Sunday, February 12, 2006

Today is another boring day... nothing much happened.... so sian... anyway... I just recalled something from the movie I not stupid too that I forgot to mention in my previous posts...

At the beginning of the movie, it showed the guy winning the moblog competition... LOL.... That scene brought back LOTS of memories about the blogging competiton... I believe that my teammates will feel the same way too.... Its the same blogging tool by singtel that we used.... I can still remember quite vividly the moment when the winner was announced... and how we finally accepted the fact that we were defeated.... cos if u have been reading my blog... u would know that before that we already received hints that we arn't the winner... but we still don't want to admit defeat... we wanted to hear it with our own ears... So yar.... in the end we lost lar...

On the point about blogging.... there is actually something that I wanted to say... but I don't know whether I should do it or not.... Remember from my previous post.... I said I would be careful about sensitive content.... K lar... perhaps I'll write about it... but in a more general scope.

Its the issue about blogging and split personalities. It has been commented that some people are totally different in the virtual world and reality. In reality some people may appear kind and friendly, but behind the safety barrier of a monitor, they are mean....

Personally... I think I might also be considered as one whom have such a split personality. I don't talk as much in reality as I have online. And sometimes I wear a mask when I speak to people.... Well... I believe that I'm just being myself. Its only through my blog that u see the other side of me. Even without the blog. I will still have my other side. What you don't see dosen't mean it don't exist. So now... it leads to 2 questions... Firstly... Since I've hidden the other self in reality, should I also hide my other self online? Secondly.... Should I even have the other self in the first place?

Let me address the second question first. I believe its inevitable for one to have another side of themselves, in contrast to what the portray themselves in front of others. THis is because. We are all humans. We have own own thoughts and emotions. We are able to fomulate our own opinions and views on things. However, since we are social creatures. we form communities and social groups. So sometimes due to social reasons, we have to bury our own opinions... It might be rude or offensive to voice out your opinion. Thats why we hid our true thoughts and wear a mask when we interact with others. And this is also wad give rise to our 'split personalities' which in actual fact... its only the censorship of some thoughts... not that we really became a different person.

On the first question. I'll answer it the next time... haha... quite late already... bye :P

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