Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just did a review of my study plan... not much time left le... I did a countdown to the subject test dates... then break down the days into 3 section....

First would be [system check] That would be the period where I check all my notes... my mistakes and memorise what ever that I need to know....

Second would be [All system clear] During that period of time, All that has to be known should be known. There won't be anymore refering to formulas and definitions from the textbook. All work should be done under exams condition.

Lastly [Ready for launch] During that period of time, everything should be in place. I should have reach the level where I just pick any question and I would be ablt to solve it, or know how to solve it in an instant. That would mean I would be god-like. :D haha... then I would be fully prepared for the exams.

Every of this section last for 3 days. So.. for gp, econs and physics... there's still a few days before the system check. But for maths, the system check has already started by a day liao.... So yar... from tmr onwards. I have to pia maths already and start memorising all the formulas.

Other than this countdown. There would also be a color warning code. There's 7 colours for the rainbow, one representing a day before the first paper starts. Its to remind me that time is running out and there's no time to slack around anymore.

I've also scheduled mock exams next week starting from monday. I've arranged each subject in the order that its tested. By doing so. I would be able to guage what to study after each test and do a trial run. By the end of next week. THere would be a review on which subjects needs more time and then will reschedule the subjects to be studies during the actual exams the following week.

So yar... thats all for the planning part... the rest would be up to me to follow the plan. If everthing goes well according to planned.. Then A lvls shouldn't pose a threat :P

Its the last battle to end the war.... lets march home after the A lvls victorious!

I hereby wish all A lvls students. Best of luck...

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