Saturday, February 11, 2006

Went back to yj for CVD today... Was supposed to meet kerling at yew tee at 11... but I waited for 1 train's time and I went off already... as usual he was late... so I thought instead of waiting for him there... why don't I go there to look for the other people first? And luckily I made that decision... guess wad time kerling woke up... at 1.... and we finally met at 3... thats being late for 4 hours lar!!! I think he's the record holder on my list for being late the longest time....

Then yar... I went walking around yj without kerling.... a while later I ran into jean, brenda, and serene... Then I tag along with them lo... Went to see miss lim first... then mr syn... after that went one corner to rest lor... nothing much to see.... Then they went to the canteen... while I stayed behind to wait for ej... Then yar... walk around with ej... met some other people... then went north point for lunch... after that went arcade... then ej left already... so I'm alone waiting for kerling.... When kerling arrived... it was already 3+ and I thought CVD ended already... so we didn't go back... Then we went to causeway point for a so called "class outing".... In the end only me, kerling, jacq, soo fen, joyce and aonther girl from another class came.... So yar... after dinner went home le... nothing much lar...

Its quite a boring day... chatted on some topics lar... so yar... quite okay lar... at least got people to talk to... the past few days at home so sian....

Anyway... ej was talking about my blog... Its back about that incident that happened some time ago... which I am not at liberty to comment on.... So yar... anyway the main point of this discussion is not about that incident, so dun think too much... The point is that he's asking me not to follow the blogging style of xia xue.... Dun write about things that shouldn't be written... or I'll get into trouble... I didn't expect someone to think that my blogging style is like xia xue....

First and foremost... I dun go around criticising anything and everything..... I've already done self censorship on the content of my blog. There are a lot of things that I want to say which didn't appear on this blog.... Sometimes I really wish to create another anonymous blog just for all these things that got censored... But wads the point? There is this question put forward in an TV programme about blogging not too long ago... the one that has xia xue in it... I find this question thought provoking... The person asked... When you blog, do you wish for lots of people to see it... or wish for lesser?

My answer to this question is... I wish for lots of people to see it.

But at the same time... when so many eyes are looking. There are contents that can't be written. So whats the point of wanting people to see when u can't show them anything? Perhaps the second choice is better.... wanting lesser people to see it... But then wads the use of showing and sharing the content when nobody sees it. Just write in a hard copy diary or just rattle on in a word document and then delete it away after writing.

So... I still wish for lots of people to see it... but I will practise self censorship. If someone stills think that my content is undesirable... then I really have no reason to continue blogging.

Secondly, I'm careful not to reveal the identity of those whom I comment on about issues that are sensitive. If people found out about anything.... Its not entirely my fault.... Plain reading of my words dosen't paint the whole picture.... There are other factors that contribute to the revealation of the identity of the person. So why point the finger at me? I believe that a case of 'bu da zhi zhao' happened.... Translated into english its something like confession without any threat.

I think lastly.... 99% of the content on my blog is criticism-free.... Majority of it are just daily moanings of a boring life.... then there are occasional reviews and thoughts sharing about the ways of life... So... I was really suprised when ej talked to me about it...

And also... time and again... I was proved that I'm getting a higher traffic to my site then what I thought I had... From the activity of my shoutbox... it seems that there arn't much traffic... but then... this is the 3rd time that I was proven wrong.... and I think I've really learnt my lesson... I'm just wondering now... what is the exact traffic flow of my blog.... There's actually a technical way of finding out... but I feel that its too complicated and tedious... so I'll give that a miss.... What I want to do now is a simple head count.... I duno if its accurate... but it'll at least give me an idea.... I want everyone.... to leave a msg in the shoutbox saying I'm here! Even if u want to remain anonymous..... its fine with me. Just put ur name as X....

K lar... since I got criticism about this blog... I can't ignore it.... let me tell u wat I'll do lar.... It isn't much... but I'll just be more careful about what I write next time. I can't totally eliminate all sensitive content as it would be useless for me to keep a blog then... so I'll take extra care to make sure that I dun accidentally give out too much hint about the identity of the person.

thats all for today lar.... bye~

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