Thursday, October 13, 2005

OKay... lets continue from the previous post... cos nothing much anyway.... stayed at home and did my work....

yar... as I was saying... yesterday, was a day filled with emotion... Not only the emotion of leaving the college... but also another one as well... Well.. I don't really wish to talk about it lar.... things are over and I'll just let it pass.... just let it go and move forward....

For those whom are really curious about what happened... I'll just leave you with this sentence... its up to you to interprete... but dun ask me for answer...

A flower has been trampled on before it has a chance to bloom.

Anyway... lets continue...

This is what happened yesterday... the last official day of school :)

My group of friends decided to be bad students today and be late for school. Although some of them are not new to being late... Me... the model student... (muahaha.. so buay hiao bai) has never been late... so yesterday was the day that I broke my record :P haha....

We decided to meet up at 9 at mcdonals to have breakfast together.... Kevin was there first... followed by me sen min andy and ej... Its pretty amusing to see that we are not the only yjcians around.... There are also others... some even jc1... don't they have to worry about their promos next week? Haha... anyway... we finished our meal at about 10+ and decided to go back to school... By that time we would already have missed physics lesson le... Haha.. sorry mr leong :P Dun be angry :P we are students afterall... haha... so we went for the next few lessons for the day....

I got abit pissed off during the GP lesson that day... it was supposed to be pc-ct lesson because she had switch our pc-ct lesson the day before with the GP lesson yesterday... but then... we still had 50 mins to GP lesson yesterday.... and pc-ct.. only 10 mins... I'm not angry that she's giving us GP lesson... but the fact that she cheated us.... if she wanted to make pcct into GP lesson, then say so... there is no need to resort to this trickery....

Anyway... after that.... our class received a pen from her each as grad present... Well.. the thought was appreaciated... but... I feel that it could have been done slightly better... I'm not asking for much but... just that she wrote the same msg on the pen for everyone... I'm just thinking that, if she bothers to write a msg for everyone... why not vary the msg abit so its more personalised... and not write the same thing for everyone.... But well... I'm still appreciative of her giving us something lar :) Afterall.. I think we are the worst class that she ever had... haha....

Oh well... after that we went for our grad ceremony... and thats where the second thing that pissed my off happened....

U know edward... because of his size... he couldn't find a school pants... so he has been wearing one with a slightly different color as ours all the time... But then... when we were going up to receive our cert of attendence... mr chua actually denied him from going up to the stage.... I don't find a reason for him to do that... Firstly its not that we have important guest of honour or what.... just some parents only... Secondly... its not edward's fault that he can't find a pair of pants... One thing I feel bad was that nobody stood up for him then... I also didn't... becuase I think it happened to suddenly... nobody had a chance to react... We were already at the foot of the stage when that happened.... Haiz... if only I had reacted fast enough.... But anyway... this is just some of the things that the school does that turns people off..... The school admistration just keeps on doing stupid things....

K lar... heck.. dun think about it liao... afterall I've already graduated... I want to leave with good memories... so... after that.... all of us went to take class photo at the video and animation club studio. haha... we did a video of project superstar featuring elgin as weilian and only 4 judges, because we can't find a chair for the fifth. :S haha... anyway.... jean tan was acting as jean yip... lol... she really imitate her very well lor... the way she speaks really resembles jean yip.... haha.....

After that we all went off he.... 6 of us squeezed into chou chun's car and he drove us to north point... at first wanted to eat there...but then changed our mind... kerling and sen min didn't want to go to the new place... so they got off at north point... So only the 4 of us left.... and we went to Junction 8 after a long decision... Cos we were thinking of places that has good food... but eventually settled on J8 cos we also wanted to catch a movie... and its also not too far from my house lar... so I won't need to travel too long home......

SO yar... went to eat moss burger... and chatted for a while... Then we went to buy tickets le... ej said he was broke so didn't join us for the movie... So in the end only left the 3 of us... me andy and chou chun whom went for the movie.... lol.. caught the movie Druce bigalow: European gigolo. LOl... my first M18 movie... :) haha... was really funny... lol.... the sex humor all very lame... haha.... I would have enjoyed it better if I wasn't feeling down yesterday... but.. still it managed to make me laugh alot of times :D Haha.. so its a pretty good movie :P It talks about some politics stuffs like america attacking iraq and some racist stuffs. So haha... its a pretty nice movie :P If you all got time can go watch it :)

After the movie about 10.30 liao... so we all went home... reach home 11+ liao... wash up and began blogging yesterday's entry....

Hmm... thats all for today lar... bye :)

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