Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A day filled with emotion.....

It was graduation day today... after 2 years in yj.... we have finally officially graduated.... though we were complaining about the school all the time.... but still... we are going to miss it... We have.... even if we didn't have a choice... spent 2 years of our life in yj.... The joys we had, and the pain we endured... will all be part of our memory. Though I won't be singing praises about yj in front of other people.... but still... I'm very grateful to the school. And I never regret my choice of choosing yj instead of another.

YJ has provided me with many opportunities to rediscover myself. Or perhaps, given me a second chance to start anew and build up a new image for myself. Because there are only another person whom came from the same sec school as me. That means that almost nobody in the school knows about my past, what kind of a person I am, and what I did. This gave me a chance to rebuild myself. Or perhaps, a quote from the NIKE advertisment, "reincarnate youself". I am able to completely leave my past behind and work towards a better self. I am able to strive for acceptance without worries of past sterotypes. I worked hard to earn respect from others and... yes.... I think I've succeeded in moulding myself into a better person. This is what I'm most grateful of.... Its creates a turning point in my life.

It gave me great teachers, though irritating at times.... but.... is always there for us. I've never been that close to teachers as what I have now. In the past, the relationship is purely teacher and students. I go for lessons, they teach, and then lessons ends I go off. But now... its more than that. I talk more often to teachers, and not just about school work... about other things as well. One of a teacher is mdm lee. Though she was abit unreasonable at times. But we still are able to communicate rather well. Cos I understand what she felt, and she was willing to share things with me and also being concerned about me. Remember last year during the meet the parent session. Because I was the chairperson... I had to stay and help out till all the parents have visited. So during times when there was no parents visiting. We had a nice chat. She was also one of the teachers that made an impact on my turning point. She was the one whom pushed me up to be the chairperson of the class. She didn't allow anyone to take up the position other than me. She trusted me and had confidence in me. And that is how I took up the very first important leadership position in my life. I'm forever grateful for her trust and confidence in me. thank you mdm lee. I would also like to thank all the other teachers that have also taught me. My CT Miss Lim and Mdm lee, econs teacher Mr Syn and Mdm lee, physics teacher Mr leong and the other miss lim, maths teacher Mrs kwang, miss lee and mr woo. My GP teacher Miss Lim, and my CCA teacher Mr leong :)

Yj gave me friends whom I cherish much. The class of 109 and 209 is made very diverse. We have people coming from all sorts of background. I just commented during dinner just now. Dinner was with chou chun, andy and ej.... Just on that table alone. We already have 4 very different family background and growing up experience. Chou chun grew up in a wealthy family. Born with a silver spoon, he need not worry about money, and spends on luxury and branded goods. Andy.... grew up in Far east plaza... so he's very streetsmart and in the frontier of the fashion trend. his family, didn't emphasise on studies, but encourage them to play... Ej... grew up in a more ah beng environment. While me. I'm a good boy type. Grew up in a not strict, but, disciplined environment. And thats just the 4 of us... the rest of the class.... there are even more different backgrounds... so with a very strict family with very high expectation of the child, and some are from indonesia, and they live on their own in singapore. So with such diversity of the class. Its no mean feat to live and study together as a class. There are bound to be clashed of expectation and the way of doing things. This is why our class isn't that united as the others. We didn't even went out for a class outing even once. But still. there are still some unity among diversity. There are still a fine threat that binds up together as the class of 109 and 209. I cherish that bond and the time spent together. Although it might not be very possible that we will still meet up for a gathering in future, afterall, we never had one even when we are together, I would still hope that we won't forget each others as like what ej replied to my comment during dinner. Its fate that brought us from all walks of life and all different background together... our paths converged in this 2 years spent in yjc.... and now... our paths would split again once more as we continue our life journey and heads towards the future. I would wish that we would not forget this cross junction in our life, and may our paths intersect again in future. I wish all my friends good luck and all the best in future endeavours. Do keep in contact :)

To end it off.... I would like to say once again that.... I'm truly grateful for what YJC has given me. The time spent with the school, the teachers and my friends will always be part of my precious memory. I hereby would like to day a big THANK YOU to yjc.... :)

Thats all for today lar... quite late already... tmr then come back to write about the rest.. bye~

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