Sunday, October 23, 2005

... Its all about TV... haha....

They are showing DN Angel on channel U :D Haha... Very nice anime :) Should go watch :D I watch it like 2 years ago? lol... they so late then show on TV.... Its pretty cool that mediacorp is finally getting some anime for us to watch.... first they have it on art central... but the timing was bad... didn't get to watch it... now channel U also got le :) And its at 4 during sunday also :) The perfect timing :D Hope they can make it a permanent anime slot :D Then I won't feel so bored during sundays le....

Then also... just caught an episode of the apprentice just now.... Find that its pretty nice :D haha.... haiz... too bad I didn't have much chance to watch it last time cos again... the timing.... Its pretty cool to see how people do business... can also learn from it :P haha... so next time if I really start up my business, I won't be completely clueless.

Anyway... tmr still have to go school for maths.... gonna make tmr a maths day... cos I realised that I've starting to slack in my maths le... have been doing econs and phys recently... so yar.... let me concentrate on maths tmr :) Haiz... although its only 2 weeks left... but... it seems long.... Its like duno what to do leh... everyday only sloving paper by paper.... there seems to be no specific focus or target... just do and do and do.... Oh well.. I guess at this moment now... 2 weeks before the exams... there arn't much we can do le... so its just about keeping the momentum going till the A lvls... cos its too late to learn new things now.... and its too early to stop studying...

K lar... thats all for now... I've also realised that my shoutbox isn't working... heck... lol... after another month... I'll be free! and then I'll revamp my blog again.... so if you all want to leave any msg... can just e-mail me :) Have a nice week ahead :) And to mz who'll be spending this week in Japan.... happy holidays :) Haiz... so sad right? I here studying and studying for the exams... then some people can go japan and enjoy their holidays.... Haiz.... 'Kor mia lang ar!' (bitter life person)

lol... bye~

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