Tuesday, February 28, 2006

www.litbud.com unofficially launched!!!!!!!!! WOHO!!!!!

Yay... finally can take a break already :D The framework for the site is up... From now on its only minor updates and the addition of content :D HAha.... so yar... can take it easy already.... Haiz.... it hasn't been easy developing this site.... I put in alot of effort this time round... I think this is a work that I've placed the most effort in....

I've put in the entire month to set it up.... I have never done this before. I dun have much patience... so most of my work at just done in 4 hours... beyond that... I will get sick of it and stop doing it... but this time round... I'm also surprised that I can last so long... actually.... one month is almost at my limit already.... I'm feeling very tired and sick of it now... so if this site is still not ready by now... I'm gonna stop very soon....

I was reading computerArts mag... then there is this interview with a design studio... It was quoted that the people spend 3 months.... drank over a thousand cans of red bull... and 2 mental breakdowns.... on a project.... And there is this mercedes advert on tv.... One phrase says "can (duno how much) sleepness nights make a more comfortable ride." All these are highlighting the work and effort the people put in in the things they do.

I'm fortunate enough to only have spend 1 month on this.... and had only 1 mental breakdown... Haha.... I really broke down halfway through the process.... It was a time where I got mental block.... and I got so stressed that I had migraine almost everyday.... But... :) thats finally over.... I got inspired somehow someday... and things starts to flow again.... And I believe that my sleepless night is due to me sleeping too much... not because of my work... haha....

So yar... I really hope that this site would be a success and my effort will not go to waste :)

K lar.... so after reading this entry... faster go visit my site :D I give u the link here okay! www.litbud.com Just click on it :D Remember to bookmark it too :)

Monday, February 27, 2006

I almost vomit blood just now.... when everything seems fine.... things just took at 360' turn....

flash is really driving me crazy... there is this very annoying problem.... It can't load a movie within a loaded movie.... Meaning it can't have like triple layer of data to be loaded.... Or perhaps it can... but it seems so beyond what I can comprehend. I've seen another site being able to do that.. I'm trying to figure out how they did it....

Argh!!!!! I really put in a lot of effort in this site... hope it turns out okay.... dun waste my efforts.... For the past month... I've been sitting in front of the computer everyday... at first was drawing... and now scripting... haiz.... scripting is the WORST part.... but luckily its the very last part... hope that I can get past this hurdle....

K lar... wish me luck... bye~
OMG... lol... so proud of myself... muahahaha..... I managed to work something out in a day... haha... I started off with absolute ZERO knowledge of it.... then after reading tutorials after tutorials... I finally got it!!!! HAha.... spent like the whole day on it... cos its not like you follow one tutorial and thats it.... there are alot of areas that are not explained well... and some parts also wrong... so I have to cross reference with lots of tutorials from other site... And... WOHO! I finally did it! It worked! :D So happy... haha....

Sunday, February 26, 2006

another weekend.... As the enlistment day draws near... My work here is slowly ending.... It feels as though I'm not coming back.... I have cleared almost all the stuffs that I've been postponing for the past months... One of which is the photographs that I took on my previous birthday in last year's may.... My mom has been asking me to faster develop the photos so that she can put in the photo album. It has been put off for almost a year now... so yar... since i'm going in soon... might as well do it... otherwise I duno how long I still have to keep the pictures... haha... Then yar... my website is also almost done.... at this point... its only the products and info page that is still under construction... but those are the easy jobs... the harder ones are already done.... So I guess I would be able to finish it by enlistment....

So yar... as all draws to a close... it opens a new beginning... After this transition phase... it would be the life of a ns man... With a new beginning, this blog will of course get a facelift... so do watch out for a new design :)

K lar.. thats all for now... bye :)

Friday, February 24, 2006

WoHO! Results finally coming out next wed :D Have been waiting for this day for so so long....

Well... wasn't really nervous about it.... cos next wed is still too long a wait for me.... If u like tell me tmr get result I sure get very nervous... now I still have to wait for another 5 more days... the sian-ness of waiting another 5 more days kind of over powers my nervousness.... haha.... So yar... maybe it will slowly build up when the day draws near.

K lar... nothing much... bye~

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hmm.... yet another day... sian... spent the bulk of the day on the site.... the scripting is killing me! lol... been overcoming obstacles after obstacles.... Met with lots of problem and I have to solve it one by one.... Well... although it was really an headache... but after solving each problem... I'm so proud of myself :D Its just like solving puzzles... this is more fun than solving maths problems... lol....

ANyway... there are still alot of things to be fine-tuned.... I wonder if I can really finish the things before my enlistment. Also... I'm still not very satisfied with the design.... It still looks childish.... I'm trying to see what I can do to make it better.....

haven't been training for the past 2 days.... been waking up late :S Now slacking liao... lol... cannot ar!!! tmr must go and train liao... haiz.... 2 more weeks only!!!!! =X

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Yo! Had been some time since I last blogged....

Time really flies... In about 2 weeks time I'm going to NS liaO!!! Haiz.... I'm getting really excited.... haha....

I duno what to expect there... but I'm feeling optimistic about it. Haha... really... I see my friends all doing quite well in the army leh... despite all the scary rumors... haha.... Like all safe and sound....

So I have this mentality that... though army life is tough... its still bearable.... I wun die from it... and its fun :D Duno why hor... I'm kind of crazy these days... I seek thrills :P But of cos coming from a decent source lar... I wun steal or kill for thrills :P So yar... maybe in the army I can go and play with those stuffs :P

The only thing that I'm afraid of is the training... I dun like to train... lol... very boring and tiring... Other than that... all the other obstacles I'm fine with it :) But I guess 90% of the time in there is training lar hor? Haha... but okay lar... let me just enjoy the rest of the 10% :P

K lar.... just hope that nothing goes wrong in there... :)

Oh... I've also registered www.litbud.com already :D:D:D Yay!
The website is also halfway near completion.... I've scheduled the main parts to be completed before my enlistment lar... Then the rest of the content I'll use the rest of my 2 years in ns to slowly build it up :) And hopefully when I come out of it'll be a well established site :) Then I'll launch it officially :D And hopefully by then I'll be able to sell some stuffs too :P

K lar... thats all for now... bye :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Went out today with kering and his friends to catch a movie called Jarhead. Received a call from kerling EARLY this morning.... to ask if I want to catch a movie... I asked him wad movie is that and he say some military movie... The impression I got was those war movie about WWII So at first I wasn't very interested cos I dun have an interest in militart stuffs lar... But I still agreed to go watch.... also duno why... haha....

So off I go to catch a movie without a clue of wads the movie is all about.... It seems that I've been watching quite some movie without even knowing what to expect... Haha... last time with andy also.... They like to watch some not so well publicised movie... that means we seldom see its commercial, poster, or hear people talking about it....

The movie started off with a new recruit joining the marine.... so from the settings it looks like modern day lar... not those war movies... So yar... I felt alittle bit more comfortable lar... Cos initially I thought if it was WWII settings... then it might have lots of violence and blood.... afterall the movie is rated M18...

After awhile I finally got the picture of wad the movie is about lar... Its about the recent iraq war... Then it showed the lives of the soldier there.... the emotions they felt.... Its mostly those usual army craps lar... those things that happens when a bunch of man living together and their raging male hormones....

But there are still some serious parts about the war in iraq.... I like especially the part where they are in the oil field.... Those terrorist blew up some oil wells so oil is gushing out and fire is buring.... The sky rain oil from the oil that got spewed out.... The whole scene captures the environment there very well.... The land is dark from the oil... and flames torch the land... It really looks like hell.... Then there is this comment that sum up all these.... The main character said.... "the earth is bleeding" ..... Which I guess is a very well suited phrase to use to describe the scene.

All in all... it was quite a nice movie.... Kerling was saying that the movie was all suspense and no climax... But to me... there is no need for a climax. The movie to me is perhaps more like a docmentary? Its an insight to the lives of the people fighting there. So I still feel that its quite a nice movie. If u all got some spare cash. Do consider catching it. :)

Oh... just to add... the M18 thing? I think its due to the sexual content, not violence :) So not to worry if u are the kind whom dun like violence :)
I had a very funny dream last night... haha... I dreamed that I forgot to do my econs homework... its some mcq questions... and the teacher is miss aminah lar... lol... She's like scolding me about not even putting in the effort to do even mcqs.... Its a monday so I had the weekends to do it.... Haha... its so real that this morning I wake up... I'm still abit confused whether I'm still studying or not... haha.... So funny.... my tutor is not her but duno why I dream of her.... Somemore why would I have such a dream in the first place? It has been a long time since I did any homework :S Maybe I miss doing it or getting scolded for not doing it ba.... haha... so funny... I think miss aminah really succeeded in making people dream of her... ( she always ask us during lectures to dream of her ) lol.... I nv dream of mr syn, or mdm lee... but her? Oh well... but I guess its abit too late lar.... if I dream of her before the A lvls... I might study harder... lol....

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Today is another boring day... nothing much happened.... so sian... anyway... I just recalled something from the movie I not stupid too that I forgot to mention in my previous posts...

At the beginning of the movie, it showed the guy winning the moblog competition... LOL.... That scene brought back LOTS of memories about the blogging competiton... I believe that my teammates will feel the same way too.... Its the same blogging tool by singtel that we used.... I can still remember quite vividly the moment when the winner was announced... and how we finally accepted the fact that we were defeated.... cos if u have been reading my blog... u would know that before that we already received hints that we arn't the winner... but we still don't want to admit defeat... we wanted to hear it with our own ears... So yar.... in the end we lost lar...

On the point about blogging.... there is actually something that I wanted to say... but I don't know whether I should do it or not.... Remember from my previous post.... I said I would be careful about sensitive content.... K lar... perhaps I'll write about it... but in a more general scope.

Its the issue about blogging and split personalities. It has been commented that some people are totally different in the virtual world and reality. In reality some people may appear kind and friendly, but behind the safety barrier of a monitor, they are mean....

Personally... I think I might also be considered as one whom have such a split personality. I don't talk as much in reality as I have online. And sometimes I wear a mask when I speak to people.... Well... I believe that I'm just being myself. Its only through my blog that u see the other side of me. Even without the blog. I will still have my other side. What you don't see dosen't mean it don't exist. So now... it leads to 2 questions... Firstly... Since I've hidden the other self in reality, should I also hide my other self online? Secondly.... Should I even have the other self in the first place?

Let me address the second question first. I believe its inevitable for one to have another side of themselves, in contrast to what the portray themselves in front of others. THis is because. We are all humans. We have own own thoughts and emotions. We are able to fomulate our own opinions and views on things. However, since we are social creatures. we form communities and social groups. So sometimes due to social reasons, we have to bury our own opinions... It might be rude or offensive to voice out your opinion. Thats why we hid our true thoughts and wear a mask when we interact with others. And this is also wad give rise to our 'split personalities' which in actual fact... its only the censorship of some thoughts... not that we really became a different person.

On the first question. I'll answer it the next time... haha... quite late already... bye :P

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Went back to yj for CVD today... Was supposed to meet kerling at yew tee at 11... but I waited for 1 train's time and I went off already... as usual he was late... so I thought instead of waiting for him there... why don't I go there to look for the other people first? And luckily I made that decision... guess wad time kerling woke up... at 1.... and we finally met at 3... thats being late for 4 hours lar!!! I think he's the record holder on my list for being late the longest time....

Then yar... I went walking around yj without kerling.... a while later I ran into jean, brenda, and serene... Then I tag along with them lo... Went to see miss lim first... then mr syn... after that went one corner to rest lor... nothing much to see.... Then they went to the canteen... while I stayed behind to wait for ej... Then yar... walk around with ej... met some other people... then went north point for lunch... after that went arcade... then ej left already... so I'm alone waiting for kerling.... When kerling arrived... it was already 3+ and I thought CVD ended already... so we didn't go back... Then we went to causeway point for a so called "class outing".... In the end only me, kerling, jacq, soo fen, joyce and aonther girl from another class came.... So yar... after dinner went home le... nothing much lar...

Its quite a boring day... chatted on some topics lar... so yar... quite okay lar... at least got people to talk to... the past few days at home so sian....

Anyway... ej was talking about my blog... Its back about that incident that happened some time ago... which I am not at liberty to comment on.... So yar... anyway the main point of this discussion is not about that incident, so dun think too much... The point is that he's asking me not to follow the blogging style of xia xue.... Dun write about things that shouldn't be written... or I'll get into trouble... I didn't expect someone to think that my blogging style is like xia xue....

First and foremost... I dun go around criticising anything and everything..... I've already done self censorship on the content of my blog. There are a lot of things that I want to say which didn't appear on this blog.... Sometimes I really wish to create another anonymous blog just for all these things that got censored... But wads the point? There is this question put forward in an TV programme about blogging not too long ago... the one that has xia xue in it... I find this question thought provoking... The person asked... When you blog, do you wish for lots of people to see it... or wish for lesser?

My answer to this question is... I wish for lots of people to see it.

But at the same time... when so many eyes are looking. There are contents that can't be written. So whats the point of wanting people to see when u can't show them anything? Perhaps the second choice is better.... wanting lesser people to see it... But then wads the use of showing and sharing the content when nobody sees it. Just write in a hard copy diary or just rattle on in a word document and then delete it away after writing.

So... I still wish for lots of people to see it... but I will practise self censorship. If someone stills think that my content is undesirable... then I really have no reason to continue blogging.

Secondly, I'm careful not to reveal the identity of those whom I comment on about issues that are sensitive. If people found out about anything.... Its not entirely my fault.... Plain reading of my words dosen't paint the whole picture.... There are other factors that contribute to the revealation of the identity of the person. So why point the finger at me? I believe that a case of 'bu da zhi zhao' happened.... Translated into english its something like confession without any threat.

I think lastly.... 99% of the content on my blog is criticism-free.... Majority of it are just daily moanings of a boring life.... then there are occasional reviews and thoughts sharing about the ways of life... So... I was really suprised when ej talked to me about it...

And also... time and again... I was proved that I'm getting a higher traffic to my site then what I thought I had... From the activity of my shoutbox... it seems that there arn't much traffic... but then... this is the 3rd time that I was proven wrong.... and I think I've really learnt my lesson... I'm just wondering now... what is the exact traffic flow of my blog.... There's actually a technical way of finding out... but I feel that its too complicated and tedious... so I'll give that a miss.... What I want to do now is a simple head count.... I duno if its accurate... but it'll at least give me an idea.... I want everyone.... to leave a msg in the shoutbox saying I'm here! Even if u want to remain anonymous..... its fine with me. Just put ur name as X....

K lar... since I got criticism about this blog... I can't ignore it.... let me tell u wat I'll do lar.... It isn't much... but I'll just be more careful about what I write next time. I can't totally eliminate all sensitive content as it would be useless for me to keep a blog then... so I'll take extra care to make sure that I dun accidentally give out too much hint about the identity of the person.

thats all for today lar.... bye~

Friday, February 10, 2006

First thing I wanna say... Commonwealth Sec Rocks :D Muahaha... Was watching the news just now... Today was the release of the O lvls result... And CWSS was on TV :D haha... seems that they did very well this year :D During my year... I think the school wasn't performing.... but now... everything looks cool :D Like wad mz placed on his msn nick... I'm proud to be an ex-commonwealthian :D

Its quite a nice feeling knowing that the school u once studied at made some achievements. Although we didn't contribute to it... but... somehow u still feel proud :) Hmm... I feel so blessed to be able to study in commonwealth :)

Yar... thats for cwss... but for yj leh... hmm... wonder when will I be able to see yj on tv and say that I'm proud of being a yjcian :S Of cos I'm proud of being a yjcian deep in my heart... I'm grateful of wad the school gave me... but... its just that we dun speak of it....

You know... last time when I was studying in cwss... when people ask about my school... when I say cwss... some of them will like say... oh.. thats a good school... They know about the school... I remember once I was walking after school with edwin at lot1... then there is this auntie whom just came up to us to ask about the school... she is considering to sent her daughter there.... Its a really nice feeling... and it makes u feel proud for the school....

But now... when people ask... I say yishun jc.... they dun comment on the yishun. They focus more on the jc.... So yar... I'll be proud that I'm from a jc... but yishun? Nobody cares....

After saying all these... of cos I'm not looking down on the school... Afterall its my own fault that I didn't get good enough result to get into other school.... But other than that... its also because of the opportunities that the school gave me... the support that I got from the teachers... and I'm grateful of it. But there's still some distance from being proud of it....

Anyway.... I just want to congratulate commonwealth sec for doing so well... and hope that it'll continue to do as well, or even better in future... So next time when I'm old... I can still proudly say to my child or grandchild that I was once a commonwealthian :)

K lar... other than that I also went to watch I not stupid too yesterday... The movie was quite touching, there were a few scenes that brought me to my tears... So yar... a movie that is able to make me cry would be a good movie, cos it engaged my emotions. :) But there was one scene when its about to end that made me wanna shout SO LAME... haha.... its the part where the guy fought his way into the finals in an international competition and the singapore flag was raised.... Firstly... the computer graphics made it look so cartoon... its a style the is totally off from the rest of the movie... the feeling is akward.... Secondly... it seems VERY unrealistic... lol.... I know movies are unrealistic... but this one is totally off the chart.... :S

Other than that I've working on the website for litbud... ITs KILLING ME! Duno why I seem to have a huge mental block... I can't seem to focus and develop a style.... Everything ends up looking childish... nothing near to wad I want... Argh... I hope to get over this block soon... otherwise I wun be able to pre-launch the site before my enlistment...

K lar... thats all for now... bye~

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

my muscles are aching now.... today is the second day I went jogging.... After months of inactivity the jog almost took my life... haha.... I ran around my neighbourhood, a total distance of around 2km only.... and it took me about 13mins and lots of aches.... Luckily I started to prepare now... If I wait till the last minute I'm gonna suffer in camp... At least now after running I can go back home... rest and take a bath....

I haven't train my pull up though... the fitness corner is quite out of the way... am still thinking of how plan my route so that its on the way when I'm running... And of cos I'll slowly run further and faster... can't expect much from the second day of running :)

Also... I found that I seem to be gaining weight :S I've been binging on all the new year tibits... lol... now my tummy looks bloated :S.... Hope I can get rid of it soon... actually its okay now lar... since I'm almost finishing on all the tibits.... lol....

K lar... nothing much for now... bye~

Monday, February 06, 2006

OMG!!!! I bought my 19" LCD... and its F*ing HUGE!!!!! LOL.... I'm wondering to myself... have I gone overboard? lol.... maybe a 17" one would be enough... :S I can't close my mouth now.... Its really jaw dropping... lol.... Wah.... REALLY HUGE LEH!!!! OMG.... It seems to be smaller in the shop when there are other screens around.... now alone... it looks really ENORMOUS..... :S Hope it dosen't drain too much power... haha.... I bought a BenQ one.... its one of the cheapest around... only cost me 473.... but... 473 is like my whole pay for last month :S....

I went to collect my pay today as well.... Got a little surprised... I'm already earning peanuts... and then I still have to contribute to CPF... that only leaves me barely enough money to get this screen.... Haiz...

I also bought myself a 80GB hardisk.... I'm currently only surviving on 1.5GB free space.... Thats a must lar... so I dun really feel bad about spending the money... but... for this screen... duno issit reasonable for me to get such a huge one... :S Anyway... I hope that I wun be spending much money from now on.... 1 more month to NS.... so hope that I would be able to save up some money during NS.... Cos I know once I'm out, I would need to spend a lot again... I would like to get myself a handphone and a laptop and other fees that I incur when I get to the U... But by then hopefully I can do some part time job like giving tution, so at least I got some income :)

K lar... thats all for now.... bye~ Tmr would be the first day of my preparation for NS... gonna do some running.... so wish me luck :)
haiz... having a headache now... haha.... duno want to get my lcd screen or not.... lol.... I endured 1 month of torture based on the thought that I will be able to get it at the end of it... but now, when everything is over... I can't make up my mind whether I really want it or not... Cos haiz... my current monitor is still working fine... Then sometimes I got the feeling like I'm spending because I got too much money... lol... Cos yar... it seems like my saving is reaching a plateau... Especially recently... I've been spending more than half the amount I'm receiving... So I duno I want to give in to the temptation or not... I dun want to develop the habit of wasting money... Anyway... I also duno if I'm a miser too... lol... I would spend like days or even weeks thinking about it before I get something slightly more expensive.... haiz... anyway.... I guess I would still probably be carrying home one tonight lar... but I dun know if I will regret my decision. I hope I won't.... I suffered 1 month for it...

Friday, February 03, 2006

weee~ Another work on litbud :) Haha...


ARmy~ This is dedicated to myself, and all my friends whom are in or going to be in the army... Hope you people have a great time in there :)

With that, I would also change the background for my blog soon, so do keep a watch out :) Transition phase is gonna be over soon :P

Thursday, February 02, 2006

sian sian sian.... lol.... so bored... nothing to do....

Went to watch fearless with kerling and his friend yesterday... Quite a nice movie :) But didn't really enjoy it the first 3/4 of the show... lol... cos I need to pee! haha... maybe the air con too cold... cos before going into the cinema I already went to the toilet... then only few minutes into the show then my bladder start to fill up liao... LOL... Wah.... then I thought I could wait till the show is over... so just hold on to it.... then the first 3/4 of the show was quite uncomfortable... :S Then until finally cannot tahan liao went to the toilet... haha... come back really song sia... can finally watch the movie comfortably.... lol..... Next time before a movie must remind myself not to drink too much water... haha.... I dun like to go toilet half way through a movie cos I dun like to be interupted.... I dun even like to eat pop corn or wadever... When I watch a movie, I would just sit there and be fully immersed in the movie...

Haiz... then today nothing to do lor... slack at home... Its gonna be like this till next monday.... Cos from next mon onwards I would go train myself for NS liao... so I would be using up my time in the morning.... Then I would also be able to start on designing the website for litbud already.... I can't do it now because I haven't got my pay.... then I haven't bought my screen and a harddisk... I only have like 2gig left of my harddisk... Can't even install dreamweaver without slowing down the system. So yar... will only be able to get it on tues....

K lar.. nothing much liao... bye~