Thursday, July 21, 2005

:) feeling much better now :D haha... after resting well yesterday then today also got PE... :) PE helps to relieve some of the tension and fatigue in my body, only that now my arms are aching after training for my pull up =X haha... but nvm... as long as I feel mentally fresh can le :)

Today also going to clear another load of work :) So that I can slack tmr or during the weekends :D haha.... yes... tomorrow is the last day of the weekdays le :D FRIDAY ;) haha... another week passed...

Haiz... actually hor... I've quite a funny thought.... you know... I've been wishing for weeks to pass so fast.... and it really does.... but.... I kind of feel like I'm wasting my life away... if I let time pass so quickly... then soon I'll be old =X haha.... I just zoomed pass every week without really making full use of it....

Haha... nvm about me... but hmm... I think I shall stop looking forward to the weekends. I shall treat each day equally :)

K lar.. nothing much for today... bye~

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