Monday, October 24, 2005

well... actually nothing much happened today lar... went to school in the morning for maths then after that came home liao.... didn't stay in school today to study.... and lucky we didn't... it rained heavily in the late afternoon... if we stayed, then we would be caught in the rain again.... it has been raining around that time for many days already... think nowadays cannot stay until too late, cos sure get caught in the rain...

Anyway... as I was blogging about TV programmes yesterday.... I kind of missed out a few things that I wanted to mention... Was watching channel news asia and caught this episode of Hi life. Its an interview with this lady whom make a fortune from online trading... And there's one quote that left an impression.... She said something about... its no longer about the number of branded bags I got... I've gone passed that... its now about how many relaxing trips I can go on... Meaning to say that... she has gone pass the material aspect that wealth can get.... All these mean nothing to her now... its now about using wealth for the spiritual aspect....

I also aspire to do that in future! lol... to go beyond all the gadgets that I dream to have.... to have the money to travel and experience the world in comfort.... haha....

I've been thinking about this issue for a while after the show... and I came to understand that the most exciting game in life is to make money... erm.... don't know how to say... but I find the challenge of earning the as much money as possible fun and interesting... Its better than those games you play on computers... cos the returns are real! You get real money in exchange for your effort... and... with that money, you can do anything that you want! Muahahaha.... so yar.... I'm going to treat it as a game and go grab as much money as possible... And hope that one day... I can finally say what the lady said.... "Who cares about the number of high tech gadgets that one have... I've gone pass that... It now matters how many countries that I can visit and experience in luxury" lol...

Oh well... before I get to that point... it still matters how many gadgets I have.... haha.... I watch another programme on channel 5... called Renovate my family... its about the producers demolishing the whole house of the patricipant and rebuilding it again and also mend some problems in the family.... that episode was very touching as it involves a family with 7 kids... some by a first mother whom I think passed away... and the others by the second wife the man got... So because of this the family didn't really bond together well... then through the show, the producers were trying to create opportunities for them to bnd together.... and its really touching.... Actually, thats not the point.... the point I wanted to make is about their new house... Its freaking nice... lol... and best of all... very high tech... they got a tablet pc that controls everything in the house... and you can see plasma TV all around.... I simply like the kid's bedroom... There's one room that was shared between 2 brothers... and guess what... they each have a plasma TV right in front of their bed! And the best thing is.... there is this automatic cupboard that enclose the TV when its not in use... I was like... I WANT THAT!!!! when I saw it.... its super cool! And thats not the best thing yet.... U know their toilet....they got this mirror with a LCD tv right behind it! I think its sort of a one way mirror. So when the Tv is not on... its acts like a normal mirror... when its on... it just show through the mirror... and that real real cool! haha... how I wish I can live in that house.....

Haha.... thata all for now lar... bye~

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