go on... Meaning to say that... she has gone pass the material aspect that wealth can get.... All these mean nothing to her now... its now about using wealth for the spiritual aspect....

I also aspire to do that in future! lol... to go beyond all the gadgets that I dream to have.... to have the money to travel and experience the world in comfort.... haha....

I've been thinking about this issue for a while after the show... and I came to understand that the most exciting game in life is to make money... erm.... don't know how to say... but I find the challenge of earning the as much money as possible fun and interesting... Its better than those games you play on computers... cos the returns are real! You get real money in exchange for your effort... and... with that money, you can do anything that you want! Muahahaha.... so yar.... I'm going to treat it as a game and go grab as much money as possible... And hope that one day... I can finally say what the lady said.... "Who cares about the number of high tech gadgets that one have... I've gone pass that... It now matters how many countries that I can visit and experience in luxury" lol...

Oh well... before I get to that point... it still matters how many gadgets I have.... haha.... I watch another programme on channel 5... called Renovate my family... its about the producers demolishing the whole house of the patricipant and rebuilding it again and also mend some problems in the family.... that episode was very touching as it involves a family with 7 kids... some by a first mother whom I think passed away... and the others by the second wife the man got... So because of this the family didn't really bond together well... then through the show, the producers were trying to create opportunities for them to bnd together.... and its really touching.... Actually, thats not the point.... the point I wanted to make is about their new house... Its freaking nice... lol... and best of all... very high tech... they got a tablet pc that controls everything in the house... and you can see plasma TV all around.... I simply like the kid's bedroom... There's one room that was shared between 2 brothers... and guess what... they each have a plasma TV right in front of their bed! And the best thing is.... there is this automatic cupboard that enclose the TV when its not in use... I was like... I WANT THAT!!!! when I saw it.... its super cool! And thats not the best thing yet.... U know their toilet....they got this mirror with a LCD tv right behind it! I think its sort of a one way mirror. So when the Tv is not on... its acts like a normal mirror... when its on... it just show through the mirror... and that real real cool! haha... how I wish I can live in that house.....

Haha.... thata all for now lar... bye~

Sunday, October 23, 2005

... Its all about TV... haha....

They are showing DN Angel on channel U :D Haha... Very nice anime :) Should go watch :D I watch it like 2 years ago? lol... they so late then show on TV.... Its pretty cool that mediacorp is finally getting some anime for us to watch.... first they have it on art central... but the timing was bad... didn't get to watch it... now channel U also got le :) And its at 4 during sunday also :) The perfect timing :D Hope they can make it a permanent anime slot :D Then I won't feel so bored during sundays le....

Then also... just caught an episode of the apprentice just now.... Find that its pretty nice :D haha.... haiz... too bad I didn't have much chance to watch it last time cos again... the timing.... Its pretty cool to see how people do business... can also learn from it :P haha... so next time if I really start up my business, I won't be completely clueless.

Anyway... tmr still have to go school for maths.... gonna make tmr a maths day... cos I realised that I've starting to slack in my maths le... have been doing econs and phys recently... so yar.... let me concentrate on maths tmr :) Haiz... although its only 2 weeks left... but... it seems long.... Its like duno what to do leh... everyday only sloving paper by paper.... there seems to be no specific focus or target... just do and do and do.... Oh well.. I guess at this moment now... 2 weeks before the exams... there arn't much we can do le... so its just about keeping the momentum going till the A lvls... cos its too late to learn new things now.... and its too early to stop studying...

K lar... thats all for now... I've also realised that my shoutbox isn't working... heck... lol... after another month... I'll be free! and then I'll revamp my blog again.... so if you all want to leave any msg... can just e-mail me :) Have a nice week ahead :) And to mz who'll be spending this week in Japan.... happy holidays :) Haiz... so sad right? I here studying and studying for the exams... then some people can go japan and enjoy their holidays.... Haiz.... 'Kor mia lang ar!' (bitter life person)

lol... bye~

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Yet another saturday night :) haiz... so sian... sian sian sian.... think I'm really lacking exercise, thats why my body feels to lethargic... :) so yar... did some simple exercises like push ups and sit up yesterday night... and it kinds of feel better.... now its back again... so I guess I'll go do some more later :)

Anyway.... downloaded a Demo version of Call of duty 2 yesterday... I played it today and finds that its pretty cool :D haha.... I also realised that, either the characters looks too much alike, or its just me that can't differentiate between friend or foe... lol... I don't know who to shoot! Its only when the other party starts fireing at me then I know that he's an enemy... lol... so next time go war cannot put me in the front line... later I kill my own teammates... which I did in the game... lol... see how lar~ If after A lvls I really nothing better to do then I might just get this game and play the full version of it :) The demo only got 1 mission.... but the mission is long enough for you to enjoy the game :D haha... so you people can try it if you want to :) But although its only 1 mission.... the game is a freaking 600+++ mb... lol.... have a nice time downloading it :P Haiz... the only thing is I can't play at full resolution on my comp.... even at the lowest possible setting for graphics, my com still lags sometimes....

K lar... that about all... its 2 more weeks to go before the A lvls... I know I shouldn't be playing games now... but... haha... its only for a short while lar... Like what kerling once told me... although its exams time but life still goes on... lol... Anyway.... I'll only be playing on the weekends lar... weekday, when my productivity is higher, I would want to spend the energy on my work....

OKie... thats all for now :) See ya~ and happy mugging to all whom are taking A lvls :)
wow... I just realised the power of friendster and why is it so successful... lol... I just saw some of my primary school friends... haha... wow... they have grown up differently... am really surprised :) lol... Its really cool to stumble onto someone whom you have lost contact for 6 years.... haha... now I'm looking for another very good primary school friend whom I've also lost contact... Wonder if he had an friendster account.... haha... well.. hope that we will meet one day :)

Friday, October 21, 2005

:) Its friday again.... TGIF? no lar... that dosen't apply to me... haha... I'm not actually happy about fridays.... cos it marks the start of another 2 boring days ahead... yar... although its nice to take a break but... haiz... when you break too much... you feel kind of bored.....

Haiz... am very sick of studying already lar!!! Haiz... A lvls faster come! LOL... I dun want to wait another 2 weeks... lets get it over and done with.... its not like I can study that much during the 2 weeks... haha.... Am now wishing for A lvls to faster finish.... then I faster go find a job.... haha... must include more activity in my life.... U know what... I'm actually so deprived of activities nowadays that I find that GP lesson is interesting... LOL... Cos yar... had GP lesson today... seems to be a long time since we had a lesson with a teacher teaching.... ( actually its only last week lol.. ) then everyday only do our own stuffs... got things as friends only... so nv get any chance to be in a classroom to have lessons liao... So yar... had GP today... haha... I rather enjoyed it... although I doodled alot during the lesson so as not to fall asleep... but still... its nice to have someone in front of you and blabbering non-stop... LOL... do I sound abit mean? haha...

Anyway... yar.. A lvls faster come... muahaha...

K lar.. thats all for now.... may or may not come back tonight lar... bye :)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

:) This was a photo I took from my room last sun when it was raining very heavily :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Haiz... think I wasted yet another day... stupid flu... make me so tired... can't accomplish anything much....

There's this buring sensation down my throat... think once my flu pass... I would have a terrible cough.... Hate this kind of things the come one after another... Argh..... stupid.... wasted to take an early rest... but... just can't get to sleep... so yar decided to do some work lor...

Today had our phys prac le :) Well... it was quite nicely done.... the practical was rather okay... didn't have to do any oscillation or connect any complex circuits... no capacitors and stuffs... so all the readings were rather standard... no need to take many times then find average like the oscillation experiment... So yar... the experment was completed in a short time... had time to slowly plot my graph... There weren't much difficulty in the significant figures as well cos the reading everything also very nice :P So yar... think won't be doing too badly for the prac lar :)

Hmm.... then hor... I've also finally visited my friendster account le... haha... after so many years... I created my account during dec 2003... after about 2 years... I finally visited it again... lol... but yar... I haven't update my profile lar... so hmm... see lar... got time then I do it.... but actually its kind of abit late already right? Haha... cos the friendster craze has blown over... now dun think people use friendster as much liao... but anyway... just created it lor... hope that somehow it can serve as a medium for us to keep in contact especially after we graduated :)

then hor... I also find that I've been abit whiny? meaning I whine alot recently... haha... keep complaining that I'm tired and I'm sick.... I think it sort of irritated some people lar... haiz... must control myself sia... :)

K lar~ thats about all le... going to do my work liao... bye~

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

oh no... I'm down with flu and a little bit of fever... haiz... must be the cold weather recently... had a terrible day.... my body aching all over... Think I wasted one day... didn't accomplish much today... only took out the things that I've done to mark and check ans... Hope to get well tmr :) Physics prac tmr le... hope I won't screw it up this time round... pray hard that my readings are very accurately done and I won't have much of a problem plotting my graph :)

So tired now... bye~ Wish all A lvls physics students a succesful prac paper tmr :)

Monday, October 17, 2005

11+++ now... going to 12 soon.. but duno why... I just dun feel like sleeping... I'm tired... but somehow... I just dun want to sleep :S nvm... nothing much... bye

Sunday, October 16, 2005

OMG!!! everyone got the enlistment letter liao... where's mine???? Haha... it got lost izzit??? lol... so scary sia.... duno tmr will get or not :S Argh~ lol...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Okay... its 11+ now... dun feel like sleeping so decided that I'll do a bit of blogging :)

Was watching tong xin yuan on channel 8 then u all know... the boss die right? then got funeral... Don't know why... I suddenly recalled something that mrs crothers said last time.... she said she would like to stage her own funeral...

At that time... I think I didn't really accept that idea... but now... come to think of it... I would also like to stage my own funeral as well... haha... Arn't you curious about how many people actually cared for you... what are the things that would like to say to you... and how many people would cry for you....

okay, lar... maybe I won't go to such extremes as to stage my own funeral... but... why not lets try something? haha... why don't you people imagine that I'm dead.... Leave me a msg in the shoutbox. Just write what you will say if I'm really dead.... If you really got nothing to say to me... or don't feel sad about my departure from this world... then don't force yourself to write any msg :) Or you think that I deserve to die... then just curse me in the msg... haha.... I just want to collect views about how I've lived this life and how to people think about me... so I can take this opportunity to learn and have a second life in this life time... 2 life in a lifetime... isn't that cool :) haha....

K lar... I know that I'm talking cock again... but well... if you all really want to try this out... I won't mind you all thinking of me as dead. :) So just leave a msg :D

Thats all for today lar... nothing much to say le... spent this morning and afternoon in school studying... nothing much happened... A lvls coming soon.... lets work hard everyone :)
:D completed another piece of work :) haha... it has been quite some time since I last came up with a piece of work :) School work has been zapping off all my brain juice and creativity....

Anyway... here's it :)

full size here

Well... its just an reflection of an recent event :) haha... Dun ask what is it... infer :) bye~

Thursday, October 13, 2005

OKay... lets continue from the previous post... cos nothing much anyway.... stayed at home and did my work....

yar... as I was saying... yesterday, was a day filled with emotion... Not only the emotion of leaving the college... but also another one as well... Well.. I don't really wish to talk about it lar.... things are over and I'll just let it pass.... just let it go and move forward....

For those whom are really curious about what happened... I'll just leave you with this sentence... its up to you to interprete... but dun ask me for answer...

A flower has been trampled on before it has a chance to bloom.

Anyway... lets continue...

This is what happened yesterday... the last official day of school :)

My group of friends decided to be bad students today and be late for school. Although some of them are not new to being late... Me... the model student... (muahaha.. so buay hiao bai) has never been late... so yesterday was the day that I broke my record :P haha....

We decided to meet up at 9 at mcdonals to have breakfast together.... Kevin was there first... followed by me sen min andy and ej... Its pretty amusing to see that we are not the only yjcians around.... There are also others... some even jc1... don't they have to worry about their promos next week? Haha... anyway... we finished our meal at about 10+ and decided to go back to school... By that time we would already have missed physics lesson le... Haha.. sorry mr leong :P Dun be angry :P we are students afterall... haha... so we went for the next few lessons for the day....

I got abit pissed off during the GP lesson that day... it was supposed to be pc-ct lesson because she had switch our pc-ct lesson the day before with the GP lesson yesterday... but then... we still had 50 mins to GP lesson yesterday.... and pc-ct.. only 10 mins... I'm not angry that she's giving us GP lesson... but the fact that she cheated us.... if she wanted to make pcct into GP lesson, then say so... there is no need to resort to this trickery....

Anyway... after that.... our class received a pen from her each as grad present... Well.. the thought was appreaciated... but... I feel that it could have been done slightly better... I'm not asking for much but... just that she wrote the same msg on the pen for everyone... I'm just thinking that, if she bothers to write a msg for everyone... why not vary the msg abit so its more personalised... and not write the same thing for everyone.... But well... I'm still appreciative of her giving us something lar :) Afterall.. I think we are the worst class that she ever had... haha....

Oh well... after that we went for our grad ceremony... and thats where the second thing that pissed my off happened....

U know edward... because of his size... he couldn't find a school pants... so he has been wearing one with a slightly different color as ours all the time... But then... when we were going up to receive our cert of attendence... mr chua actually denied him from going up to the stage.... I don't find a reason for him to do that... Firstly its not that we have important guest of honour or what.... just some parents only... Secondly... its not edward's fault that he can't find a pair of pants... One thing I feel bad was that nobody stood up for him then... I also didn't... becuase I think it happened to suddenly... nobody had a chance to react... We were already at the foot of the stage when that happened.... Haiz... if only I had reacted fast enough.... But anyway... this is just some of the things that the school does that turns people off..... The school admistration just keeps on doing stupid things....

K lar... heck.. dun think about it liao... afterall I've already graduated... I want to leave with good memories... so... after that.... all of us went to take class photo at the video and animation club studio. haha... we did a video of project superstar featuring elgin as weilian and only 4 judges, because we can't find a chair for the fifth. :S haha... anyway.... jean tan was acting as jean yip... lol... she really imitate her very well lor... the way she speaks really resembles jean yip.... haha.....

After that we all went off he.... 6 of us squeezed into chou chun's car and he drove us to north point... at first wanted to eat there...but then changed our mind... kerling and sen min didn't want to go to the new place... so they got off at north point... So only the 4 of us left.... and we went to Junction 8 after a long decision... Cos we were thinking of places that has good food... but eventually settled on J8 cos we also wanted to catch a movie... and its also not too far from my house lar... so I won't need to travel too long home......

SO yar... went to eat moss burger... and chatted for a while... Then we went to buy tickets le... ej said he was broke so didn't join us for the movie... So in the end only left the 3 of us... me andy and chou chun whom went for the movie.... lol.. caught the movie Druce bigalow: European gigolo. LOl... my first M18 movie... :) haha... was really funny... lol.... the sex humor all very lame... haha.... I would have enjoyed it better if I wasn't feeling down yesterday... but.. still it managed to make me laugh alot of times :D Haha.. so its a pretty good movie :P It talks about some politics stuffs like america attacking iraq and some racist stuffs. So haha... its a pretty nice movie :P If you all got time can go watch it :)

After the movie about 10.30 liao... so we all went home... reach home 11+ liao... wash up and began blogging yesterday's entry....

Hmm... thats all for today lar... bye :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A day filled with emotion.....

It was graduation day today... after 2 years in yj.... we have finally officially graduated.... though we were complaining about the school all the time.... but still... we are going to miss it... We have.... even if we didn't have a choice... spent 2 years of our life in yj.... The joys we had, and the pain we endured... will all be part of our memory. Though I won't be singing praises about yj in front of other people.... but still... I'm very grateful to the school. And I never regret my choice of choosing yj instead of another.

YJ has provided me with many opportunities to rediscover myself. Or perhaps, given me a second chance to start anew and build up a new image for myself. Because there are only another person whom came from the same sec school as me. That means that almost nobody in the school knows about my past, what kind of a person I am, and what I did. This gave me a chance to rebuild myself. Or perhaps, a quote from the NIKE advertisment, "reincarnate youself". I am able to completely leave my past behind and work towards a better self. I am able to strive for acceptance without worries of past sterotypes. I worked hard to earn respect from others and... yes.... I think I've succeeded in moulding myself into a better person. This is what I'm most grateful of.... Its creates a turning point in my life.

It gave me great teachers, though irritating at times.... but.... is always there for us. I've never been that close to teachers as what I have now. In the past, the relationship is purely teacher and students. I go for lessons, they teach, and then lessons ends I go off. But now... its more than that. I talk more often to teachers, and not just about school work... about other things as well. One of a teacher is mdm lee. Though she was abit unreasonable at times. But we still are able to communicate rather well. Cos I understand what she felt, and she was willing to share things with me and also being concerned about me. Remember last year during the meet the parent session. Because I was the chairperson... I had to stay and help out till all the parents have visited. So during times when there was no parents visiting. We had a nice chat. She was also one of the teachers that made an impact on my turning point. She was the one whom pushed me up to be the chairperson of the class. She didn't allow anyone to take up the position other than me. She trusted me and had confidence in me. And that is how I took up the very first important leadership position in my life. I'm forever grateful for her trust and confidence in me. thank you mdm lee. I would also like to thank all the other teachers that have also taught me. My CT Miss Lim and Mdm lee, econs teacher Mr Syn and Mdm lee, physics teacher Mr leong and the other miss lim, maths teacher Mrs kwang, miss lee and mr woo. My GP teacher Miss Lim, and my CCA teacher Mr leong :)

Yj gave me friends whom I cherish much. The class of 109 and 209 is made very diverse. We have people coming from all sorts of background. I just commented during dinner just now. Dinner was with chou chun, andy and ej.... Just on that table alone. We already have 4 very different family background and growing up experience. Chou chun grew up in a wealthy family. Born with a silver spoon, he need not worry about money, and spends on luxury and branded goods. Andy.... grew up in Far east plaza... so he's very streetsmart and in the frontier of the fashion trend. his family, didn't emphasise on studies, but encourage them to play... Ej... grew up in a more ah beng environment. While me. I'm a good boy type. Grew up in a not strict, but, disciplined environment. And thats just the 4 of us... the rest of the class.... there are even more different backgrounds... so with a very strict family with very high expectation of the child, and some are from indonesia, and they live on their own in singapore. So with such diversity of the class. Its no mean feat to live and study together as a class. There are bound to be clashed of expectation and the way of doing things. This is why our class isn't that united as the others. We didn't even went out for a class outing even once. But still. there are still some unity among diversity. There are still a fine threat that binds up together as the class of 109 and 209. I cherish that bond and the time spent together. Although it might not be very possible that we will still meet up for a gathering in future, afterall, we never had one even when we are together, I would still hope that we won't forget each others as like what ej replied to my comment during dinner. Its fate that brought us from all walks of life and all different background together... our paths converged in this 2 years spent in yjc.... and now... our paths would split again once more as we continue our life journey and heads towards the future. I would wish that we would not forget this cross junction in our life, and may our paths intersect again in future. I wish all my friends good luck and all the best in future endeavours. Do keep in contact :)

To end it off.... I would like to say once again that.... I'm truly grateful for what YJC has given me. The time spent with the school, the teachers and my friends will always be part of my precious memory. I hereby would like to day a big THANK YOU to yjc.... :)

Thats all for today lar... quite late already... tmr then come back to write about the rest.. bye~

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

OMG!!!! why things that I wish would happen wouldn't happen and things that I dun want it to happen happens... OMG.... Its SO DAMN EMBARASSING....

WHY AR? when I think that nobody will see , then it turns out that everything saw it... or perhaps... in this case... Heard it... LOL... buy 4D also nv so lucky lor...

WTF man! Okay.... I think I've learnt my lesson... I'm not so alone in this world as I thought I am....

Argh! So damn embarrassing.... duno how am I going to go school tmr :S ARGH!!!!!!!!!

Really feel like digging a hole and stick my head in -.-

Haiz... k lar.. what is done has been done... duno why I always do the wrong thing... WHATS WRONG WITH ME???? LOL... haiz... just hope that everything will turn our alright :)

Monday, October 10, 2005

I typed an entry about this just now but duno why it got deleted.... anyway.... here's it once again :

Without warning, next month, there will be explosion ( Article by Today)

I was just commenting that... wow... finally they are going to have a mock terrorist attack. And finally we are able to see the dark and ugly side of singaporeans. I feel that there would be chaos among the kiasu singaporeans as they would rush to get out of the place first. Even without the terrorist, they already try to squeeze into the train when the door just open, without letting the passengers alight first.... So imagine if a real emergency happens, how messy would it be....

The best part of this is that there won't be any warning :P Haha... so if would be a better estimation of what would happen in a real emergency.

I hope that I'll be part of the drill too :P haha... it would be fun :D Best of all... hope that it happens on the day we have A lvls :P Muaahaha... then no need to take A lvls liao... the train service all disrupted :D

K lar... anyway... nothing much liao... bye~

Friday, October 07, 2005

Its friday night again :) But I can't stay up late tonight as I had to go school tmr... for wad leh? MATHS lar... Haha... haiz... K lar... dun want to keep on complaining liao... I complain too much also sian... u all read liao also sian.... so lets not be sian :P lol.. toking cock... haha....

Today finally got back our PW group project file already... Haha... after 1 year or preparing, and 1 year apart.... we finally got it back again :) but.... lol... nobody wants to keep it.... so we decided to throw it away.... no use keeping lar... its so thick and heavy.... the contents also no use lar... so I only kept the written report for memento.... Actually dun really bear to throw it away lar... afterall... we spent countless hours, nights and energy on it... but still... keeping it is of no use... so we left it beside the recycle bin.... haha... wish that all the papers and our efforts are being recycled into something useful and not end up in the landfill :)

Here's the final resting place for our group project file before it gets recycled....

Think thats about all for today lar... lazy to write the reviews that I promised for the past few entries :P haha... will see how lar.. .if I really got the time and in the mood then I write :) Bye~ Have a nice weekend ahead :)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hello :) Before we start today's entry... here's a quick announcement :) MZ has actually helped me install back my shoutbox already :) Its at the URL: " I'll also try to put a link to it at the Links section... I wouldn't be able to show it on my blog as yet cos I just reformated my computer so my dreamweaver is gone... I also know nuts about html codes, so I can write the code without the help of dreamweaver.... So yar... guess you people will have to wait till my A lvls are over then I get the time to installl the programme. Anyway.... just bear with it for a while :)

OKay... hmm... these few days school was okay lor.... Quite a few things I wanna talk about... but... I can't really remember them in order lar... so I'll just start with the things that leave my with the deepest impression.

First of all... Did you all see the picture I posted yesterday? Haha.... Don't know why... I got the urge to take photos of lightnings recently... so I was provided with a very good chance to take photos of it yesterday... The sky yesterday was very charged up.... although it isn't raining yet, there are already flashes of lightning across the sky.... Haha.... the 2 photos I posted are just minutes apart from each other.... Haha... so yar... yesterday... I set up my camera beside the window and camp there... lol... I switch to the video function after a while cos my reaction time too slow... lol.... keep missing the lightning.... Luckily the video quality not too bad :)

Okay...... next....
Yesterday I went up to my maths teacher and requested not to attend the afternoon extra paper.... Cos really... I find that its really unproductive for me.... At first I still can't make up my mind whether to go ask her or not... cos scared she angry.... but then... haha... ej call me hum ji.... lol... so it kind of jolted me out of the wishy washiness.... lol... I'm using weird phrasing again... LOL... this is a comment I got from my GP compo... haha... cos I tried to use some figurative language to make my essay more colorful... but... it turned out to be weird and funny instead... lol.... anyway... yar.... so I plucked up my courage and went ahead to ask her.... Of cos the teacher isn't very happy about it... but.... she really had no choice but to agree.... she asked for my reason... and I told her about me unable to concentrate and make effiecent use of the time.... then.... she said its up to me if I want to do it this way.... Actually I kind of feel bad about it lar... but haiz... really got no choice lar... I don't want to waste time like that.... So hmm... maybe I'll just want to say sorry here lar :)

Oh.... today also finally got back my GP paper le :) Haha.... didn't do as well as I had expected it to be.... I failed the content component of my compo... Oh well.... nothing much that I can do lar... I'll just try to build up on my content next time lor :) Anyway... the surprise came from the compre... my compre this time round is higher than my compo... haha... its usually the other way round :S Anyway... with the returning of the GP paper.... all the results for my prelims are out liao....

All in all... I got Chimpanzee grade... Donkey grades... and Elephant grades.... I'm just fortunate to be able to scrap pass an AO grade for my econs :D So... I'm actually rather happy about my grades lar :) Didn't fail anything or score AO... but... I know this isn't my full potential... so I'll continue to work harder and achieve even better grades for the A lvls.... anyway... u know wad... my physics teacher predict my physics grade to be a C.... lol.... a C is a no no for me... LOL.... I MUST at least get a B for my physics.... Haha... cos really... I need to cushion the impact for my econs.... If I get so many lousy grades... then I'm a gonner :S So yar... I'm starting to do more physics liao :D Hope that I can rush in time for the A lvls :D

Hmm... thats about all for now lar... actually I got some other things to discuss like the lastest hooha about bloggers being charged... but I think I'll leave this to the week end lar. :) See ya~

Monday, October 03, 2005

OMG look what I caught on camera

Haha... pretty late now... will blog about it tmr :) bye~

Sunday, October 02, 2005

:D feeling very excited now... lol.... just listened to messages from my voicemail for the first time in my life... LOL... I only found out last week how to use the voicemail function..... Haha... cos last time they always ask for the password... but I don't know... so in the past, I always ignore all the voicemail I receive... I also thought nobody would leave me one... even if I receive must be those call for too long then accidentally reach my voicemail... so they would just cancel the phone call without speaking... Actually this is wad I always do lar.... lol... whenever nobody picks up the phone, I would just hang it up and never bother to use the voicemail function. So if I really need to leave a msg, then I would use SMS rather than voicemail :) Thats until last week that I finally went to search for how to access the voicemail cos I'm curious how much voicemail I've chalk up after so many years of not listening to it.... and... guess wad... the default password is 1234... LOL.... actually I've tried such lame password before.... I typed 123 and 12345... lol... didn't know that it ends at 4... haha....

Hmm... so yar... my first ever voicemail received was from sen min :D haha... then about 5 mins later... kevin became the second person whom I received voicemail from... LOL.... they called to inform about the extra GP lesson tmr :) Haha... it was quite a different feeling listening to a msg than reading a sms :D hmm... so maybe next time when you all call me and I nv pick up the phone... drop me a voicemail :D lol.. there'll be lots of chance to do as especially when I'm in school... I always dun keep my phone with me... so I always miss call.... haha.... *Just a note for those whom want to steal my handphone after knowing that I always dun keep it with me.... Forget it.. lol... my phone is worth less than $50...... haha....

lol.... I made this comment cos recently there are a lot of news about handphone theft on the rise... Then this afternoon I passed by a poster by I duno is police or some other organisation... I only managed to identify a police logo at the bottom along with some other logos. Anyway.... the words went... "lose your phone, lose your connection".... I was rather curious why they put words like this... does it intent to tell us that since our handphone are that important so we should take care of them? haha.... anyway.... talking about phone... I guess nobody would want to steal mine lar... haha... siemens phone can't get a good price..... moreover its such a lousy model :P

Talking about phones... muahaha.... I 'xiang tong le' (reach enlightenment) HAah..... I finally realised that phones are just for calling and smsing... and occasionally take some snapshots... So... I can do away with all those functions like MP3 or smart phones :P Haha.... so the main factor I'm looking for now is the size and the design.... And one phone that fits into my criteria is the motorola razor :D haha.... I simply love the phone... super thin, then its wide, so the keypad can accomodate my fat thumb :P Haha... I've given up on hope that I get a PDA phone or a O2 phone... cos its so bulky and I won't want to carry such a big thing when I just go out casually :) So instead.. I'll move all these functions into another device :D I wish for a sony PSP :P haha... that will be my portable entertainment device, that plays my games... mp3... video and prefably also FM radio... so... haha... I'm looking forward to something else other than PSP cos it still lacks a little bit of function that I want :P but for now, PSP is the closest to my dream portable gaming device lar :D

Okay lar... enough of crapping for today..... see ya... haha... school starting tmr liao :) bye~ Have a nice week ahead :)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Hey... actually after organising my stuffs, I find that there's still much time left before the A lvls. Haha... Cos just now I was just annotating on my calender and planing what to do for each day and setting targets... I find that there is still time. Is isn't as bad as I thought it was.... :) But that dosen't mean that I'll be slacking lar... I've plan my study and set targets to fufil, so if nothing goes wrong. I would be completely prepared by end of this month. That leaves me with one week to spare next month before the A lvls. Of cos that one week won't be spent slacking... from then on... I'll do timed pieces to train my time management. :) So yar.... I'm expecting good results for the A lvls. I don't want to history to repeat itself again by getting results as poor as what I got for my O lvls. So to eneryone out there... jia you :D its still not too late :)